〰Chapter 14〰

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"Ok, that's it! What's wrong with you!?" Draco demanded, slamming his books down on their desk in their dormitory.

Harry didn't even spare the blonde a glance, "Nothing."

"Bullshit!" Draco replied hotly, taking a seat beside his roommate.

Harry not-so-subtly rolled his eyes and continued to write away.

The truth was that Harry knew he was avoiding the blonde at all costs and just ignoring him in general. It wasn't that he wanted to hurt his roommate, really he didn't. It was more of him hurting actually. Ok, so maybe he was exaggerating a little bit. Harry realized that now since their little friend group knew about Draco and Anthony's relationship, they had no problem showing public affection near them.

Well, Draco had no problem with it, Anthony, on the other hand, would just shake his head if Draco showed any kind of display of affection in public but Harry never missed the sadness that formed in the silver eyes of his roommate, which made him want to shake some sense into Anthony

They sat there in a cruel silence, Harry pretending to be interested in whatever textbook he had out and randomly scrambled down facts he found interesting. Draco, on the other hand, wracked his brain in search for a clue, any small clue that may lead to tell him about why Harry was acting so distant lately.

Finally, he asked, "Did I do something?"

Harry winced but played it off cooly as he dipped his parchment in more ink, "No." He replied and that was that.

End of discussion.

But apparently it wasn't the end of the discussion because then Draco snapped back, "So then what is it!?"

"Nothing!" Harry hissed, "I've just been busy with school."

Draco scoffed, "You're a terrible liar, Potter."

Harry stopped for a second at the sound of his surname, "Yeah? And your terribly dishonest." Harry replied, not looking up once from his parchment.

"Is that what this is about? The fact that I didn't tell you about Anthony and I?!" Draco's raised his voice a bit.

"No!" Harry shouted, irritated.

"Then what?! Because I know for sure that there are plenty of things you haven't told me about yourself either." Draco replied.

Harry clenched his jaw and seethed at his roommate's words. Harry slammed his textbook shut and stared at his inkpot with determination.

He felt Draco sigh beside him as the blonde buried his head in his hands, "Look," he started, his voice muffled by his hands, "I don't know if you've heard, but they're now requiring us to be able to cast a Patronus in order to graduate."

Harry nodded subtly, having already heard the news earlier.

"And I still can't- you- you promised." The blonde whispered behind his pale fingers.

Harry sighed and he finally looked up at his roommate.

"Meet me in the astronomy tower, at 7 o'clock." Harry said.

Draco looked up in shock before a smile crept onto his face and Harry found it hard to admit that he found himself holding his breath.

"Yeah, sounds great! I- yeah, thank you." Draco got up and turned his heel, ready to leave.

His hand hovered on the doorknob before he decided to turn around again, "Harry, are you sure there's nothing that I did? Because I'm truly sorry and I just- I don't like the tension that we've had the past week and believe it or not, I miss your sappy jokes."

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