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" family "

When they arrived at the dewback, Lana's legs felt as if they were going to fall out from beneath her

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When they arrived at the dewback, Lana's legs felt as if they were going to fall out from beneath her. Mando untangled the man's foot from the rope still attached to the dewback. With a grunt, Mando stood up facing Lana on the side of the giant reptile.

Mando noticed how exhausted she was, all she wanted to do was sleep. He noticed her dark circles mirrored the ones she had when he met her. He tilted his head slightly, before nodding for her to get up.

She tried, she really did to climb onto the dewbacks back. Every part of her body was exhausted and sore. Mando saw this weariness and grabbed her waist and threw her up to the dewback. With a thump, Mando landed in front of her. Their position mirrored that of when they rode the bikes, Lana was slumped against Mando's back. This time there wasn't any sand being kicked up in her face, but she was in such need for more shuteye.

By the time Mando and Lana were close to where they left Toro with the bounty, Toro was long gone. Approaching, Lana woke from her slumber rested against Mando's harsh back. Lana reaches her head up to look over Mando's shoulder as the dewback stopped. She saw that the bike was gone, Fennec laid dead in the sand. "What happened?" She asks Mando resting her chine on his shoulder

All his response was, was a sigh. Lana accepted that response as the dewback made a U-turn back toward the hangar they came from. The ride back was silent, she could tell Mando was upset.

Nightfall came again, the were back to the warming lights of the city. Once they got closer to the hangar, Mando saw the bike parked just outside, with the door open. Mando dropped from the dewback, as did beside him.

As Mando approached the open door, he withdrew his pistol, as did Lana. Cautiously, Lana followed Mando into the hangar. The silence was deafening. Mando searched the surroundings slowly with every step. One of Peli's droids darted across Mando's step and joined the other droids inside.

Lana started walking toward the ship, her gun drawn and pointed in front of her. "Took the two of you long enough." Lana hears his voice from inside Mando's ship. Walking out of the ship, Toro had the child in his grasp with a blaster pointed at Pelis head.

Mando ran to Lana's side sighing at the sight.

"Looks like I'm calling the shots now. Huh, partner?"

Lana feels her blood boil at his words. She was so angry but afraid. Mando spotted her shaking hand. He put his hand on her blaster, lowering it with his hand.

"Drop your blasters and raise them." Toro demands. Mando does as he says, tossing his blaster to the ground. When he reaches back up, Lana still had hers in hand. "Drop it." Mando says, she trusts Mando, but she was afraid for the child and Peli.

Reluctantly, she drops her blaster in the sand next to Mando's. The two raise their hands over their head. Lana's look on Toro could shoot daggers. "Cuff him." He demands Peli. "The girl, come up here."

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