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" training "

Mando made sure Lana learned to fight, but to her the training was the most grueling thing she has ever done

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Mando made sure Lana learned to fight, but to her the training was the most grueling thing she has ever done. Her work in the pods day in and day out could not compare to what Mando had her do.

Mando was very careful with Lana, he never wanted to push her or hurt her, but he wanted her to truly be able to defend herself. The first day back on the ship from Tatooine, Lana was sore. He could tell by her wincing when she'd enter or leave the cockpit. He decided to let her rest a little before they'd start.

Then, one day after Lana had made her way into the cockpit where the sleeping child was and Mando was fixing the ships controls, he decided it was time to start.

Thus, the cycle of train, sleep train, had begun.

Lana would be woken up from her spot on the cot, and would train hand to hand combat for hours, among hours. Mando was hard on her the first couple of days, she may or may not puked from training so hard, she didn't let Mando know this of course.

Mando never got tired. It was so strange to Lana, she'd barely seen this man sleep and yet he was up almost twenty-four seven to her. But she thought how could she know, she sleeps for hours after their gut wrenching, grueling training.

That's how Lana became such a strong fighter, with a masked man in a small area in the belly of a janky Razor Crest.

Lana's throws were fast, her kicks would instantly come out of the nowhere and knock the wind out of Mando. Mando could fight, a lot more than Lana, but at times under his helmet he'd be surprised with such skills she had against him. She could fight physically flawlessly, but she could also read every move Mando was going to make, that's what made him realize how incredible of a fighter she truly was.

Mando was happy with how successful Lana was. He put her through absolute hell, and she overcame it. He knew she was strong, maybe even stronger than him.

One night, after Lana's training, Mando decided he wanted to get at least a little bit of shut eye while Lana was resting too. He knew Lana had taken the cot, so he tried his best leaning in the pilot chair to get comfortable. With every adjustment of his body in the seat he grunted, annoyed with the uncomfortable positions.

Ultimately, he just tried to ignore it and closed his eyes under his helmet begging for sleep. And that was cut very short when an idea popped into Mando's head. While his eyes were closed their coordinates flashed in his head. He realized what their coordinates were, and how close they were to an old buddy of his. He tried to push this thought away, but he truly couldn't.

Mando hadn't worked for Ran in a while, he trusted him somewhat, he knew that the trio needed money for fuel to get them somewhere to rest for a while.

Mando lifted his head again, setting the coordinates for Ran's station. He hoped this wasn't going to be a bad idea in the end, nothing Ran threw at him really challenge the bounty hunter anyways, it would be good experience for Lana after she finished her training with Mando.

After plugging the coordinates into the ship, he put it on autopilot set for Rans hangar. Finally, Mando would be able to rest peacefully. Leaning back in this chair again, he shuts his eyes begging for a bit of sleep.


When Lana awoke, she made her way from the belly of the ship to where Mando was resting in the cockpit. She saw a station floating in the distance in front of them. Lana walked closer to Mando, she didn't know he was sleeping when she began speaking to him.

"What is that?" Lana isn't very loud when she talks, but Mando is almost hypersensitive and jolts at her words in his seat. Lana steps back realizing she had actually just scared the Mandalorian.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but what is that in front of us?" She takes a step closer to Mando resting her hand on his shoulder.

Mando stretches his neck from side to side groggily saying, "He's an old work buddy of mine, he'll have a job for us."

For us she thought.

"What about the child?" She asks, resting a hand on the headrest of his chair.

"We'll hide him. This time we'll make sure he stays hidden."

She bites her lip thinking about their last mission a few weeks ago. "Do you trust them?"

Mando places his hands on the controls of the ship. "I'd like to think I can, but I also thought I could trust Toro and look where that got him."

"Well, do you trust me?" Lana asks teasingly. Under Mando's helmet he grins at her. "Not so much with a blaster." he laughs out.

Lana playfully shoves his helmet to the side. "I'm still learning."


As the Razor Crest landed in the hangar, Lana felt herself get a little nervous. More strangers, possibly more danger. Mando followed Lana down the ladder, to the door of the crest.

Lana looked up to Mando. He notices her shakiness. "Relax, nothing can touch you. You've made it obvious to me in our training." He reassures her, pressing the button to drop the ramp.

While on their travels through space, Lana made herself a thigh holster like Mando, so she had a convenient place to store her weapon instead of just hanging out of her waistband. She double checked her blaster was still at her thigh before the ramp dropped.

She followed Mando walking out of the ship. There were many people in the hangar, some working, others walking and giving the pair looks. Lana observed everything around them. These people looked like bandits, like they'd kill for money. The people giving them these dirty looks weren't very secretive, they'd openly share their disgust as they walked past.

"Mando." An older looking man speaks up. His white hair was a mess atop his head, his beard the same shade laid rough looking on the bottom of his face. He had a small smirk seeing Mando again. Lana felt herself slightly lean toward Mando more.

"Is that you under that you under that bucket." He jokes. Mando stretches his hand out. "Ran."

"And who might this be?" He asks turning toward Lana. Mando tilts his head looking toward her. "I-I work with Mando, I'm Lana." She says sticking her hand out like Mando.

Was work necessarily the right word?

"Ah I see, didn't know this guy needed much help. Guess things have changed since we last met. I didn't really know If I'd see you around these parts again. Good to see you and good to meet you young lady." Ran turns away, wrapping an arm around Mando's back. Lana stays back on guard of the man.

"You know if I'm being honest. I was a little surprised when you reached out to me." He pulled his hand off Mando. Lana found herself next to Ran as the three continued walking.

"You know, 'cause I... I hear things." Mando stops walking and directs his attention toward Ran. Lana crossed her arms over her chest, leaning one leg she raises her eyebrow at Rans words. Lana knew that people were coming after the child and Mando but what had truly taken place?

"Like, maybe things between you and the Guild aren't workin' out."

Mando takes his gaze off Ran and looks to Lana. "I'll be fine."

His stern words were enough for Ran. "Okay. Well, you know the policy. No questions. And you, you're welcome back here anytime. So is this young lady." Ran pats Mando and Lana's shoulders.


Kind of a filler chapter sorry guys but I'm really excited to write for this episode because it was one of my favorites in the season.

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