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" betrayal "

The group finds the cell they were looking for

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The group finds the cell they were looking for. Lana is still silent next to Mando's side as Mayfeld goes to work on it. "Z open it up!" He yells into his mic. "You have 15 minutes remaining." His robotic voice echoes back.

"Come on, come on. Open it up!" Mayfeld grows impatient. Zero does as he says and opens the latch to the cell revealing the prisoner. He's a man that resembles Xi'an. He's a broad man with lots of muscle revealed by his sleeveless shirt.

Mando knows this man. "Qin." He states stepping closer toward the cell. Qin stood up from his cell walking closer toward Mando and Lana. "Funny, the man who left me behind is now my savior." He sounded so threatening. Lana realized something was wrong here. Just as Burg throws a punch toward Mando, Lana tries to reach out for him. Lana swallows the ball in her throat as Burg tosses her with him.

Mando tries firing a shot but it just bounces off the walls of the cell. He jumps atop of Lana protecting her from the strike. Inevitably it hits his beskar, earning a groan from him. Mando moves his weight off Lana who was covering her face with her hands.

Mando stands surveying the cell, looking for anyway to escape. Lana lifts back from the ground resting her elbows on her knees. Her head was spinning, she took deep breaths in trying to relive herself, now was not the time to be afraid.

Mando cursed at himself for getting her into this. He pushed himself against the cell door, waiting for something. "Lana, I need you to stand back for a second." She pulls herself to the side of the cell. Mando shoots his grappling hook into the droid walking past the door, pulling his back into the cell door.

The droid's blaster peeks into the cell shooting off a laser, Lana hides into the side of the cell preventing herself from getting shot. Mando pants as he struggles to get the arm inside the cell. Once he does, he uses his raw strength the pull the droids arm off, sending a black gross goo into the cell.

He uses the droid's arm to unlock the cell from the inside, revealing the hallway to them. Mando grabs Lana's hand to lead her into the hallway. They start running, Lana has no idea how long, or how many turns they do, but they finally stumble onto the control room again.

He's still there.

Lana shakes her head turning to focus on the buttons and switches in front of her. Mando drops her hand and begins clicking things on the panel, it's like he knew exactly what he wanted to do to them. Like he was playing with them like puppets. "Cut the lights." Lana stated. Mando nods and finds the correct switch.

He continues to look up from the panel to the screen and back down switching on buttons and watching as the gates would slowly close around them. Lana stood by Mando's side watching them scramble. Mando leaves her side to grab the beacon next to the body. Lana doesn't dare look at him. Mando comes back to her gesturing the beacon to her.

"Hold on to it. I have a plan." She accepts it and tucks it into her waistband.


What seemed like clockwork Burg ran into the control room. Mando and Lana were hidden in the grates above watching him examine the room for them. Mando shot his grappling hook wrapping it around the redman's neck. He underestimated his strength, as he pulled the two down in a single tug.

Mando landed first with Lana atop of him. He threw her out of the room as he began battling with Burg. Lana hid herself from the whistling birds Mando tried releasing onto him. This annoyed Burg as he lifted Mando by his helmet. Mando had both of his pistols drawn toward Burgs head. Burg throw both his hands down before he could make a correct shot.

Lana heard Mando grunt under Burgs brutal force. She watched as Mando was thrown continuously into the control boards. With every hit more and more sparks would fly out. Finally, she had enough of Burg throwing him around. She stood up from where she was thrown. "Come here you damn Bantha." She bellowed. She had no idea where that came from but with all the adrenaline and emotions going through her it was all she could come up with.

Burg stopped his grueling punches and kicks on Mando and focused on Lana. He grunted stepping toward her looking at her like she was a snack he was to devour. Lana's fist's tightened as he stepped closer. She didn't have a plan, she just didn't want him to kill Mando.

Mando scrambled to his feet, throwing a blade from his belt at the door control board shutting it on Burg.


Mando and Lana's quiet steps were easily detected by Xi'an. Immediately, she turned throwing a blade knocking Mando's pistol out of his hand. Lana saw her line up another throw and tried hiding behind Mando. With every throw she struck Mando hard in the beskar he was covered with.

Finally, one struck his shoulder, earning a grunt from Mando. Lana pushed herself the side of the hallway as Xi'an got closer. Mando finally had her pinned with one of her blades to her throat.


Taking down Mayfeld was easy. He wasn't as tough as he tried to make himself out to be. He was more like a scared little kid. Mando and Lana were able to easily walk up behind him. Mayfeld felt their presence at the wrong time. As he turned around Lana throw her arms around his neck throwing him to the ground cornering him, throwing away his weapons. Much easier than the other two were. But to Mando they were all easy.

After throwing the three into a cell where they belonged, Lana and Mando were running back toward the ship, keeping an eye out for Qin. Just as they found the drop off point, they found who they were looking for.

He abandoned everyone, including his sister.

"Qin." Mando states. He stops climbing the ladder to the ship at Mando's words. Sighing, he steps down not daring to looking at Mando. "You killed the others."

"They got what they deserved." Lana speaks up. Qin snarls to himself, turning quickly to the two, gun at hand. In unison, Mando and Lana had their blasters pointed at him. "You kill me, you don't get your money." he shrugs.

"Whatever Ran promised, I'll make sure you get it, and more." Qin tries to convince Mando to let him live. Mando had no plans to kill Qin, he was going to get his money from this shithole of a job.

"Come on Mando, be reasonable. Her too." He pleads. He throws his gun toward Lana, she keeps her blaster pointed at him and picks it up, placing it in her waistline next to the beacon.

"You were hired to do a job right? So, do it." He puts his hands in front of him, waiting for the binds to cover his wrists. "Isn't that your code? Aren't you a man of honor?"

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