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" lovely "

Once Cara, Mythrol, Karga and Lana reach the dock they came in on, they are met with enemy fire

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Once Cara, Mythrol, Karga and Lana reach the dock they came in on, they are met with enemy fire. The four hide behind one of the crates, struggling to get a shot in. Lana jumps up, taking blaster shots to her armor. Before she's able to make a single shot, she is thrown down by a shot to her helmet.

As she hides behind the crate trying to regain calmness, Mythrol yells "We're trapped." Panting, she looks around them, spotting the ship Mythrol had gotten so excited about earlier. "Cara, can you drive one of those things?" She asks, gesturing to it.

"I like your thinking Lana." She takes another shot. "I'll cover you go, go!" She yells jumping up again as the three sprint toward the ship. She struggles to get shots in as she is getting pelted with blaster fire. With every ping off her armor she continues to stand her ground and fire continuously. She hears the engine start; she smiles under her helmet. The ship comes speeding toward her, she runs backwards to it, still shooting at the troopers.

"Let's get the hell out of here!" She yells jumping in behind them. Cara fires the engines, only to be met with a closing door in front of them. Blaster fire rings off the ship as she makes a full one eighty. Lana desperately holds onto Cara's seat as she's being swung around.

"You're not seriously considering going over..." Mythrol shouts. Cara just smiles in response, "Hang on!"

They fly over the edge, all four of them screaming as the hit the ground, crashing on Mythrol's speeder. They are all sprung foreword from the impact. As Cara puts the ship into high speed, they are thrown backward. Lana and Mythrol landing in the back, with Mythrol sprawled over her. "Sorry, sorry." He says awkwardly standing up.

"Man the guns." Cara tells Karga. Lana runs to take his seat beside Cara. She watches intently on the landscape in front of them, hoping to see the city coming up close. From the corner of her eye, she sees a scout trooper coming up beside them. She quickly draws her blaster and blasts him off his bike. From the other side, the other trooper climbs a top the ship. Lana catches this and runs off to the door.

She glimpses to the top of the ship and sees the trooper standing with an armed bomb. "Oh no you don't." She says, sneaky behind him, he struggles to keep his balance. With one swift kick Lana knocks him off the ship. The explosion from the trooper falling off the ship knocks her into the side of the cliff. She grunts, turning on her pack and speeding toward the ship. She begins to panic; she barely knew how to use her pack but she was desperate to survive for Din and the child.

The ship begins to get further and further from her. She balls her fists, pressing more power into her pack. She had struggled to get balance, but she knew there was no way she wasn't going to make it back to the Crest today.

She feels the impact of a blaster shot ring off her shoulder plate. Right before she reaches the ship, he turns her back to fire at the last scout trooper, knocking them off their bike. She's within arm's distance of the ship, she reaches out and pulls herself into the door. She sprints back into her seat, panting beside Cara.

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