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As they land in the all too familiar hangar, they are greeted by Peli herself

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As they land in the all too familiar hangar, they are greeted by Peli herself. The three droids who worked for her previously started running up to the crest. "Hey, hey! Sorry gang come one. You know he doesn't like droids."

Lana walks behind Mando and the child. He looks up to the ship which was still in need of fixing. "May as well let them have at it. The Crest needs a good once-over."

"Oh! So, he likes droids now. Well you heard him! Give it a once-over." Peli orders the droids.

"I guess a lot has changed since you two were once in Mos..." Peli is cut off from Mando drawing the child into her sight.

Peli is ecstatic to see the little guy. "Oh! Thank the force!" She picks him up from where he is sitting in the little sack Din carries around his shoulder. "This little thing has had me worried sick."

"Hello Peli, think you would see us again?" Lana asks with a smile.

"Well I sure hoped I would." Peli raises her eyebrows.

"We are here on business. We need your help." Mando says.

"Oh then, business, you shall have. Care for me to watch this wrinkled critter while the two of you seek out adventure?"

"We've been quested to bring this one back to its kind." Din says

"Oh, wow. I can't help you there. I've never seen anything like it. And trust me, I've seen all shapes and sizes in this town." Peli says.

"A Mandalorian armorer has set us on this path. If I can locate another of my kind, I can chart a path through the network of coverts."

"You've been the only Mando here for years from what I can tell."

"Where is Mos Pelgo. We are told there's one there." Lana says

"Oh. Boy, I haven't heard that name in a while."

"Its not on any of the maps." Din says.

"That's because it was wiped out by bandits. Once the empire fell it was a free for all. I didn't dare leave the city walls. Still don't."

"Can you tell us where it used to be?" Lana asks.

"Depends who's asking. You want to see it? R-five! Bring the map of Tatooine." Peli shouts over to a droid hidden away in the scraps surrounding the hangar. It shines a map in front of them, not revealing much to them.

"This is a map of Tatooine before the war. You got Mos Eisley, Mos Espa, and up around this region is Mos Pelgo." Peli points out.

"I don't see anything." Lana searches the map once more.

"Well its there, at least it used to be. Not much to speak of. It's an old mining settlement. They're gonna see that big hunk o' metal long before you land."

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