I'm Sick so... uh... Bleh

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That Title tho
So, as you have probably gathered, I'm sick. But it's not ebola, so you can calm yourselves. (Ugh I called the school to tell them I was sick and absent and the lady was freaking out bc she's totally paranoid about Ebola and PEOPLE NEED TO JUST CALM DOWN because I REALIZE that it's LIFE THREATENING. BUT THEY HAVE IT UNDER CONTROL.)

Sorry about my little rant there. hehe.

Anyways I went to make soup, like vegetable or something, and it was nice and it had nori in it and chives and it was tasty. Well I usually put soy sauce in it (idek why) but I went to go get it and there were a bunch of bottles of stuff that all looked like soy sauce, and the labels were practically identical and written in some kind of foreign characters that I couldn't read. So I thought 'Hey, maybe one day I'll be doing something important and I'll need to use my gut instinct to figure out what's poison and what's food, so I'll just guess instead of asking my sleeping, and probably grumpy if I woke her up, mom.'

Hopefully I'm never in that situation, because my guess sucked.
Now there's a giant glob of fish sauce in my soup. And what's worse? I tried again, and dumped some kind of plum sauce in there too.

I think I had a little too much faith in my soup's recovery, because I figured 'Maybe if I add spices it'll cover up the fishy-plum taste.' So I went and grabbed what I thought was salt out of a drawer.

It was white pepper.

I tried it, and it was really spicy, so I decided to microwave the soup a bunch. Because, ya know, when food is super hot you don't really taste it that much.

Um... don't put your little bowl of soup in the microwave for ten minutes and eat it directly afterwards.

Anyway, I had to let it cool off, and when I ate it, it still tasted bad. So I decided to make toast instead. But then my mom woke up, and she's like "Oh! Did you make me that soup you said you would earlier?" And honestly I didn't remember saying so, but I nodded and pointed to the bowl of soup.

Such a loving daughter, I know.

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