part iv | inheritance

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"Leia's will left a lot for the two of you. Everything that was Han's was hers in name. The Falcon went to Ben, along with R2 Chewie is working on it down at the Temple. 3PO is yours, Rey. Leia's adopted father salvaged all the Jedi archives and Leia has had them all this time. Those go to you. Tons of Jedi Holocron and way finders. Ancient artifacts and things. Amazing stuff. I dare not touch it. Leia provided a Wayfinder for you to find all this stuff. It's all at the temple.

"She saved all that stuff?" Ben asked. "What about all the things that were destroyed at Luke's Jedi Academy?"

"She did not find these until years after Luke's failure," Poe answered. "Bail had kept them hidden from her and died before he could tell her."

They landed at the Jedi temple. The body of it had been mostly rebuilt, and now the inside was being remodeled. The emptiness of the immense structure sent chills down Ben's spine.

"In Senator Bail Organa's message, it said that three Jedi knew about the establishment and hidden Jedi archives. Those were: Obi-Wan Kenobi, trainer of Anakin Skywalker, and your namesake, Ben, Yoda the last Jedi Grand Master, and Master Ahsoka Tano, the former padawan of Anakin Skywalker. From the time of the message, she was the Keeper of the archives. Is she still alive? I don't know."

"So what is the progress on the temple?" Ben asked.

"Well, we figured your first line of business would be to find these archives. So we have rebuilt the flight hangar and the Archive Library. The council chambers will be done within a week. Personal chambers are will fall in next. Then will come the youngling Wings, from the nursery to the barracks. Training facilities will come after that. Nothing is stocked yet. But you guys can bet your asses that the Senate will fund the Jedi as well as we can."

"This is so much," Rey said quietly to herself. Ben was not phased. He was basically familiar with the inner workings of a Jedi temple and even more familiar with leading and army. He would be good at this.

"Don't worry about stocks until the entire temple is finished," Ben told him. "You are right about the first order of business. We need to find the Jedi archives." He turned to Rey. "We need to build our lightsabers."

"I'll leave you guys to it," Poe said.

"What is the current political situation. Is there any violence?" Ben asked. Poe shook his head.

"Since the fall of the First Order, over 1.3 million planets have provided a senator and men to keep the peace without the Jedi."

"My stars!" Rey exclaimed. "I didn't even know there were that many planets in the galaxy.

"There's more, actually," Poe reminded as the finally made their way down to the flight hangar. Upon seeing them, chewie through off his welding helmet and roared, climbing down from the ship and bounding over to Ben first, picking him up and throwing him over his shoulders, spinning and roaring in delight. Ben yelped at the surprise but he quickly wrapped his arms around the beast and began to laugh.

"Put me down Chewie!" Ben laughed. "Ow!" he laughed. Chewie roared again and put Ben on his feet, wrapping him in a bear hug. Ben hugged him back, nuzzling his head into the bearish body. The pain didn't matter. He missed his friend.

"Missed you too, Chewie," he laughed. Chewbacca moves on and wrapped Rey in the same bear hug. Rey giggled. From the inside of the Falcon, C3PO made an exit, bantering with R2D2. Upon seeing Rey and Ben, 3PO began spouting off about how he can serve and things like that.

"Just because you have been familiar with me your entire life does not mean that, as my new master, you should be reminded of my functions," 3PO warned. Ben chuckled. "Thanks." R2 buzzed with excitement.

"We'll go later," Ben promised the droid.

"Rey," Poe interrupted as BB-8 made his way down the hatch. "I'm giving BB-8 to you. As the leader of the senate, I have no need for him anymore, nor the time for any adventure."

Rey's jaw dropped. "Poe, you can't."

"I can, and I have. Take him on your adventures, Master Jedi," BB-8 whirred sadly and bumped at Poe's legs. Tears welled in his eyes as he crouched down and patted him. "You'll enjoy your time out in the field much more than in that Senate building with me," Poe promised. Rey picks Poe back up by the shoulder and wrapped him in a tight hug. "I'll take good care of him.

Poe nodded. "You better. Or there will be hell to pay."

Rey smiled. "I believe it. Do you have the way-finder?"

Poe nodded. "And Senator Bail Organa's message. It's in the archive library. I'll leave you guys to your business."

Rey nodded. Finn piped up. "Rey, I need to tell you something," he said in a low voice. Ben took that as a cue to leave. He could feel how much Finn distrusted him. He could feel his hatred for him. Ben did not blame him, but he could sense Finn's connection with the force.

Ben faded back to the Falcon with Chewie.

"What are we doing?" he asked. Chewie barked and pointed at the open hatch under the thrusters. Ben craned his head and peered into the innards of his ship. "The entire thruster is shot," he exclaimed, looking distasteful at the small box of part Chewie was working with. Chewie argued and threw his hands up in the air. "No," Ben argued, "We've got to replace the whole thing."

He picked up the box of parts and stomped up the entrance. He came back leading an entire engine thruster and a different box of part with the force and set it up on top of the wing of the Falcon and used the force to jump up there.

Rey smiled at Finn's news. "Finn, that's amazing. Are you sure?"

"No. No. No. That one! No, go back! Yes, that's it. Throw it up here" Ben yelled behind them.

Finn nodded. "I'm sure. What do I do?" The confusion came into Rey's mind.

"I don't know. I can feel your strength, but I don't know how to be a teacher. Ben doesn't either. We don't even have our own light sabers yet. In the Old Teachings, no one was taught to be Jedi past 3 years of age, so they would not have any emotional connections..." Rey thought aloud.

Finn looked disappointed. Chewie roared from behind. "Shut up! I know. Just hold on. I'm doing it. I'm doing it!"

"You were older when you were taught," Finn noted. Rey smiled.

"The Jedi of old also were not to know their parents. They were not to take a spouse," Rey told him. She took his hand in hers. "I may not know much yet, but I know one thing: the Jedi of Old are dead. When Ben and I come back, we will look deeper into this. I would love for you to become a Jedi."

Finn flashed his big smiled and wrapped Rey in hugs. Rey yelped in pain. "Too hard. Too hard."

Finn let go of her quickly. Not speaking, Rey motioned around her chest. "Very tender."

Finn winced. "I'm sorry. Just excited."

Rey smiled "I know."

"I didn't know you already used that power coupling! I haven't been here for nearly ten years," Ben yelled down at Chewie. Chewie roared back up at him and shook his hairy fist. "Well, why'd you put it back in there, furball!"

Chewy shook his head and moaned at him.

"Well toss a new up!"

Poe walked over the Finn and Rey, Rose standing behind him.

"Why do I see Han and Chewie," Poe laughed. Rey smiled again. She felt like she had been smiling all day.

"That's what I've been thinking since the yelling started," Rey laughed. Finn grimaced

"Are you guys going to leave today? Shouldn't you continue to heal? Ben is not even used to his prosthetic. You're still hurt." Poe was concerned.

Rey shrugged. "It's been months and the bruise is only halfway down. We're not waiting for months. The rebirth of the Jedi has waited long enough."

Poe nodded and gently hugged her. He went on to the Falcon and shook Ben's hand and gave Chewie a hug. Finn said his goodbyes to Rey and Chewie, then only gave Ben a look. Rose waved them all bye and they left the temple.

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