part vii | jedi master

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They had set on their path to the archives. Ben has taught her how to open Wayfinders. They sat in the main hangar after just eating. On the table sat the lightsabers belonging to Anakin and Leia Skywalker. Rey and Ben stared at them, not knowing what to do.

"Should we take them back to the temple?" Rey asked.

"I don't know." He said.

"We could bury them on Endor," Rey said. "Where Anakin was redeemed and where Leia helped end the Empire."

Ben looked up at her, excited. "Tattooine. The birthplace of the Skywalkers."

Rey smiled. "Perfect."

"Time to build our sabers," Ben told her. Rey nodded and picked up her crystal.

"How do we do it?"

"There's no instruction. Let the force guide you. The saber will be as much a surprise to you as it is to me. Just focus."

And for the days it took for the Falcon to get them to the archives, that's what they were working on. In their force, induced stupor, bits and parts from around the Falcon flew off and into their swords. C3PO ran around the ship, flipping his lid, scolding them for ignoring him and taking parts of the ship, but R2 shut him up and shut him down.

After about 3 days, the sabers were built. Rey and Ben ease themselves to a standing position. They gave each other a look of excitement.

The Wayfinder brought them to the outer reaches of the Galaxy, and their fuel was nearly gone. If chewy hadn't given them an extra supply, then they would not have been able to get back. They refueled the ship and made repairs before doing anything else. They clipped their lightsabers on their robes belts along with Leia and Anakin's, just in case. They donned their Jedi cloaks. They picked up major life reading on this planet, so they had to use the way finder on foot.

For hours they trekked through the thick jungle. By nightfall, they saw it. An entrance to an underground establishment. Rey and Ben short each other and look, then pressed on. They no longer needed the pathfinder. When they approached the door, they went to knock, but it opened, the stone grinding against each other as the heavy door pushed aside.

Rey took the first step through the doorway. It leads to a corridor that, at first glance, seemed to be completely abandoned, but Rey knew better. She turned to Ben. "I sense someone. Someone strong with the force."

Ben knelt to the ground and took off his gloves. He pressed his palm to the damp, mossy, stone floor. "It's all a front. Someone walks this way more than once a day."

"Ahsoka Tano?" Rey asked. Ben shrugged.

"I hope so."

"Be ready," Rey warned.

They progressed farther and farther down the corridor until. They came to a series of tunnels. They knew which one to chose through the force. Down that corridor, they came to another stone door that required the pathfinder as a key. Ben pushed the top of it into the slot and the stone door moved aside. Then, there was a military-grade blast door that opened for them. And beyond that, there were blinking, cylindrical data banks set up in line after line. This was it. They were in awe. The Jedi archives had been saved.

They stepped lightly down the center of of of the aisles, looked around at it all.

"It's all here," Ben remarked, his tone full of disbelief.

"I never thought I'd see another Skywalker," an aged voice rang out from behind. Ben and Rey were so astounded by the sight around them that they didn't feel the approaching body. They turned around and saw an olde Togrutan woman, her white Jedi robes reaching the floor. She wore two lightsabers at her belt and she wore a soft look on her face. She looked tired. She was short, but the energy around her screamed dangerously.

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