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chapter 1

nini pov

"bye babe"
"bye, see you tomorrow" i said, as ej left my house.
i've been so happy recently and i don't know if it's because i'm away from ricky bowen or if it's because of my new relationship with ej.
ej and i have been dating for 3 months and even though it hasn't been that long i've never been more happy with my life...

NINI POV *FLASHBACK* (around 5 months ago, right before ricky and nini broke up)

"i'm just not happy ricky" i say, as ricky and i argue for the 5th time this week.
"i don't understand why nini, i've done everything i can to make you happy and all we do is argue" he says.
ricky and i have been non stop arguing for the past 2 weeks. we've been dating for a year and i know arguments are bound to happen but this is too much.
"what makes you so unhappy nini?" says ricky as i start to tear up.
"everything ricky, you don't try anymore. i feel like this relationship is all me and no effort is coming from you."
"ricky, stop yelling. i'm sick of this. you always get so angry. i have things to do. just because i can't come to dinner doesn't mean i'm blowing you off." i calmly say as a tear rolls down my cheek.
"i'm sorry. i just want this to work. i hate when we fight but you always try to pin it on me." ricky says.
"i'm just gonna go. i'll see you tomorrow at school." i say.
"nini, look at me" ricky says as he pulls my arm to keep me from walking away.
"what?" i say, still crying.
"i love you nini, we are going to make this work" ricky says.
"i have to go ricky."
i start to walk away and when i look back i see ricky start to tear up. to prevent myself from crying even more i look away and walk out of his front door slamming it behind me.


ricky pov -

"you're such a dork" says gina as we sit on her bed scrolling through my instagram feed.
"omg it's almost 8:00 pm, i completely lost track of time" i say as i jump up and put my sweatshirt on.
"do you have to leave?" she says.
"yes, i still have to do homework and eat dinner." i say in a flirty tone.
"okayy, we're still on for the movies tomorrow after school right" says gina.
"of course, my treat." i say.
"i'll see you tomorrow then" gina says as i hold my arms out for a hug.
we hug for what would be an uncomfortable amount of time for anyone else but not for us.
"i love you" she says.
"i love you more" i say as i walk out of her room and walk down the steps.
dating gina porter has been the best thing i've had in a while. she makes me feel so good about myself unlike nina did. yes nina as in nini. my ex.

RICKY POV *FLASHBACK* (a few weeks before ricky and nini broke up, after school)

"why aren't you wearing your vans today? you know i love those" nini says as we are about to walk out of east high.
"um, i wanted to switch it up i guess" i reply.
"oh okay." she says.
"is that a problem?" i say, stopping as we walk.
"no, i just like you better- never mind." nini says.
"jesus christ nini, here we go again"
"what do you mean? am i not allowed to be honest with you?"
"of course you are but you come off with some of the dumbest remarks." i say, starting to get angry.
"whatever ricky."
"and then you try to act like you didn't do anything."
"that is not true." she says.
"nini, come on. you just told me you like me better with vans on."
"i never said that"
"you were going to until you said never mind" i say.
"you don't know that"
"sure i don't"
"ricky, stop."
"stop what? telling the truth?" i say.
"oh my god, no. stop getting mad over the littlest things." she replies.
"stop blaming everything on me. you clearly started this."
"i think i should just go home." nini says.
"maybe you should. i'll see you tomorrow."
nini starts to walk away as i pick up my bag that was sitting on a chair by the door. nini and i always argue over the dumbest things and she always makes me look like the bad guy. i don't know if i can do it anymore.


nini pov - (the next morning)

i walk into school and head to the cafeteria to get some breakfast since i didn't have time to grab anything at my house this morning. as i'm walking into the cafeteria ej comes from behind and covers my eyes.
"guess who it is" he says in what was supposed to be an australian accent.
"i know it's you. nice try though." i say turning around and giving him a big hug.
"are you going to get breakfast?" he says.
"yea, wanna come?"
"yes, i'm in the mood for some chocolate donuts."
i laugh as we walk into the cafeteria. we head towards the line to get breakfast and i see ricky and gina come up behind us in line.
"oh my god, hey nini" gina says sarcastically.
"hi" i reply sternly.
ricky and ej stare at each other like i've never seen anyone stare before. ej and i grab our breakfast and head towards a table while gina and ricky go to the opposite side of the cafeteria.

*15 minutes later*

ricky pov -

"ready to head to class?" gina asks as i stuff my last donut into my mouth.
"yeah" i reply with a mouth full.
gina laughs as we get up, grab our bags, and head toward the cafeteria door. as we are leaving we pass nini and ej who are still sitting at their table eating and talking. nini and i make eye contact as me and gina are walking which was a new level of awkward for me.
"why are you looking at her?" gina says to me.
"i don't know, we just made eye contact randomly." i say.
"okay..." gina says concerned.
"i promise it's nothing." i reply trying to reassure her.
"i believe you."
we walk into our 1st period together and sit down. i start thinking about what happened just now at breakfast even though it was nothing. i was looking off into space as gina yells "RICKY".
"oh sorry. i was just thinking." i say.
"about? you were pretty concentrated" she says.
"nothing, just family stuff."
"uhm.. okay." gina says as she looks back down at her worksheet and starts writing.
why was i thinking about nini? our relationship is totally history and will never happen again. i don't know why i felt so weird when she looked at me.
"oh forget it, i'm just tired." i say in my head as i start to work on the assignment.
i try to write the answers but i just couldn't focus. why am i thinking about my ex girlfriend? and why don't i want to stop?

chapter word count - 1256

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