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nini pov -

i woke up the next morning so upset that i didn't want to go to school. i walked downstairs - my eyes still baggy from crying myself to sleep - and ask my moms if i could stay home.
"you okay honey?" one of my moms say.
"yeah, i'm just not feeling well." i say.
"fever?" one of my moms says.
"no moms, i'm just really upset. i know it's a dumb reason to miss school but please just let me stay home."
"okay, but only today." my moms say.
"thank you."
i walk back up to my room happy that i don't have to go to school but still upset from yesterday's events. i didn't know what to do since it was 6 in the morning so i just went back to sleep.

*3 hours later, 8 am*

i woke up to the sound of the birds chirping which was quite relaxing and peaceful. i walk downstairs to get breakfast. i was happy i was at home while everyone else was at school. my moms had made scrambled eggs and bacon. i grabbed a plate from the cabinet and got some food. i ate at the kitchen table with my moms.
"honey, do you want to talk about why you are so upset?" one of my moms ask.
"ricky. it's always ricky. i went over to his house yesterday to talk to him about something and i ended up walking in on him and gina kissing."
"we're sorry honey. did he apologize?"
"he said gina kissed him and he tried to pull away but when i got in there it was too late. i don't know if i believe him or not."
i continue to explain to them everything that happened with ricky and i give them a backstory as to why i went to talk to him.
"maybe you should give him a chance, nini." one of my moms say.
"i don't know moms. what if he's lying?"
"he wouldn't try so hard to convince you if he was lying. he loves you nini." my moms say.
i drop the subject and finish my food and walk upstairs to my room.
loves me... ?

ricky pov -

i walk into school not wanting to talk to anyone. not even big red. i wanted to get through the whole day without having to have a conversation with gina or big red or anyone else. the only person i want to talk to is mad at me. i walk into my first class of the day knowing i'm going to have to talk to big red.
"hey ricky." he says.
"hey." i say, clearly not wanting to talk.
"you okay?" he asks me.
"yeah i'm fine. i really don't want to talk." i say.
he doesn't talk to me for the rest of the class. i finished my work early so i got to leave class. i say bye to big red, not wanting to be rude, and i walk out of the class. i go to my locker and just wait there until the bell rings. i hadn't seen nini and i normally see her in the morning so i text her.

text to nini: hey, everything okay? i know you're mad at me but i promise nothing is going on between me and gina.

i send the text and i impatiently wait for her to text back. a few minutes later i hear a ding on my phone that startled me because i had been staring into space.

text from nini: i'm fine. and don't do this right now ricky. i can't.

i read the text and immediately get upset knowing she doesn't believe me and knowing she is hurt. i wait by my locker for a couple more minutes, my face droopy, and then the bell rang. i get my stuff for my next class and as i'm walking i hear a voice behind me.
"hey ricky." ej says.
i turn around and walk towards him since he was obviously trying to catch up with me.
"uh.. hey." i say, confused.
"can we talk about something? it's kind of important." he asks me, making me nervous.
"yeah. what's it about?" i ask.

nini pov -

i sat on my bed still thinking about what my moms said and wondering if it was true or not. it was obvious he still liked me and i still liked him but love was a strong word considering we both just got out of a relationship and his parents are going through a lot. i try to get my mind off the topic by texting kourtney. she doesn't answer probably because she's at school. to get my mind off things - which i seem to be doing a lot lately - i start to watch youtube. a few minutes later i get a text from ej.

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