Relax: (Spencer Reid X Female Reader.)

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A/N: I wrote this while getting my own pedicure. Sorry to the sweet lady doing my feet.

You had Spencer close his eyes, but with how wiggly he was you were debating on just blindfolding him. The brainiac of a boy was gone for nearly three weeks on one of the most gut wrenching missions.
You and the brainiac had beem dating for nearly nine months, and you decided your boyfriend needed some well deserved relaxation.
"(Y/N), you know I hate surprises." He mumbled as you grabbed his wrist.
"Hush Spence, now step up there is a curb." You guided your boyfriend over the bump of concrete. The familiar scent of polish hit your nose.
"Reservation for (Y/LN)." You smiled at the sweet man at the register.
"(Y/N), are we at a salon?" He asks before opening his eyes.
Infront of him was a cute salon, the walls were a gentle cream color and the walls had paintings of flowers and fashionable women.

"Suprise!" You smiled at him while also following the worker to your seats. "Spencer this is Abigail, Abigail this is my boyfriend Spencer." You knew the workers here by heart, you've gotten your nails done here for years.

"Hello." Spencer gave a nervous wave before sitting his butt down into the chair.

"I'm picking out the colors, you sit and get relax Spen." You smirked deviously, before nearly skipping over to the polish colors.

Spencer's brows furrowed, nervous about being touched by a total stranger. He grabbed the remote and turned it on to the lowest setting. It was strange, to say the least, but it was rather relaxing. He dipped his feet into the water, it was warm, and had small gel pearls in it. He scrunched his nose at the texture before he heard a snort and looksd to see you, his wonderful girlfriend, laughing at him.

"Come on Spence, lets get loose." You sat in your own chair, refusing to show your boyfriend the color you chose for him.

You watch your boyfriend jerk as Abigail began to lotion his feet, gently clipping and filing his toenails into more manageable shapes. His eyes were focused on her hands, slowly masaging in more lotions and oils. The girl then pulled out what is something akin to a lemon grater, and Spencer flinched away, a stuttering breath leaving him.

"Sorry, I am just, ticklish." He admits, relaxing back into his seat.

Abigail then takes out a few hot rocks, gently masaging them over his calves and feet. You have never seen Spencer so relaxed before. He closes his eyes, a small smile adorning his face. They trimmed his cuticles and even hydrated his skin. The last step was to paint his toes, which you close a translucent purple polish. You could only see the purple at the right angle. You chose this polish knowing your boyfriend's favorite color, but also acknowledging that he has to be professional for his job. You also hoped maybe sometime you'd be able to convince him to do a manicure also.
You handed the receptionist your card, gently grabbing your boyfriends hand, you led him back to your car. Spencer hadn't spoken the whole time, but his face showed the ultimate result, relaxed.
"You ready to go home Spencer? I have a movie night planned for us, and some chinese food." He perked up at chinese food.
With a laugh you begin to drive home, using the bluetooth function to call in an order for your favorite Chinese place. Once home, you and your nerd of a boyfriend sprawl onto the couch.

"Did you have fun today Spence?" You ask, a small smile present on your lips.

"Of course I did, this was the most relaxing thing I've done in a while." He gently pats your head.

"Do you think I could ever convince you to get your hands done as well?" You ask, a sly lilt in your voice.

"Maybe, but for now lets eat and then sleep." He kisses your forehead and you both become comfortable.

You knew you had him.


Three months later, Spencer walks into the BAU bull-pen looking refreshed and relaxed. His team mates cocked a brow at the boy as he pulls out his pencil, waiting for his case file.

"You okay Spencer?" Emily's bemused voice cuts through his distracted haze. "We get one weekend off and you look like you slept through the whole thing."

"Wait no Emily look at his nails." JJ covers her smiling mouth and looks to the other girls.

"Dude are your nails purple?" Derek asks, striding over and picking up the other mans hand. "And soft, what the hell Pretty Boy?"

"My girlfriend and I got medi-pedis together, we were celebratinng our year anniversary." Spencer removes his hand from Derek's grasp.

"Are your toenails purple too?" Rossi asks, a smirk adorning his features.

"Oh uh, no actually they are (Y/FC), they match (Y/N)'s nails." Spencer replies with a smile. "It was good, this weekend, it was nice to just RELAX."


Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.
William S. Burroughs

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