Exhausted: (Penelope Garica x Female Reader)

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A/N: Requests are still open!!

Working at the BAU was a stressful environment, everyone and their mother knew that for certain. Yet, some how Penelope never cracked. She stayed level headed, her emotions in check, and never seemed to let you see her cry.

You are Penelope's girlfriend, you are a secretary at a law firm and enjoy your off days cuddling your girlfriend.

Today, despite you working, WAS an off day, but an off day in the regards that everything was going absolutely wrong.

You woke up to an empty bed, meaning Penelope got called in. The coffee run you did ended up on you, you had to go home and change into non-coffee'd clothes. Your boss spent most of the day yelling at you. You got yelled at by clients because your boss wasn't ready for them, and then got yelled at by your boss again by making him look bad.

You were really fucking tired of this shit.

To ice the cake of woes your best friend called you. She needed to vent about her over office job, which you gladly listened to with a smile. She was clearly struggling, and what kind of  best friend would you be if you didn't listen. However during one of her rants your phone began to beep.

Another friend of yours was calling, clearly in emotional turmoil. You told your best friend to hold while you answered the call.

Your other friend was pissed off at his own boss. He was a working mechanic and clearly the big man of the company did not like his work ethic. He rants on and on about how much of a dick his boss is, leaving you wordlessly listening to his tale.

You try to put in some advice, even just a word in but that makes him rather snippy, you recoil as he scolds you for interrupting. You just want this conversation to be over at this point. Your phone gives the familiar beep, and you pull away for a moment to notice its your boss calling.

You tell your friend that you're sorry but if he's willing to wait you'd be back to listen after you talk to your boss.

Your boss began with an apology, one you didn't take to heart because you knew what was happening next. Your own boss began ranting to you, telling you just how useless and yet, helpful you were. His words contradicted themselves, and he just seemed to be angry for the sake of being so.

You were so fucking fed up. You know you took on too much to chew, yet your emotionally drained mind did the one thing it knew how to do.

You hung up.

You hung up all three calls, a frustrated groan leaving your body. You got into your car and drove back to the shared residence of you and your girlfriend. You slammed the door, changed into some pajamas and sat on the couch, snuggling in close.

Your phone began to beep again, text tone after text tone flooding your ears. You choke out a sob before just turning your phone off all together, tossing it against the other side of the couch.

You were pissed, you were emotional, and all in all.

You were exhausted.

You signed up to be a lawfirm secretary, not to be an emotional punching bag.

You loved your friends, but you wished they asked if you were in a good emotional place before venting.

You loved Penelope but, well, you just wanted her here, in your arms, telling you how wonderful you were.

You slowly stood up, heading to your girlfriend's closet and pulling out a sweater of hers before heading back to the couch, and dozing off for a nice nap.
"Penelope I'm sure she's fine, she must be in a meeting or something." Morgan tried to reason with the blonde, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"No, she would answer, or atleast text back. She isn't texting me back Morgan. What if she got kidnapped, or murdered. Oh god I don't want to solve her murder." Penelope's worries were getting the best of her. Her eyes brimmed with tears as she clutched the mans hands to her.

"Why don't we go check your apartment, I'll call (Y/N)'s boss and we will figure out where she is." Morgan awkwardly morphed his body around his best friend's, knowing that the technical wizard loved her girlfriend to bits.

"Yeah, actually that's a great idea, thank you for always being the wise one." Penelope jokes, rubbing her eyes and standing from her desk.

"So, her boss said she hung up on a call of his about two hours ago, which he is really pissed off about, but she was off work hours at that time, so I'm assuming she went home." Morgan says, following the familiar path of roads to Garcia's apartment complex.

"I'm still scared Morgan, what if she's hurt?" Penelope worries her lip underneath her top teeth.

"How about this, I'll put on my gear and go infront of you, that case if there is an unsub, I'll be able to nab him." Morgan offers as he oulls into a parking space.

Penelope nods, fumbling in her bag before handing the man her keys. Morgan kisses penelope's head gently before beginning to gear up. He had his vest on and his gun at his belt. The two friends ride the elevator up to Garcia's apartment and Morgan gets to work.

He takes the keys and unlocks the door, gun now in hand as he opens the door. Inside is the familiar, brightly colored apartment and a snuggled up (Y/N) inside.

"All clear, just cuteness overload." Morgan says, putting his gun back into his holster and moving out of the way.

Penelope enters the apartment, a bright smile on her face. She sees you, dressed in one of her sweaters and some underwear, curled up on the couch. Your chest rises and falls, and Penelope realizes that your cheeks are streaked with tears.

The blonde girl approaches you and shakes your shoulder gently. "Babygirl? Its time to wake up."

You groan, your eyes flittering open with a yawn. "Penny? Morg?" You questioned before rubbing your eyes.

"Good evening princess." He teases you. "Well, it looks like my work is done, see you in a couple days Penelope." Morgan waves goodbye.

"Are you okay (Y/N)? You look like you cried and you weren't answering your phone, I got so worried." Penelope saw your phone on the couch and handed it to you.

She took a place next to you and you eagerly cuddled into her.

"I don't know how you stay so happy all the time Penelope." You tell her. "I had a bad day today, and then I couldn't handle anyone else, and then I cried. I was a big baby. You see the worst of the worst and I've never seen you stop smiling." You feel Penelope's lips on your head.

"(Y/N) I cried today because I was afraid of loosing you. I distract myself and remind myself that even though I see bad things, I have good people like you to come home too." Penelope cups your face, pulling you closer.

You catch her lips in a kiss, your hands coming around and wrapping around her neck. After a minute she pulls away with a happy smile.

"Come on, lets go to our room, we can snuggle, watch a movie and get some sleep, how about that?" Penelope offers.

"Thats amazing Penny." You giggle as she stands up, grabs your hand and leads you toward the bedroom.

"She said nothing with her voice and everything with her caring touch."
Dave Cenker,

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