Family (Aaron Hotchner x Female Reader)

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A/N: Reader is a teenager! This is a platonic/family based one shot!!
TW: Violence, Mentions of abuse.
"Jack, where's (Y/N)?"
"She's working on the 'suprise' papa!"
The Hotchner residence was the home you had always dreamed of having. Your parents weren't the nicest people, and quite frequently your father laid a not so nice hand against your face.
You had been staying at the agent's house for two weeks now. Your parents had been brutally murdered, and you were put into the protective care of Agent Hotchner. You loved hanging out with the agent and his son, Jack. You and Jack got along swimmingly, you played with him and made him laugh. Aaron watched with a fluttered heart as you came out of the shell you put up.
However, good things truly never seem to last for you. The killer that took your parents was still out there, and was still killing. There was another couple found dead, close friends to your father's. They knew of your parent's actions against you, but never stepped in. Your heart was conflicted, no matter how much your parents hurt you, you never wanted them strung up like brutal christmas lights.

You are an artist. Your stress comes out in forms of beautiful sketches and drawings. You began focusing on a special project, which you kept from Hotchner, and you referred to it as your 'Suprise'. You worked tirelessly on it, only taking breaks to make lunch for Jack and hang out with the smaller boy.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Jack bounced downstairs, watching you put finishing touches on the lunch you made for the two of you.

"Hey munchkin! Whats up?" You asked, a smile adorning your face. You place the plates on the table, and Jack hops into his seat.

"After lunch can we play Agents?" he asks, nearly wiggling excitedly out of his seat.

You smile at the energetic boy. "How about I make you a deal bubba, you let me finish my 'suprise' for the BAU team, and we can play Agents all night long." You held out your pinkie to the boy, which he took eagerly. You both scarf down your lunches, before you cleaned up and Jack headed back upstairs.

You hummed as you headed back outside, grabbing the paints you needed. All you needed was to add some shine, and then the pieces were finished. You were nervous, what if the team didn't like it? What if they laughed at- No. You couldn't think like that, these were nice people! Your scared thoughts leaving as fast as they came, you place your ear buds in and began finishing the master piece.

Oblivious to noise, the phone rang and the excited Jack answers.
"Hey bubba, its Dad."
"Hi daddy!"
"Jack, where is (Y/N)?"
"She went outside to finish the 'suprise' daddy!"
Aaron's voice hitches nervously.
"Hey Jack, I need you to work this case for me, and don't come out unless you hear my voice, got it?"
"Yes sir!" The child hangs up the phone, and heads to his spot, hiding in there until he heard his father.

Not much later, you walk back in and you feel uneasy. Usually Jack hears the door latch and comes barrelling down, especially if you two were going to play Agents.
"Jack? Bubba? Hey bubba, where are you?" You walk around the house. You check every room, scanning for any signs of the boy.

Your heartbeat quickens, you lost him, you lost Jack. You needed Hotchner! You ran back to the main room, the door being kicked down before you could process anything.

"Morgan!" You cried out, the nerves getting to you. "Morgan I can't find him- oh god im so-" you are cut off by Morgan turning you around and cuffing you.

"Morgan?" You began to struggle, pulling away from the cuffs.

"You have the right to remain silent-"

"Morgan let me go! I haven't done anything! Please we have to find Jack-" A crack fills the room as Morgan's elbow meets your face, hard. You're dazed enough that he has no more problems dragging you into the SUV, and down to the police station.

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