Parent Trap (Aaron Hotchner x Male Reader)

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A/N: Its been a while since i've written! Im so sorry my fine feathered friends! Please leave requests! Also: You are a single father in this, you have a son! (S/N) is your son's name.

"Nice job Jack! Nice job (S/N)! Good hustle boys!" The raven haired coach called out as the young boys kicked the ball back and forth.

You watched, (E/C) eyes shining happily. You loved your son, he was your whole world. When you met the young boy at the adoption facility, you knew it was meant to be.

"Nice! Keep going (S/N)!" You cheered from your chair.

Seconds after you stood, whooping and cheering as the teams congratulated eachother. Your spitfire of a son came barrelling towards you, another kid following soon after him.

"Daddy! Daddy! Can Jack come over? We wanna swim in the pool with Siracha!" Your son boldly asked.

"I'm sure Siracha would love the exercise," The dog quite frankly did enjoy a nice swim, "However, did you ask Jack's parents if he could?"

Your son looked up at you bewildered. He shook his head before running off with Jack.

You shook your head with a happy smile, packing up your chair and the cooler.

"Daddy!" Your son called for you again, and you spun around.

Your face met the chest of the coach, Aaron Hotchner.

"Uh, my son Jack said (S/N) offered to let him come over. I just wanted to uh, double check." Aaron extends a hand out to you. "I'm Aaron, Jack's dad."

"(Y/N), and yes of course. They have a large amount of energy don't they? I'd love to have you both over for dinner and a swim." You said, shaking the other dad's hand.

"Yay!" Both boys cheered, running towards their respective cars.

"(S/N)! Be careful!" You sigh with a chuckle.

You look up at the other father with an embarrased smile before making your way to your own car.

"Do you want to follow me? Or I can write down my address, incase you boys needed to get home before coming over." You said, unlocking your car for your son.

"I'll just follow you if that's okay. Jack's suit stays in the car, I travel alot for work." Aaron admits.

"Alright, let's go!" You smile, piling into your car and heading towards your house.

You pull into your driveway and begin unloading the car. A firm hand then covers yours.

"Please, let me help. This whole thing is very kind for you to do." Aaron says with a smile.

"Oh, uh, sure. I mean it's just a cooler and a chair." You grabbed the chair. "You can take the cooler in, if you want." You locked the car back up.

You head towards the house, handing your son the keys to unlock the door. The excited child unlocks the door and pushes it open.

"Welcome to my home!" Your son says, eagerly grabbing Jack's hand.

Barks sound as an excited cattle dog bounds into the house.

"Oh, crap I forgot to ask, are you boys scared of dogs?" You set the chair down, in an attempt to quickly escort the dog away incase.

"No, no, don't worry." Aaron smiles, setting the cooler on the counter before kneeling down and scratching the dog behind his head. "I'm guessing this is Siracha?"

The dog eagerly barks and licks at the raven haired man. A small smile graved your face, watching the attractive male get along with your dog.

"Daddy, can I show Jack my room?" (S/N) asks.

"Only if it's okay with Jack and his dad." You said.

"Mr.Hotchner! May your son come up and play in my room before we swim?" Your son eagerly asks.

"Of course. Jack make sure you ask before touching anything, we are guests." The older man gently pats his son's head.

The boys race off, leaving the adults and the dog alone. You smile at Aaron before heading towards the kitchen.

"Want anything to drink?" You offer, grabbing four cups from the cabinet.

"A water would be wonderful." Aaron said with a smile, grabbing a seat at the table.

You make two glasses of ice water, handing Aaron his and grabbing the seat next to him. You begin sipping your water.

"How long have you had your dog? He can't be older than your son." Aaron asked.

"Oh, uh, no. Siracha is only two years old. I got him after a rather nasty encounter with my fiancé, it uh, ex-fiancé." You kicked yourself mentally for oversharing. "We adopted (S/N) together, but he suddenly became manipulative and violent. I couldn't have that around my son. I got Siracha as a support dog, but he's also very good with my kiddo." Your eyes then widen. "Oh crap."

"Crap?" Aaron asked with an arched brow.

"Well, I mean, usually people assume i was going to marry a woman, I'm not usually so open about Cole." Your voice lilted, and you nervously swirled your drink around.

"You think I'd think less of you, because you're gay?" Aaron asked. "I can promise you, I don't, that would be hypocritical of me. I am Bisexual." Aaron says with a smile.

Your heart began to calm. "Oh thank god." You sighed out, before quickly clearing your throat with a blush.

"Do you and your son like pasta? I can make some spaghetti or some alfredo?" You quickly stood up, trying to distance yourself.

"Alfredo sounds wonderful, may I help?" Aaron offers.

"Oh uh, sure. Do you mind if we listen to music?" You pulled out your phone, connecting it to your blue tooth speaker.

"As long as you don't mind horrible karaoke." Aaron teases.

You smile, gently bumping your shoulders together. You place on the Mamma Mia soundtrack. You begin cooking by grabbing eggs and flour. The shuffled soundtrack begins with "Voulez-Vous."

Voulez-vous (ah-ha)
Ain't no big decision (ah-ha)
You know what to do (ah-ha)
La question c'est voulez-vous
And here we go again, we know the start, we know the end
Masters of the scene
We've done it all before and now we're back to get some more
You know what I mean

You dance around the kitchen a bit, whipping the eggs and flour together, creating a nice homemade pasta. Aaron was, infact blown away by this. You seemed to be rather talented, and a great father to your son. Aaron felt his cheeks flush as he created the sauce.

Away in the hallway, two sneaky boys giggled, watching their hopeless romantics of fathers cook together. The boys high-fived. Maybe, just maybe the two friends could become step-brothers.

"Every dad, if he takes time out of his busy life to reflect upon his fatherhood, can learn ways to become an even better dad." —Jack Baker

(Part 2??)

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