Your Eyes (JJ x Female Female Reader)

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A/N: This song is what I based this story off of. Also!! I'm still taking requests

Jennifer met you at bar,you were mutually introduced via her intellectual male counterpart. She liked you instantly, you were charming, charasmatic, sensible and all around breathtakingly beautiful.
You and Spencer knew eachother from college. You were taking an advanced math class with the wonder genius when you bonded over your similar love for Doctor Who. The two of you stayed in touch via mail, writing to eachother due to Spencer's lack of love towards technology.
God. You were beautiful, intelligent and caring? How could JJ compete? You clearly liked Spencer, and here JJ was hopelessly hoping you'd spare the thirsting blonde a spare glance.
"So (Y/N) besides Doctor Who, what else do you do?" Morgan asks one night, attempting to flirt, which Spencer responds by giving you a gentle hug.
"Oh, I run a daycare over by the garden center, I help teach kids before they reach kindergarden, or even help tutor the kids dropped off to me." She nervously scratches the back of her neck. "Its not nearly as cool as what you guys do." Her tongue nervously darts over her lips, before her eyes meet JJ's.
JJ was baffled. You ran a daycare, and you liked kids! For a single mother that was certainly a great thing to hear.
"Maybe I should drop of my son with you sometime, I'm sure he'd love the attention." She tries to put flirtily, sending you a smile and a wink.
You felt your throat hitch at the action. God you thought JJ was the finest thing next to wine. You had only met her a handful of times but she was captivating. She seemed to always smile, even when the going got tough. You wish you could hold her hand, but with the way she's always glaring at Spencer you assumed she had a thing for the brainiac boy.

Only four meetings into your 'friendship' and both of you were horribly pinning over each other. However, you thought the other girl was attracted to your mutual friend.

JJ was in her office, sorting through files and staring out her office's window. She was thinking of you. Your soft (H/L) (H/C) hair, and how she'd love to play with it as you lay in her lap. However the most distracting thing about you was your eyes. Your beautiful (E/C) eyes that just shined with a creative spark. Oh how she wishes to get lost in those eyes, she sighs wistfully.

"Oh my god JJ you have got it bad for Spencer don't you?" Emily's voice rings out, disrupting the other girl from her loving imagination.
"What? Spencer? No way Emily what are you saying?" She nearly chokes on her own spit.

The brunette cocks an eyebrow, and points out the window. "You're staring right out the window, either you're staring at Spencer or planning on killing Morgan, and clearly a happy sigh means a crush." The other female crosses her hands over her chest.

"No, I was just thinking of someone else, but it doesn't matter, what did you need Emily?" JJ tries to straighten up.

"So its not Spence? Do you like Morgan? No way, you are way out of his league." Emily continues to press the point.

"No it's not either of them Emily. Please, just drop it and hand me your finished casework." Shes basically pleading for the profiler to stop.

"So its not either of the boys, but you were staring at Spencer..." Prentiss continues to think before a smirk adorns her face. "What about that cute friend Spencer had us meet, that you started dropping off your son to? What was her name?"

"Her name is (Y/N) (L/N)." She corrects before clamping a hand over her mouth. Shit. She was caught.

"Oh Jen, thats precious! I thought you hated the girl, but now I see you were staring at her and not Spencer at the bars." Emily says, finally handing the case over to JJ.

"Wait, you thought I hated her?" She asks sheepishly.

"Well either you were really trying to undress her with your eyes, or you were trying to murder her with them, I just really thought you liked Spencer." The brunette placed a comforting hand on the blonde's shoulder.

"Do you think she likes me? I mean in return?" JJ asked, making embarrassed eyecontact with her close friend.

"Thats for her to tell you, why don't you head home, go get your son and confess your little crush to her." Emily gestured to the door before making her own exit.

JJ nervously swallowed, packing up her briefcase and heading out of the office. "I will see you guys tomorrow. Goodnight team." She waves with a small blush on her face.
"Morgan you owe me that twenty dollars now."
Theres a grumble and a smack of paper against flesh.
There's a gentle rapping against your door as you finish the food you prepsred for yoursef and JJ's son. You didn't know how long the other woman would be, and you wanted to make sure the young boy got his proper nutrition. You wipe your hands on your apron and open the door to see JJ.
"Good evening JJ, I just finished cooking dinner and you're wecome to stay for it. But if you dont want to, you're son is in the other room if you'd like me to get him." You began rambling, playing with your fingers as your eyes darted around, trying not to stare at the gorgeous woman infront of you.

"I would love to stay, if you'd have me?" JJ places a gentle hand ontop of yours, and you nearly faint. God her eyes were gorgeous, blue orbs beautifully complementing her golden hair and tanned skin. You respond with a nod and regretfully remove a hand, gesturing her inside.
You then head over to the playing room and knock on the door frame. "Hey buddy, your mom is here but shes going to have dinner with us okay? May you please go wash your hands?" You softly smile at the boy and once he exits to wash up you feel a hand grab your wrist.

You turn to face JJ, and before you could speak, she places her mouth against yours for a bold kiss, shocking you both at her bravery. You kiss back, arms enveloping her waist, pulling her close to you as she runs her hands through your hair. The two of you were content in the embrace before you hear a squeal.
"Ew! Mommy has (Y/N)'s cooties!" He giggles, sitting at the table.
You smile at the boy before looking to JJ. "No more distractions, beautiful, otherwise dinner will get cold." You fake scolded.

"You'll have to close your eyes then (Y/N) because I keep getting lost in them." JJ presses against you as you lead her to the kitchen table.
The two of you began dating after that, you two bonded over your own nerdy and loving sides. You two even bonded over the poor misconception you both believed over eachother. However the most important thing is that, the two of you became happy. and the three of you, became a wonderful family.

"I found you in the clarity of the moon, Not the rigor of the sun. Not in the light, where its easier to see, But when the world is blind and loves eyes are free.

Malika E Nura

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