Stubborn (Aaron Hotchner x Female Reader)

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A/N: Holy shit guys,,, Im actually crying!! People are reading and enjoying my work!!! I needed some domestic fluff

You were the type of person to shove your own feelings down and deal with other's problems first. It was a rather unhealthy habit of yours, but you hated when people knew what was going on in your head.

Aaron admired the way you always kept to yourself, yet always seemed to stick your neck out for others, so he asked you out on a date.

He knew even before he asked you out that physical affection in public was little to none, and super cuddly moments weren't your thing, and he respected that.

However, the you on the inside was dying to just be held by your boyfriend. For months you had been plagued with these nightmares, ones you'd wake up panting, sweaty and exhausted from. Most of the time after you just wanted to curl up with Aaron, have him hold you, but disturbing him wasn't an option.

You knew he didn't sleep well, between late hours, being a father and his own nightmares; you felt horrible wanting to wake up your boyfriend for comfort.

Theres the familiar feeling of chains adorning your wrist, the smell of iron and mold assulted your nostrils, and his wicked laugh filled your ears.

You're back with the unsub from
months ago, a case where you and Morgan had split up in the warehouse, and you had accidentally gotten hit and abducted by the unsub.

He traces the knife's edge against the skin of your stomach, creating small knicks that burned more than they bled. Hes shocking you, enough to cause pain and burns, yet bever enough to kill you.

He dumps water over your covered mouth, leaving you choking for oxygen. You're desperate to breathe, and the unsubs takes your pain in waves of pleasure.

The door crashes in, there stands Aaron and Emily, ready to rescue you, However the memory shifts, you hear two gunshots, and see Aaron, no longer vested, and Emily, shot through the head.

"(Y/N),, I love,, you." He mutters out before his body hits the ground.

You shift in the seat, attempting to escape as the unsub kills each team member that comes through the door. Hell, even Penelope ends up dead on the floor. The unsub then cocks his gun at you.

"We're done playing (Y/N), you aren't any fun."

You wake up, suddenly jerking your torso from the bed. Beads of sweat and tears streak down your face as you turn your bedside table light on. You quickly shift, looking at Aaron's sleeping body. You see his stomach rise and fall, and you let out a relieved breath.

Your boyfriend's brows furrow as he feels you shifting. His eyes open only halfway, but seeing your emotional state, the man wakes up completely. "(Y/N)?" He asks.

"I had.. I had another nightmare Aaron. I was back in the unsub's house. You came to get me, but instead of a rescue mission, each and every member of our team was brutally murdered." You rambled, wiping the tears from your eyes. "Aaron, if it isn't too much to ask.. Would you just, hold me?" You asked, eyes shifting down to your hands in your lap.

Aaron was absolutely baffled, the girl that blushed the first time he kissed her cheek was asking him to hold her. He shifted onto his side and opened his arms. His eyes widened at just how fast you dove into his arms, curling your hands into his t-shirt.

"You know, you're allowed to ask and crave attention, especially from me." He mutters, placing a gentle kiss against your temple.

"I just feel bad for waking you up. You barely get sleep, and disrupting your peace isn't an option." You frown, gently tracing a hand over his chisled features.

"God, (Y/N) you are so sweet and stubborn sometimes. I love you. You and Jack are allowed to interupt my sleep. I have to make sure my girl is also safe, so please, let me." He begs, cupping your face.

You nod, your eyes gently flickering down to his lips. He smirks a bit, an amused huff of air coming from his nose. "If you want affection all you have to do is ask (Y/N)." He teases.

"Aaron I swear to god if you don't kiss me," He cuts you off with a kiss, gently massaging the apples of your cheeks with his thumbs.

Your heart flutters as your hands trail up to rake through his hair. A content noise leaves your throat, and you pull away from the kiss.

"Goodnight (Y/N), If you have anymore nightmares, wake me up, okay?" He asks.

You nod, cuddling closer to his chest. "I will."

You listen to his heartbeat, and slowly your body begins to calm down, slowly lulling you to sleep.

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