House and Home (BAU Team x Female!Reader)

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Fabulous Request by: DailyProphecy ALSO MASSIVE TW! Kidnapping, P+dophilia, r+pe, trauma and disassociation!! Its a platonic Teenage one shot.

" The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb."- Bible verse.

The current mission, was such a doozy, an eighteen year old girl, Keondra Mackles, and a set of parent's dead bodies were discovered by a home renovator, yet their six year old daughter at the time, (Y/N) (L/N) hasn't been found. Now, the BAU was stuck.

Reid stood at the bulletin board, eyes scanning a mile a minute, trying to find anything, something his team could work with.

They already profiled they had a team, a man and a woman, most likely an alpha male and a subordinate woman. However, on the child they found, they only found one set of injuries.

The team, frustrated and nearly to the point of giving up, was surprised when the local PD came in. "We got something, a young couple spotted a young girl on the road, she was walking like a zombie. She was severely dehydrated and was dropped off at the hospital about an hour ago. She fits the victomology of your profile."

The team was set ablaze by the new information, and they quickly sent Reid and JJ to the hospital to go talk to the girl.

You lay in a hospital bed, disorientated snd confused. One moment, you were in a house covered in blood splatters, and the next moment another, older girl was helping you escape. It all happened so fast, and you didn't understand why all these police men were asking you so many questions.

Your mouth wasn't working, you couldn't seem to figure out exactly why you couldn't talk. It was too hard, being here was hard. The police were becoming upset that you weren't answering until two agents came in, and dispersed the police officers.

"Hey kiddo, my names Jennifer, I'm with the FBI, can you tell us your name?" The blonde asks, sitting by your bed.

Your eyes widened and you shift a bit in the bed, wanting desperately to tell them your name, it was right on the tip of your tongue-
Wait, what was your name?

Panic sets in and your hands make their way to your head. Out of all the questions the police asked and the one that makes you crack was the only one you knew?

Hot tears began flowing from your eyes, trying desperately to remember anything, to say anything. What about the other girl? Where was she? What's happened these past days?

"Spence she's deep in shock, I don't think se can get much out of her. Poor girl." JJ says, a small frown on her face.

Your mouth feels like cement in your mouth, trying desperately to form sentences. Your palms smacking against your forehead alerts the agents back to you.

"..(Y/N)..." You mutter out, choking on tears.

"(Y/N)? Your name is (Y/N)?" JJ asks, gently placing her hand over yours, trying to keep you from eliciting damage.

You nod, trying to get your mouth to work. "Another girl, let me out." You spit out, the tears coming to a stop.

"So our unsub has more than just her. We have to find him, fast." JJ says, grief consuming her face.

"Wait JJ, remember, the bodies we found have been decaying for seven years, this girl looks no older than seven." Reid then looks to you, "Honey, how old are you?" Spencer asks before grabbing her doctor's notes.

"S-six." You say, looking at your hands, trying to jog your memory.

"JJ, we have a problem."

"What is it Spence."

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