Relief. (Spencer Reid X Female Reader)

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A/N: Depictions of a panic/anxiety attack. If that triggers you please skip this chapter!! Theres also mention of r*pe and threats of physical harm.

This case was a doozy. Seventeen young women dead and another abducted as of this morning. You and Morgan were head of the press for this one, while the others continued to investigate. A part of you wished you were out there kicking ass with your team, but someone had to go and tip off the media about all seventeen of the murdered women.

This is exaxtly how you got here. Holding another publicity meeting, trying to answer and deflect the questions given by the reporters.
"Why didn't the police force release the information willingly?" A portly man asks, venom laced in his words.
"Why isn't the FBI actually doing anything?" A woman asks, shoving a microphone into your face.
You attempt a response. "The FBI is-"

"Why did it have to be my daughter huh? Why did she have to be taken. Shes going to be r'ped and murdered and all you FBI scumbags do is sit here and have a press conference?!" The father of the victim is enraged, shoving aside every reporter and grabbing you by the collar. He sneers as your eyes widen, Morgan's own eyes widening.
"Mr. Bingsley-"
"NO SHUT UP! If anything it should be you!" He shakes your collar. "How would the FBI like that huh? Useless agent gets kidnapped and r'ped and murdered? Would they understand my pain then? WOULD THEY UNDERSTAND ANYONES PAIN? IT SHOULD'VE BEEN YOU NOT MANDY!" He spits at you before Morgan nearly tackles him off of you. He holds the mans arms behind his back.

"I am going to need you to calm down now sir." He chides, looking at you with an apologetic look.
"I'll have you feel EXACTLY how these girls felt. You arent special Ms.FBI! You deserve to feel their pain and I'll make you feel it!" He screams as Morgan escorts him away.

Your heart races as you watch them leave. You then clear your throat. "That, uh, ends today's coverage. To my ladies out there with black hair and blue eyes, please take coverage and be safe." You close the meeting, straightening out your collar as you then rush back into the police station.

Your chest was heaving. You felt like you were going to throw up. God he was so angry, and you could understand why. His anger was justified but holy shit that had triggered something deep inside you. Your breathing becomes labored, you shut yourself into the makeshift bull-pen your team had. You try to distract yourself, but the pictures of the victims lull you deeper into this panic. Your hands begin to clam up, you rub them against the material of your blazer but god damnit that felt awful on your hands. You begin quickly undoing your blazer, your breaths becoming even shallower as the tears that pricked your eyes now began to openly fall. You stumble in the office, before hitting the ground, and curling in on yourself, you're shaking, your vision is becoming blurry and you feel yourself become lightheaded. The thoughts begin, the words of Mr.Bingsley, the questions, the camera flashes. Then suddenly the door opens, a panicked Morgan kneels down to you.

"Holy shit (Y/N)." He swallows, he's unsure of what to do, the open door leaves the new overwhelming noises of the police station to filter in and your brain shuts down nearly completely. Another sob wracks your body as your chest expands and shakily compresses. You hear voices, familiar voices, ones of your boss and your team mates. You felt embarrassed, ashamed. You wanted to pull yourself together but the threat and words of the worried father consumed you.

"Hotch! Hotch something's wrong and I can't break her out of it!" Morgan calls and the team rushes in, watching your scared, shrunken in form rock itself on the floor.

"What happened out there Morgan?" Hotch asks, the rest of the team scrambling for water or maybe a snack of some kind for you.

"The questions got bad sir, and then Mr.Bingsley got out of control and began shouting-" you can't hear him finish the sentence because the world becomes peaceful sounding. Gentle piano fills your ears as you realize that Spencer Reid, boy genius, has covered your ears with his large headphones.

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