Hot Stuff (Spencer Reid x Male Reader)

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A/N: Requested by the lovely: JodieFent
(Y/CO): Your cafe order.

It wouldn't take a genius to know that Soencer had a problem. Specifically a coffee problem. The lanky man was eager to get himself a nice cup of joe in the morning.

Spencer managed to find himself a sweet shop that was opened twenty-four/seven, and god did he feel lucky. The baristas were sweet, anf the caffeinated beverage he lived off of was made perfectly there.

He was lost in his thoughts as he entered the door, the familiar chime of the bells ringing. He suddenly feels something firm pressed against him, and hears a few crashes.

"Watch out!" A baritone voice reaches his ears, and he slams his eyes shut, waiting for something to impact.

However: that feeling never came, and the brown-haired make opened his eyes to meet a (E/C),(H/C), male. This man was a bit taller than him, and quite frankly, built like a tank.

Spencer eyes the man up and down before a soft hue catches his cheeks. He adjusts his bag on his shoulder and finally clears his throat.

"Thank,, you- Uh, I am," "Doctor Spencer Reid." The man cuts him off pointing to his badge.

"Uh yeah,, and you?" He wets his lower lip, watching the other man rake a hand through his hair.

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N) and boy, is it strange to see someone here so late, I thought I was their only one A.M flyers." He jokes, a small smile adorning his face.

Spencer felt his heart quicken, before a soft voice cut the tension.

"I am so so so so sorry! Are you okay mister? You startled me, and I ended up dropping some shipment boxes!" A young barista stood there, panicing. "I could get you something! Totally free, you too (Y/N)!"

"Well then, I will take a (Y/CO) and Spencer-,"

"Coffee: black, with uh, six sugars." The agent finishes.

"Lets get a table, Doctor." The taller man says, heading over to a table near the corner of the cafe.

"Oh, Uh, sure." He stutters out, following the well built man.

He sits down from the adjacent seat, gently picking at his nails. You sat infront of him, built like a gym partner Morgan would have.

"So, a Doctor working for the Feds huh?" You started, raking another hand through your hair.

"Oh uh, yeah, but not the healing Doctor, I just have three PhD's." Spencer said, before hearing the familiar clink of a coffee mug hit the table.

The young barista from earlier flashed both men a smile, before turning on her heels and continuing her previous work.

Both men enjoy their coffees in silence before Spencer breaks it. "You seem to know much about me, but I dont seem to know you as well (Y/N). So, what do you do?"

You let out a snort before pointing to your t-shirt, a symbol adorning the left breast side.

Spencer's eyes widened, of course, physically built and eager to save: you were a firefighter.

"House thirty-one, huh. How's that like?" Spencer asks.

"The hours are long, of course, there's always some kind of rescue needing to happen, but besides that, it's good. The team is like a family. Coffee and the occasional weekend are my friends." You joke, and Spencer lets out a chuckle.

"Yeah, I guess so, sounds like our work perks are about the same, except my team members and I can read people." He subtly brags.

"Really? How so?" You asked, brows raised in curiosity.

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