Family Bonding (CM x Female Reader)

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A/N: This is the starter for the DND mini series, each character will have their own ending!

You were excited as hell about the next week off. It wasn't often that the whole BAU to get a week off, and honestly you were thanking whatever god there is out there for setting it up.

"Hey guys!" You called out, nervously brushing a piece of hair behind your ear. "How about during our week off, you guys come down to my apartment, and we play a Dungeons and Dragons one shot?" You offered.

Reid's ears perked up at the mention of the game. "I would love to, it sounds like fun. Actually according to recent studies-"

"Wait a moment, you want all of us, to play Dungeons and Dragons, on our break?" Morgan's eyebrow raises in confusion.

"Yeah! I was thinking of it as a family bonding exercise! You guys can make characters and I'll be the dungeon master! Come on Morgan! It'll be fun!" You pleaded, rocking on the balls of your feet a bit.

"I'm game, as long as I can punch Reid's character atleast once." Emily chimes in, earning a playful glare from the boy genius.

"Sure, as long as you don't mind teaching some mechanics, I didn't really play role playing games in highschool." JJ says, before shooting her own glare to Spencer, shutting up his 'mean girl' comment.

"Come on chocolate thunder, I'll help you make a character, and we can be all nerdy together!" Penelope smiles and gently kisses Morgan's cheek, to which he nods, agreeing to come along.

"I don't remember much of the game, but I am down. I'll bring wines and some nice snacks for us to share as we play." Rossi adds, sweetening the pot.

"Then it's settled, Saturday at noon we will meet up at (Y/N)'s house with character sheets and a good attitude." Hotchner smiles and the team agrees.

Oh man, what have you gotten yourself into?

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