Lies. (Spencer Reid x Female Reader)

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A/N: Reid is a bit of a dick in this one, but I promise he makes it up to you!!

Spencer was seething, jealously pouring out of his pores.

You were a gorgeous girl, not only that, but you were smart, and insanely talented.

You were also affectionate.

Spencer was never one for touching or cuddling, but with you, he could never get enough.

He knew the little touches and kisses goodbye were your way of showing you cared, but god Spencer wishes for just one moment that they were all for him.

His eyes dart as he watches you and Morgan banter playfully. You gently bump shoulders with the more muscular man, in which Derek responds with a near tickle fight.

The brunette hears you call uncle before getting up and getting a drink. Your laugh fills the jet.
"Come on Morgan, you played dirty."
"I can show you dirty, pretty girl." He sends you a wink and a smirk.

Reid can almost feel his jaw shatter with how hard he's clenching it.

You returned to Morgan, water bottle in hand before placing a gentle peck on the man's head. You turned on your heels and began walking over to Reid, taking the empty seat next to him.

"Hey Reidy, whatcha reading?" You asks, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

Reid ignores you, continuing to read his book. His slender fingers quickly tracing over the pages.

"Reid? Are you okay?" You scoot closer, your voice nearly a whisper. You were so close to him.

He wanted to pull you closer, hold you to him, tell you that he loves you. However, he stays mute.

"Spence are you okay? What's wrong?" Your voice was filled with worry and you cup his cheek, trying to get him to atleast look at you.

Spencer snaps. Your gentle touch pushing him too far. He grabs your wrist, eyes narrowing as he nearly hisses at you.

"You want to know what's wrong Agent (Y/LN), you are over the top affectionate and it's unprofessional. Your constant touching is bothersome. You cannot go a single mission without having to hug, kiss, or cuddle someone on the team. You are loaded with germs and not to mention its annoying. Did you know that eighty percent of people are overly affectionate because their overcompensating for some kind of insecurity. Well news flash Agent, we can't fix your insecurities. We are tired of you constantly doting on us. Do you even have a hobby? It's infuriating watching you throw yourself onto everyone, we get it, you may not have had enough attention growing up, but that doesnt mean we want any part of it! Knock it off, you are not only embarrassing yourself but this whole team!" His voice rises at the end, his chest heaving as his verbal assult ceases. He throws your hand down and he turns back to his book.

You, however, stare at your hand. You tremble a bit as you stand. "Uh, thank you for telling me Doctor. I am sorry." You quickly scurry over to the furthest side of the plane, trying to avoid the stares of your coworkers as you stare out the window.

You were trying so hard not to cry. Horrible thoughts plagued your head. Is that true? Is that really what the team thought? Were you being bothersome? Did they secretly hate the hugs goodbye. A part of you had hoped that if they were really that upset by it they'd tell you. Reid dishing the truth to you like that hurt more then any bullet wound could.

The silence that followed was deafening. Morgan and Prentiss made eyecontact with eachother before looking at Hotch, whose eyes were as wide as saucers. No one expected Reid to go off the rocker like that. Emily shook her head before heading over next to you. Morgan followed, but took the seat across from Spencer.

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