Author's Note

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Hello everyone! This is my very first MDZS book. I am an author that usually uses '3rd Person's POV' in fanfictions like this and tend to say my personal thoughts in the story which should not be. But that's just really my habit, but for the sake of peaceful reading i will try to stop myself from doing so.

'The Gentle Cloud and The Grumpy Lotus' fanfiction is a story on where Jiang Cheng will attend a conference in cloud recesses. Suprisingly, this conference lasted longer than they expected.

Also, we would be having a bunch of ZhuiLing somewhere around the story. Hehehe. I like that ship too.

Warning-I am also an author who sometimes got lost on the plot of the story so i might forget the main point and i would like to apologize to that.

Also, please support my other book 'Divine Steel:Will of the Seraph' standing with 12 Chaptee published.

For Yu Gi Oh Arc V fans, i also have a book entitled 'Academia Love Story(Yu Gi Oh Arc V)[GenderBend] starring Yuri x Serena, Shun x Sora, and a sunken ship Sawatari x Reiji.

And since my introduction is done, let's proceed to the story! Have a happy reading everyone!

The Gentle cloud and the Grumpy Lotus-LXC x JCWhere stories live. Discover now