Chapter 11

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Song:I want you here
Warning:Angst, OOC Nie HuaiSang and a bit Lan WangJi, Rushed Chapter (tons of time skip)
OCs (Original Characters): Lan Ruon, Jiang Xuan and Tang ShengMian

IMPORTANT!!!: I forgot to mention why the twins can talk and walk like a 5 yrs old in this story when they're still 2 yrs old. The reason why is because they were born different and was carried in pregnancy differently so their growth is faster than normal. Let's say it's because of the blessing of the birth god.

And damn this story is so cringe and so many mistakes that i have to correct.

Everything passed by too quickly. After a week when Jiang Cheng collapsed out of exhaustion, the incident at Guanyin temple happened. And all of you can guess what happened.

Tears slowly rolled down Jiang Cheng's cheek as he held his stomach.

Time sure flies fast. It was just yesterday when he and Lan Xichen was happy. He thought that Lan Xichen will never make him sad. He thought that Lan Xichen will never betray him. But maybe he was wrong. Slowly, the memories of that day came back to him. Ah. How much he wants to gulp down a whole jar of Emperor's smile. It's so bitter. His life is bitter. Everything is bitter.

Bits by bits
As his tear fell down to drip
The longing silence in the deep
Reached out to take a peek
To the world that'll make him trip
To the world that has reeked
The smell of evil deeds.

And he remembered.

---The Past that occured two years ago---

"Jin Guangyao is dead. He is killed by his own sworn brother, Lan Xichen."

"You promised me. You promised to never leave me alone."

"I'm sorry, A-cheng. But please. Please wait for me if you can. If you want to let go, then it's ok. I wouldn't mind."

"Sect leader Jiang, i know what's going on between you and my nephew. And i will support you. Even if...he has went into his seclusion. Whatever happens to you that somehow includes Xichen, i'll take full responsibility on behalf of my kin."


"J-jiang-xiong?! Jiang-xiong!"

"What do you mean Sect leader Lan entered seclusion?" Jiang Cheng asked a Lan disciple.

"After the former Sect leader Jin, Jin Guangyao, passed away, sect leader has entered seclusion." He can't believe what he was hearing. Lan Xichen entered seclusion? Why? Is he guilty? Of killing Jin Guangyao? No wonder it has been weeks since the Lan last visited him.

An ache
So deep

"Lan Huan!" Jiang Cheng called out as he barged into Lan Xichen's room.

"Lan Huan!"

"Jiang Cheng." Lan Xichen stuttered quietly as he looked at his lover.

"What are you doing?" Lan Xichen asked with slight irritation which took Jiang Cheng back. Why is he angry at his own lover?

"What are YOU doing?" Jiang Cheng returned the question to Lan Xichen.

That I
Can hardly breathe

"Get out, Wanyin!" Lan Xichen exclaimed and Jiang Cheng's shoulder dropped.


"Didn't you hear me? I said get out!" Lan Xichen almost yelled as he stood up and clenched his fist.

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