Chapter 5

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'Uncle.' Jin Ling called out from his head as silent tears escaped his eyes.

He heard everything. From the very question of his uncle on why Lan Xichen likes him to the part where his uncle said that he's useless and to the part where he said that he (JL) is the way he is today because of his uncle.

'Uncle.' He though again as he shut his eyes. 'Uncle. I'm sorry!' It's no joke. He is really sorry. Maybe he's one of the reasons why Jiang Cheng became really sad. Maybe because Jiang Cheng thought that he failed to be a parent to his Shijie's son, he became depressed. 'What if my existence is the reason that uncle is suffering?' He suddenly thought and tears immensely fell off his eyes.

"Young Mistress Jin!" Lan Jinyi's loud voice boomed and Jin Ling immedietly ran to him and cover his mouth.

"Hush! Uncle and Zewu-Jun is down there! What if they hear us?" Jin Ling silently shouted at him. Jin Ling is looking at them from a cliff, meters away from the two.

"Yes. Don't worry we know. That's why we put up a formation. Jeez. Come on! We have to get back to Gusu lest you want your uncle to find out that you're not there." Lan Jingyi said and wiped away Jin Ling's tears. Jin Ling's eyes widened at his actions, he thought the Lan would laugh at him for crying. But he didn't. He comforted him.

"A-ling." Lan Sizhui silently called out behind a tree as he watched two with a glare. Well, most likely glaring at his best friend. Jelous eyes looked at the two as Lan Jingyi helped Jin Ling up.

"Let's go back." Lan Jingyi said and Jin Ling nodded.

Lan Xichen broke the kiss and he stared at Jiang Cheng.

'Beautiful.' Lan Xichen though as he stared at the Jiang whose face is red.

"L-lan Xichen."

"Lan Huan. Call me Lan Huan, Wanyin." Lan Xichen said as he held Jiang Cheng's face.

"L-lan Huan. I-i think i heard my nephew's voice just now." Jiang Cheng stuttered.

"Yes. I think i also heard Lan Jingyi's voice. Shall we return to Gusu?" Lan Xichen smiled as he stepped away from Jiang Cheng.

"Like i said earlier, how? We don't even know where we are." Jiang Cheng said and touched his finger where Zidian WAS SUPPOSED to be but find that the ring was gone.

"Eh? Zidian? Where did it go?" Jiang Cheng silently asked hiself and he checked out his other hand but didn't see the thunder whip.

"Then we can have the juniors lead us." He snapped back when he heard Lan Xichen's voice and he turned to his direction and was about to ask how are they supposed to find the junior but shutted his mouth when he found the three juniors were tied up by the missing zidian.

"Uncle!" Jin Ling called out nervously.

"What? A-ling? Zidian?" Jiang Cheng asked dumbfounded.

He didn't ordered Zidian to do anything, yet why did the Zidian turned to it's whip form and is now holding his neohew and his friends?

"I ordered Zidian." Lan Xichen said abd Jiang Cheng turned his eyes at Lan Xichen who is behind the three. And what he said is true. Lan Xichen is holding Zidian's holder in his right hand.

"What? How?!" Jiang Cheng asked. Zidian is not supposed to follow anyone's order besides him, the owner, and someone he gave permission to.

"Zidian let out a small electric wave to me and thought that it was threatning me so i said in my mind for it to stop and it did. And when i told it to catch these three it went out of your finger and took them. Amazing right? I can order it around now, Wanyin!" Lan Xichen exclaimed happily as Zidian let go of the three juniors and nuzzled itself to his(LXC) cheek as if saying 'Daddy! Are you proud of me?'

The Gentle cloud and the Grumpy Lotus-LXC x JCWhere stories live. Discover now