Chapter 7

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"Sect Leader." His right hand man bowed in respect and Jiang Cheng looked at his right hand man.

"What is it?"

"Zewu-Jun is here Sect Leader. He requests for audience and is in the main hall." His right hand man replied.

"What is he here for?" Jiang Cheng grumbled as he stood up and approached his disciple.

"He said that he has a very important question to ask sect leader." Jiang Cheng blew out air as he started to walk to the main hall with gis right hand man following behind him.

"And what is this important question?" Jiang Cheng said as he saw that his sleeves were slightlyrolled up and red slices could be seen.

"Zewu-Jun didn't say. All he said was he wants to see you immediately." The purple robed man pulled down his sleeves ,that for no reasons, was pulled a little upwards. 

"I see. Check the training grounds. I'll meet Zewu-Jun." Jiang Cheng said as he continued to walk. The right hand man (Let's just name him Jiang Yue, i'm not sure if his name was changed to Jiang though but let's just name like that. But my readers decide. Would you like his name to be Jiang Yue or Mu Yue? I suck at chinese names. Hahaha.) Stopped at his tracks and bowed to his sect leader.

"Oh and also Jiang Yue." Jiang Cheng called as he turned to said man that also looked at his sect leader.

"Tell this to those who were slacking off. A week of hard labour." Jiang Cheng said and left as Jiang Yue bowed down and went off his own way as well.

'Good thing A-ling already left, or else i'll have another ear deafening of his beggings.' Jiang Cheng thought as he arrived infront of the main hall. He took a deeo breathe saying to hiself, 'It's ok Jiang Cheng, you can do it. You can do it. He just want to talk. Nothing more, nothing less. And if he tries anything weird, slap him! Make Zidian go in rage!' Jiang Cheng said to hiself. But, Zidian? As to what i  have remembered the whip have gladly obeyed his daddy's orders than his mommy's. What is mommy Jiang Cheng to do if his big boy chose to side daddy Lan Xichen. (A/N: When i typed Daddy Lan Xichen i suddenly thought Jiang Cheng calling him 'Daddy Xichen' i'll have my kink!)

He entered the main hall and saw his crush (awwiie) standing.

'White mourning clothes. Check. Long black hair. Check. Pale white skin. Check. Looks like a white lady. Check. Ok that's really Zewu-Jun.' Jiang Cheng puffed out air and stood tall as he approached the Lan.

"Greetings to sect leader Lan." Jiang Cheng cupped his fist and bent a bit as Lan Xiche did the same.

"Greetings to you as well, Sect Leader Jiang." Lan Xichen smiled which made Jiang Cheng twitch. 'He really looks like a white lady haunting my home. But if he is the white lady that would hunt my home, then come in, come in! I'll serve you tea, snacks and my body!....... now that sounded wrong. Author stop it! Bad author! Mad  author!' Jiang Cheng said to hiself but ignore the last line. ^u^

"What can i do for you?" Jiang Cheng asked, propping a brow up at the smiling Lan.

"It is somethin very personal. Can we talk about it in Sect Leader Jiang's room?" Lan Xichen innocently smiled which made fear creeped a bit in the Jiang's wholebeing.

"Why must it be in my room?" Jiang Cheng maintained his demeanor as he asked him. 'You're a Lan!  The sect leader to be in exact! You must be dignified and kind and must not rape anyone!!!' Jiang Cheng thought.

"It is something personal-" Lan Xichen leaned to the ear of the Jiang and blew air on Jiang Cheng's ear "-Between us." Hey hey hey hey hey. Rape won't happen! No smut! No smut! No smut! (🙄🙄🙄)

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