Chapter 2

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When the meeting has ended, Jiang Cheng immediately walked to the door of conference room to head to his room. He would have been on his way now only if not a certain someone called him.

"Sect Leader Jiang." Jiang Cheng turned around and faced Lan Xichen who keeps on smiling like the world will be destroyed if he somehow stop his smiling. We don't know of the others, but Jiang Cheng's world would be destroyed. But that's just my opinion. Let's just carry on.

"Is something the matter Sect Leader Lan?" He replied, his voice pissed as always.

"May i have a word with you?" He smiled warmly.

"Go ahead." The Lan sect leader went near him as he backed away a little.

"Privately." Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrow and the back of Lan Xichen and found that Jin GuangYao is not with him.

"May i know first what's the topic? If it's not that essential, then please just leave me alone." He closed his eyes, frown visible.

"Something about the meeting." He smiled and Jiang Cheng's frown just deepened.

"Why not just talk about it with sect leader Jin? You two are close friends right?" And for a moment, Lan Xichen's face looked like he just remembered about Jin Guangyao. He suddenly coughed but replied nevertheless.

"He said he wants to see Jin Ling because he misses him. So he went to look for him." He smiled innocently and Jiang Cheng just raised his eyebrow.

For a moment, he didn't want to believe the Lan but suddenly recalled that this man doesn't lie. Probably part of their clan rules. He suddenly rolled his eyes.

"Well that sounds stupid. Why would he look for Jin Ling when they see each other almost everyday? Tch. Stupid." He said rather harshly and the Lan sect leader flinched at the use of the word 'Stupid'.
Well, it's not like he isn't use hearing profanities. I mean, with Lan Qiren once getting drunk and yelling profanities in every single disciple of the GusuLan Sect, i guess he should have gotten use to it now. He just really felt weird when he hears profanities.

"I apologize Sect Leader Jiang. Hehe. Can we go somewhere else to talk now?" Lan Xichen said and pushed Jiang Cheng outside the conference room which shocked the purple robed sect leader. He tried to protest but immediately shut his mouth up, knowing that it would be useless.

Lan Xichen led Jiang Cheng to his room, which was not known by the Jiang sect leader. The room looked decent and nice that it looked like a meeting room for two to three person until he detected a familiar scent.

'This room smells like Lan Xichen. No! Wait! Don't tell me.' He thought and turned to face the smiling man behind him who closed the door and set up a formation.

"What is the meaning of this?" Jiang Cheng glared at Lan Xichen as the Lan just continue to smile innocently.

"Sect Leader Jiang." He called out and Jiang Cheng grunted in anmoyance as reply.

"If you were to marry someone. May i know who it is?" Lan Xichen asked and walked to his bed and sat on it gracefully.

"It's none of your bussiness!" Jiang Cheng angrily shouted at Lan Xichen as his smile, for the first time, vanished.

"It is in my bussiness." Lan Xichen sternly said which irritated Jiang Cheng more.

"Why is it now?!" Jiang Cheng yelled and Zidian sparked from his finger.

"Because Sect Leader Jiang." Lan Xichen said and stood up as he approached Jiang Cheng and took his left locks and inhaled it before kissing it.

"I like you." He said and kissed Jiang Cheng on the lips.

'He what? He likes me?! Who?! Me?! Like?! Me?! Ridiculous!' He yelled in his mind and pushed Lan Xichen away.

"Liar! You just want to use me don't you?" He yelled assumingly to Lan Xichen. As much as Jiang Cheng want to avoid it, he still can't help but feel sad when the soft warm lips left his.

"Sect Leader Jiang, what made you say so?" Lan Xichen asked and approached Jiang Cheng but Jiang Cheng stepped away from him and slapped him in the face.

"Will you people stop it?! Stop playing with my feelings! Do you think my heart is a marionette?!" He yelled as tears fell like waterfalls from his eyes. Lan Xichen held his bruised face as the slap of the Jiang sect leader stung. He looked at him and tried to say something when Jiang Chneg cut him off.

"Well if you think of that, then no! As cruel and cold as i can be, i'm still human! You have no rights to play with my feelings!" He said and stormed off Lan Xichen's room and mounted sandu and flew away from cloud recesses, tears still falling from his eyes.

Jin Ling who was talking with Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi complained more.

"And then he said he wanted to monitor me! Pah! Like you care if die!" He complained as the two Lans looked at him. One worried and one amused.

"Aww. Is young mistress Jin sad that his uncle won't notice him?" Lan Jingyi smirked and the Jin was about to scream a reply when a drop of water fell on his cheek. He touched as he looked up at the sky and caught sight of a purple robed man flying off cloud recesses.

"Where is uncle going?" He said and stood up. One moment, he was thinking that his uncle is going to leave him, but then he noticed that the disciples who were with them was not following Jiang Cheng.

His shoulder drop down in relief but suddenly tensed up when another drop of water fell, now on his forehead where his vermillion mark is. Then followed by another and another and another one and then it started to rain softly and then the rain drops fell more harshly.

"Uncle." Jin Ling called out as his other uncle, Jin Guangyao, pulled him more inside the roofed hallway, not wanting to have the young Jin more wet when they hurriedly walked back to the roofed building since running is forbidden.

"A-Ling. Don't worry. Jiang Cheng probably found shelter. Come, let's dry you first." Jin Guangyao sais and pulled Jin Ling to his room to dry him up.

Lan Xichen stared at the raining view infront of him.


A/N: I really don't understand what i'm writing. Sorry for the long wait, but here it is. Hehe. See you guys in the next chapter!

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