Chapter 9 (10k special)

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Song:Dear Me
Warning:I changed some of the lyrics. And this is my first ever smut. Yes. Whehehe.


It has been months since the Lan sect leader and the Jiang sect leader got together without proper courting. But who cares of courting when you love each other. Pah!

'It has already been months. More than one month. And look at me now, happy with Lan Xichen. I can't believe this. I feel happt with him.'

Jiang Cheng smiled as Lan Xichen laid his head on the Jiang's lap, snoring lightly. They are on the bed yet the Lan chose to sleep on the lap of the younger.

"Lan Huan." Jiang Cheng silently called.

"It's been months already. And in that those months, you never did anything but to make me happy. Thanks for being mine Lan Huan. Thanks for coming to my life." Jiang Cheng silently stated, not wanting to awake the Lan.

"No, A-cheng. Thank you for coming to my life." Lan Xichen, who was awake all along, stated as he stared at his lover.

"Who would have thought that i'll fall for you. And you'll fall for me. I can't believe your mine now. Before, i thought that you could only be mine in my dreams. But here you are next to me." Lan Xichen sat next to Jiang Cheng and cupped his cheeks as he pulled the Jiang closer to him.

"Well then, this is a dream come true." Jiang Cheng said as they leaned for each other and lips met. Tongues dance as clothes slowly slipped to the floor.

"L-lan Huan." Jiang Cheng moaned when Lan Xichen started to kiss his neck.

'Dear me, this a letter to the boy I used to be.
Dear me, there are some things that you should know.'

"Ahh!" Jiang Cheng moaned when Lan Xichen bit his neck, marking him as his. His hand trailed down to Jiang Cheng's member.

'It's not my intention to embarrass or t shame you.
What's inside the rear view mirror, is closer than it appears.'

Kisses trailed down to the Jiang's body as a hand stroked his member, his own hands  gripping the Lan's hair.

'We do the best that we know how, with what we have been given.
And the difference between you and I, is i've been given time.
In time you'll see.'

"Huan'er!" Jiang Cheng moaned loudly when Lan Xichen swallowed his member. He arched his back as a tongue grazed the tip of his little Jiang Cheng. "Ah! Ahhh!" Jiang Cheng moaned rather loudly as Lan Xichen bobbed his head up an down, sending pleasure to Jiang Cheng's body.

'Dear me, this a letter to the boy I used to be.
Some things are not as simple as we said.'

"Oh! Lan Huan! Ah!" The Jiang moaned when he finally cummed in the wet cavern of the Lan. Lan Xichen raised his face as he swallowed the cum.

"What the?! Did you just swallow it?!" Jiang Cheng asked, blushing furiously. Lan Xichen smiled and kiss the Jiang. He pulled the Jiang's hair, that has been long freed from it's bun, which unexpectedly sent pleasure to the Jiang. Lan Xichen removed his forehead ribbon and tied Jiang Cheng's hand together with.

'Remember when we thought there were a handful of some magic words to pray
A guarantee and a down payment on a mansion.
Remember all the rules we made about the body and the blood.
The hoops we made them jump through
Though he offers it to everyone.
I'm so sorry.

"Wanyin." Lan Xichen called out as he looked at the lewd image of Jiang Cheng sucking three of his finger. Tongues swirled around long slender fingers. Lan Xichen pulled his fingers away and positioned them infront of Jiang Cheng's anus and pushed one inside. "Ugh!" Jiang Cheng moaned in pain as he arched his back. The finger started to move around trying to hit a certain spot. When Lan Xichen thought that one finger must not be enough, he added another.

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