Chapter 1

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"Why am i here, Uncle?" Jin Ling whined as he walked behind his uncle as they entered the gate of the Cloud Recesses. Home of the GusuLan Clan members.

"Will you shut up, you brat?" Jiang Cheng snapped and Jin Ling flinched.

"For the last time, you are coming with me so i can monitor your nighthunting. Your elders keeps on complaining to me on how you recklessly sneak out just to nighthunt." Jiang Cheng explained, pissed as they walked the hallways, passing some junior disciples who saluted them.

"Well as if you care." Jin Ling muttered, trying to prevent his uncle to yell at him again, but was heard by Jiang Cheng.

The elder stopped dead at his tracks and turn to look at his nephew with cold eyes.

"What was that?" He asked darkly as a deathly aura can be sensed. Jin Ling trembled and clasped his hands together infront of his beating chest and said, "No, Nothing! I'm sorry."

Jiang Cheng huffed and turned to look away and started walking as Jin Ling followed him, maintaining a fair distance between him and his fierce uncle.

'As if you care. All my life, you always wanted me to live up in your expectations. You never even treated me as your nephew.' Jin Ling sadly thought as he recalled his childhood.

All of his childhood, he never experienced making friends. Both his uncle and the Jin elders always wanted him to focus on strengthening his cultivation base. Every day they would train the boy to his bones, never letting him enjoy his times as a kid. The other kids bully him and he is too awkward to make friends, considering how they were allowed to play all the time and all he do is train.

"Sect Leader Jiang. Young Master Jin." Ahh. There it is. The voice that can lift your mood and make you feel relief. Well, that's for the people. But Jiang Cheng, instead of having his mood lift, he just frowned more.

'This voice. This voice keeps on playing in my dreams. What's so great about that voice? I would rather hear Lan QiRen's scolding than hear his voice. So annoying.' Jiang Cheng thought as a man dressed in pristine white robes and a forehead ribbon decorated in his forehead approached them.

"Sect Leader Lan." Jiang Cheng called back.

"Sect Leader Lan." Jin Ling greeted as well as he cupped his fist to the sect leader as Lan Xichen nodded.

"I'm glad Sect Leader Jiang could come to the conference." Lan Xichen smiled and Jiang Cheng stopped the urge to roll his eyes.

'Naturally i would be here. You don't want me here? Pah! As if i want to be here as well.' Jiang Cheng thought.

"Well, the conference seemed important so i had to come." Jiang Cheng said as Lan Xichen leaded the way for the two visitors.

"Well, actually it is. It has something to do with the watch towers we built." Lan Xichen said Jin Ling felt a bit left out. What is he supposed to do when he don't know what they are talking about especially if he can't relate? He can't just suddenly leave without his Uncle's permission or else he would be scolded again.

"What's wrong with it?" Jiang Cheng asked and peeked at Jin Ling only to see the latter rather bored out.

"I, myself, don't know. I apologize." Lan Xichen said and they reached the conference room.

"Sect Leader Lan, may i request those two disciples of yours that always sticks their asses on my nephew?" Jiang Cheng said referring to Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi who was also just standing in the door of the conference room. Lan Xichen flinched at the use of such indecent things.

"I apologize. Jin Ling's friends?" He said as Lan Xichen smiled and faced the two Lan juniors.

"Sizhui, Jingyi." He called out as the two juniors approached and saluted the two sect leaders.

"Please accompany young master Jin." Lan Xichen told the two as they nodded.

After the disciples left, Lan Xichen turned to Jiang Cheng.

"So, Sect Leader Jiang." He called out as the mentioned Sect Leader looked at him.

"Shall we add another topic to the meeting?" He smiled and Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes.

"Why must it concern my approval?" Jiang Cheng looked away and satarted to walk inside the conference room.

"I was thinking of planning Sect Leader Jiang's marriage." Jiang Cheng whipped his head back and stared at the man before him.

'Is he serious?' Jiang Cheng said at his mind as the thought of him wearing red robes with a female next to him disgusted him.

It's not that he isn't attracted to woman, it's just that he always have been dreaming of having Lan Xichen to be the other one in bright red robes. Why was he dreaming that kind of thing? He doesn't know as well. Is he Inlove? Well that's what we all hope.

"No, thank you." He sternly said and walked inside the room, Lan Xichen following behind him.

"Ahaha. I apologize to Sect Leader Jiang to come up with such idea. I see you are still not interested into marrying." The man in white smiled as Jiang Cheng sat at his seat.

"It's not that i'm not interested in marrying. Jin Ling is just being a stubborn brat and i need to control him. I don't want another nuisance hanging around my room." He bitterly said as the Lan sect leader smiled and nodded and went to his seat.

'Well it's because i'm not interested in marrying a woman. I want to marry you.' He thought but suddenly slapped hiself. What was he thinking? The other man just asked him about marriage and he suddenly thought of wanting Lan Xichen to be his husband? And it's Jiang Cheng we're talking about here. Who would have thought that the man in majestic purple would think like that toward the leader of 'Men in pristine robes'.

"Uhh. Sect Leader Jiang, are you alright?" Nie HuaiSang who was seated next to him asked when he slapped hiself.

"Yes. Just a fly." He said and our Cinnamol roll boi just pretended that he didn't see Jiang Cheng looking at Lan Xichen lovingly.

Yahooo! The story is up everyone! Welcome to the first official chapter of this book! I know this suck because to be honest, i know what my plot is for the story but when it comes on typing the words, that's when my hands work on theirselves and i have no idea what am i typing. And i am very aware that this is a bit OOC hehe.Anyways, i hope you enjoyed reading this BORING. No not boring. VERY BORING book. Nexr chapter coming up!

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