Chapter 3

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Jin Ling paced around the room back and forth with Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi watching him.

"Hey! Would you stop pacing back and forth! You would dig a hole to china!" Lan Jingyi shouted.

"Well, if you forgot we live in China!" Jin Ling yelled.

"Whatever! Would you atleast calm down?" Lan Jingyi said again.

"Calm down? Calm down?! Are you seriously telling me to calm down! Calm down when my uncle is missing for a week already?! You want me to calm down with the situation!!" Jin Ling yelled back as tears shot out from his eyes.

"Young master Jin. Please." Lan Sizhui held back the panicking Jin.

"Jin Ling." Jin Guangyao entered the room and Jin Ling went to his other uncle and the two Lans saluted.

"Uncle Yao. Is there news about Uncle Cheng?" He said, using Jiang Cheng's name out of worry.

"No. Not yet. But that's not the only problem now." He informed his nephew as Jin Ling frowned.

"What is it now?"

"Sect Leader Lan is also missing." He said as the young Jin fumed up.

"How does that concerns my Uncle Cheng!" He yelled at Jin Guangyao.

"Jin Ling." The Jin Sect Leader called up in a firm tone.

"Lan Xichen is looking for traces of Jiang Cheng for three days now. Now, even him is missing. How does that not concern Jiang Cheng?"

"Well right! How does that concern Uncle?!" He yelled as tears streamed down from his face. He doesn't understand this. Why? Why is his other uncle talking about his missing sworn brother instead of his Brother-in-law. Can't he feel his (JL) anxiety? His worry? His pain? Jiang Cheng is his only remaining Blood-related relative since Jin Guangyao is the half brother of his father.

"Somewhere in south, a discliple saw a piece of White and Purple clothing. They believe it belongs to sect leader Jiang and sect leader Lan." He calmly stated and Jin Ling's expression changed.

"Somewhere. South. South?" Jin Ling muttered and he got an idea. Which he knows will put him in danger.

"South." He muttered again.

-Somewhere in south-

A man in purple raced in the sky in full speed. Wind slap his face harshly but he doesn't care. The speed that he's emitting causes the wind to hit his eyes as well. But no matter how fast he goes, he just really can't lose the man clad in white who keeps on chasing him.

"Sect Leader Jiang!" Lan Xichen called out  but was ended up ignored.

"Jiang Cheng!" He called out but the Jiang just fastened his pace.

"Jiang Wanyin!" Even thought the Jiang flinched at the call of his birth name, but it didn't stop him to continue on his fast pace.

"A-Cheng!" And with that, he lost focus. His sword dropped along with him and he almost let out a scream only to be pulled by Lan Xichen.

Jiang Cheng's face turned furious and tried to punch Lan Xichen on the head but he dodged it. He then slapped him which left a red mark. Again.

"How dare you call me that!!!" He roared at the Lan.

"I'm sorry. You weren't stopping so i thought it would catch your attention." He said but all he got was a killing glare.

He sighed and landed to the ground where sandu fell.

Jiang Cheng kicked his way out of Lan Xichen's arms and took Sandu.

"Leave me alone." He spatted out angrily and started to walk away hoping that Lan Xichen will not follow but it doesn't seem like it.

"That i cannot do, Sect Leader Jiang." The Lan replied as he tailed the Jiang.

"And why is that now?" He angrily asked out.

"Young Master Jin is getting worried for you."

"And so what if he is?" He said and started to fasten his pace but was no matched against the Lan.

"Sect Leader Jiang." He called out but was ignored by the purple robed Jiang.

"Please sect leader Jiang. Please come back." He tried to persuade him but all he got was a glare.

"How about you stop persuading me and think of a way for us to get back? Can't you see? We're lost! LOST!" He emphazise the word lost. Now that's rare. To think that there will be a day where we can see two of one of the most respected clan leaders get lost in a forest. Really rare.

And since Lam Xichen also did realize that they were lost, they had no choice but to look if there is someone they can ask the loacation or some direction with.

'Lost. You are lost in the forest alone Jiang Wanyin. After all, i'm lost in your heart. A long time ago, my Wanyin.'

'Too bad Lan Huan. I'm lost in you.'

Wow. Now this was finished than the original time it must be finished. And i was supposed to update tomorrow but thought that it would be wiser to just update today. I know this is too much OOC but i like it that way. Hahahaha. Anyways, i hope you guys like it!

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