Chapter 10

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"Don't you dare tangle it up again." Jiang Cheng glared at Lan Xichen's reflection in the mirror as the Lan braided the Jiang's hair.

"Yes yes. Have trust in me." Lan Xichen smiled at his lover.

"I can't even trust you in bed yesterday, how do you expect me to trust you at my hair?" Jiang Cheng huffed as the Lan chuckled.

"Are you going to confront elder Lan?" Lan Xichen looked at Jiang Cheng when the question was aired.

"Yes. I'm not sure if uncle's mad or not. He might be even raging right now in cloud recesses." Lan Xichen replied as he tied the Jiang's hair into a bun.

"His hands were bleeding yesterday. You have to check it up." Jiang Cheng said amazed at how Lan Xichen didn't fuck up in tying his hair.

"I will. Worried for your future Uncle-in-law huh?" Lan Xichen smiled.

In the early morning of Yunmeng, Yunmeng Jiang disciples were peacufully either walking, training, or preparing something. Birds were chirping love song to each other and the river is calm. Lotus Pier is calm. Everyone in lotus pier is calm. But the master is not. Zidian sparked and chased the man in white like they are a couple playing tag in a fcking beach. You know, the magical effects? The sunset and the laughter.

Now that's a joke.

How could the fearsome Sandu Shengshou rage at such remark when a soft passionate kiss is placed in his kips.

Lan Xichen smiled lovingly at the Jiang as the younger heaved a heavy blush.

"You're going now?" Jiang Cheng asked and touched the braid.

"Yes. We have a meeting before lunch." Lan Xichen started to walk out of the room with Jiang Cheng beside him.

"Hmmm. I'll see you out." The Jiang announced as they were greeted by the Jiang disciples.

"No need, Wanyin."

"I insist." Jiang Cheng puffed a cheek at the Lan which was returned with a chuckle.

"Alright alright."

Soon, they were already at a secluded part in the gates of the Lotus Pier with Lan Xichen mounted on Shouyue.

"I'll visit you again after three days. If i were to be busy, i'll have a disciple inform you." Lan Xichen placed a soft kiss on Jiang Cheng's forehead.

"No. I'll be the one visiting you in Cloud recesses next time. It's not fair that you are always the one visiting me." Jiang Chrng kissed the Lan's cheek. (A/N:Pota inggit ako. Pasalamat kayo mahal ko ship nyu kung hndi winasak ko na ito. XD Angst talaga ang magiging kinalabasan nito. Patayin ko isa inyo eh. XD Don't worry, it's not something bad. Just some little complain. Haha. Continue reading.)

"But Wanyin. I enjoy visiting you." Lan Xichen patted Jiang Cheng.

"But A-ling is at cloud recesses right now. He told me that he will be staying there for a week, i also need to check on him. And i also need to check on you." Jiang Cheng leaned on the touch of his lover as the Lan chuckled.

"Alright. Alright. Give me a goodbye kiss." Lan Xichen pointed at his lips and the Jiang smiled and jumped to the Lans arms and kissed him. Lan Xichen catched Jiang Cheng perfectly and they shared a kiss as the sun shone on them.

Two disciples were patrolling and saw the scene. Both shocked and happy. Shocked as they saw their almighty Jiang sect leader kissing the dignified Lan sect leader. Happy because now, their sect leader found his happiness. Even if Jiang Cheng is a cold and ruthless person, he is still a reasonable man and trained them all with his outmost strength and supported them.

The Gentle cloud and the Grumpy Lotus-LXC x JCWhere stories live. Discover now