Chapter 8

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"A-Cheng." Lan Xichen called out as the Jiang sect leader hummed while fixing his hair back which was suffering from a very bad tangled hair strands. Lan Xichen was deeply astonished to the man's soft hair that he have tangled it too much and Jiang Cheng refused to recieve help saying that he is not a maiden to be helped with her hair.

"Can i.. can i-uhh. Umm. Can-" Lan Xichen stuttered, having a difficult time to ask his question, his usual smile gone but his gentle face remains. Jiang Cheng turned to him and put the brush down and looked at Lan Xichen worriedly. What is he going to say? Does it concern him? Or their relationship? Is Lan Xichen going to ask Jiang Cheng if he can cut ties with him now? Wow heck i ain't gonna do that. I's never going to do that. Never ever ever.

"Can you what? Spit it out already." Jiang Cheng hissed as Lan Xichen sweated.

'How am i supposed to ask him? What am i supposed to say? What am i going to say?! How should i say it?! What am i going to say again?! Wait. What is SAY?!'

"Uhh. You see... earlier. Uuhh. I kinda umm." 'Why am i so nervous? What's wrong with me? Gahh!'

"Kinda what?" Jiang Cheng asked, now frowning, totally pissed.

Lan Xichen sighed and faced the Jiang.

"I'll tell you but please, answer my questions. Please?" Lan Xichen pleaded as Jiang Cheng raised a brow but either ways nodded.

Lan Xichen took a deep breathe and look at Jiang Cheng seriously. The same look he gave the Jiang back in the forest when they were lost.

"When you were asleep earlier, your sleeves were rolled up so i went to fix it and-" Lan Xichen cut hiself and observed the Jiang's expression. From a confused deamenor, to a terrified one.

"Seems like you know what i'm talking about,huh?" Lan Xichen smiled and took a strand of Jiang Cheng's hair.

"When was it?" Lan Xichen which Jiang Cheng raised in confusion.

"What are you asking? When did i start cutting? Or when was those cut?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Hmmm. Maybe both?"

Jiang Cheng sighed and took his hairback and stood up and went to his wardrobe, looking for something.

"I started cutting when i was thirteen. This started from my family. And these cuts? They were from earlier." He said and took out a white bandage.

"A-cheng?" Lan Xichen called out as Jiang Cheng hummed in response.

"Show me your cuts." He demanded as Jiang Cheng looked at him in confusion.

"Please." Lan Xichen said as Jiang Cheng sighed and nodded.

He sat down to his chair as Lan Xichen approached him.

The Lan took Jiang Cheng's hand and rolled up the sleeves only to be greeted by a sight of a bloody wrist full of cuts.

Lan Xichen rolled the sleeves higher only to hug the Jiang. The cuts went from his wrist up to his shoulder. His whole arm full of cuts.

"Disgusted now are we?" Jiang Chenh smiled a sad smile.

"It's not that i'm disgusted. I just can't bear seeing your skin scarred like that." Lan Xichen said and started to rub circles on Jiang Cheng's back.

"Wanyin. I love you." Lan Xichen said and kissed Jiang Cheng's forehead as a tear fell down from the Jiang.

"Lan Huan." Jiang Cheng called out as he leaned on the lips of Lan Xichen that is still kissing his forehead.

"Maybe i also should add Lan Huan in my drawings." Lan Xichen suddenly pulled back only to widen his eyes at the sight he is seeing. Jiang Cheng...

Jiang Cheng is smiling. And he looked beautiful like that.

"Wanyin, what do you mean?" Lan Xichen asked as his brows furrowed. Why is Jiang Cheng smiling suddenly? Yeah wy. I also don't know.

Jiang Cheng took a knife from his pocket and stab the floor before lifting it with the knife.

"What is that?" Lan Xichen asked when

"Hmmm? A trapdoor that leads to a secret room downstair. Why? I keep my pretty things below my bedroom floor you see." Jiang Cheng smiled as Lan Xichen took a peek at the box hole and saw a stair that goes down.

"Come." Jiang Cheng said and took Lan Xichen's hand and jumped down. They landed at a wooden floor and the ring zidian suddenlt flickered lightning before it released a blinding purple light which made the Two sect leaders close their eyes.

"Zidian, you better get rid of that dramatic transformation lest i'll call you pest." Jiang Cheng spoke when the light was gone. Lan Xichen opened his eyes and saw a...purple hedgehog? Wait no, a squirrel? Ehhh. A rabbit? It doesn't matter, what matters is that the Zidian turned into an animal.

"I don't know which animal he is. But he's still cute right?" Jiang Cheng smiled.

"Wanyin." Lan Xichen called out as Jiang Chenh smiled and hummed.

"If you keep on smiling i might kiss you." Lan Xichen gulped.

"Really? Ok!" Jiang Cheng cheerfully said and smiled widely and approached Lan Xichen.

"I'm clingy. Needy. Moody and sometimes weird. You really want to have me as your lover? You'll regret it." Jiang Cheng softly smiled.

Lan Xichen returned the smile and cupped Jiang Cheng's cheeks.

"How will i regret loving a beauty?" Lan Xichen said and two lips met. Lan Xichen pushed Jiang Cheng to the wall and deepened the kiss as his hand snaked to Jiang Cheng's waist, the other one behind the Jiang's head. Jiang Cheng's hands are wrapped on Lan Xichen's neck. Zidian, who is now an animal, can be seen glaring at the Lan. Just who is he to kiss his master? His master's lover? Yup.

"Lan Huan." Jiang Cheng breathed when Lan Xichen trailed down his kisses to the Jiang's neck.

Lan Xichen keep on kissing the Jiang's neck, savoring and coating it with his saliva.

"Lan Huan." Jiang Cheng moaned when Lan Xichen licked the Jiang Cheng's neck up to his ear.

"Lan Huan." Jiang Cheng called out as Lan Xichen kissed his cheek.

"Hmmmm?" Came the Lan's reply.

"Can i be your lover already?" Jiang Cheng smiled as Lan Xichen chuckled.

"But i wanna marry you now." Lan Xichen said and kissed Jiang Cheng's forehead.

"Na ah. Can't do. I don't want two idiots to yell at me because of you." Jiang Cheng smiled softly.

"I love your smile." Lan Xichen pecked Jiang Cheng's lips.

"And it's going to be yours only." Jiang Cheng said as his arms remained in the Lan's neck as Lan Xichen kept his hands on the Jiang's waist.

"Zid! Zid!" Zidian squeeked which interrupted the two's sweet time.

Jiang Cheng faced the purple animal and let out a small growl.

"What is it zidian?" As soon as Jiang Cheng said those words, a yell can be heard.

"Sect leader!" They both rushed their ways back to Jiang Cheng's room with zidian on top of Jiang Cheng's head.

"What is it?" Jiang Cheng said back when he and Lan Xichen finally fixed theirselves.

"There is a problem with a subsidize village." The messenger said.

"I'll follow later." Jiang Cheng said as the messenger replied a 'Yes' and took off.

"I guess i have to go." Jiang Cheng said and faced the Lan.

"Can i come?" Lan Xichen kissed the Jiang's cheek.

"How can i say no?" Jiang Cheng smiled and kissed Lan Xichen.

'I hate this guy.' -Zidian.

A/N: What the hell, so cringy. Yuck! I'm not good at writing things. I'm actually planning to write smut but my younger cousins were watching me type sooooo. Sorry no smut for now. XD

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