Chapter 4

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"What?!" Jin Guangyao's voice boomed in the empty hallways of Lanling.

"I apologize Sect leader. We were not sensible enough to sense young master Jin's disappearance. Please punish us if needed." A disciple said as he bowed down with two more disciples behind him.

"There's no need for that. Find me Jin Ling. Search for Sect Leader Lan and Jiang as well while you're on it." He replied with a frustrated tone.

"Yes, Sect Leader!" The three of them yelled as they all left in relief that the master of the Jins will not punish them for losing his beloved nephew.

And if you're asking where our young Jin is going, here let's find out.

"Ugh. It's so stuffy in here." A youth clad in yellow exclaimed.

"It smells bad. Really bad." He said as he covered his nose to prevent on breathing the stinky smell of a swamp.................... A swamp topped with human bodies.

"Disgusting." He said and ran away from the swamp and hide from tree to tree. Why is he hiding? Simple. Two Lans are after him.

"Young Master Jin!" Jin Ling could hear Lan Sizhui's voice below, yes. He is following him.

"Hey! Young mistress Jin! Get out now will you!" And Lan Jingyi. And yes, even him.

Both young Lans saw the young master of the Jins running towards south earlier so they chased him. But with Jin Ling's speed, they didn't manage to catch up with him and didn't saw where he have landed.

Jin Ling let out a low grunt at the nickname amd swore that he will give Lan Jingyi a piece of his mind when he and the other lad meet again. For now, he will be looking for his uncle.

-With Xicheng-

"Sect Leader Jiang." Lan Xichen called out as Jiang Cheng faced him.

"There is a river nearby. Maybe sect leader Jiang is thirsty?" Lan Xichen asked with a smile.

Jiang Cheng frowned at the smile but sighed.

"Sure. Let's drink first, i might regret not drinking water from here." He said and they both walked to the river side.

Jiang Cheng took a handful of water and drank it and Lan Xichen did the same.

After a few seconds, both of them were sitting on the river end. Staring at the water, Jiang Cheng recalled the confession of the other sect leader anf how that confession drove him to run away. He hates it when he falls inlove. He hates it when he loves someone who doesn't love him back. After all, that's what he felt when he found out that Wei Wuxian will marry Lan Wangji. He just can't take it. Wei Wuxian promised that they will be the twin heroes of Yunmeng and when Jiang Cheng finally become the head of the family, he (WWX) will be there to be his right hand man. And that's one of the reasons why he liked the demonic cultivator. It's because he promises to be there for him and never leave his side which made him (JC) feel like there is someone for him, that a person is willing to be with him. But sadly, those promises became pitiful sorries.

"Sect Leader Lan. I have a question for you." Jiang Cheng said, his head down as dark lines covered his face.

Lan Xichen faces him and said, "Yes?".

"That day when you said you like me." He stopped and Lan Xichen waited with a smile.

"Which part?" Jiang Cheng asked and Lan Xichen tilted his head in confusion.

"Which part of me did you like? Which part of this ugly andp useless body of me dild you like?" He raised his head and if one looked in his eyes, the sign of tiredness from mental and emotional torture could be seen.

"Wanyin! Don't say those words! You're not useless." Lan Xichen suddenly yelled, an unusual frown could be seen on his handsome face.

"How am i not useless? Wei Wuxian is better than me. I couldn't even protect my sister. And i raised Jin Ling to be the way he is. Rude and has a bad mouth." Jiang Cheng replied and Lan Xichen took hold of his shoulder rather harshly.

"Wanyin. Wei Wuxian is not you. He might be better than you in some things, but atleast you are being yourself! It's better to be a failure when your real on yourself rather than be a achiever who just fakes his personality. It wasn't yout fault that your sister died! No one wanted that to happen! No one, Wanyin! And young master Jin is a promising cultivator! Even as a junior, he shows a really good perfomance! Please! You're not useless! And even if you are useless to others, you are worth more thousand times useful for me! Wanyin, i I love you! Please. Believe me. I love you, Wanyin." Lan Xichen tried convincing Jiang Cheng who was blushing madly now.

"Z-zewu Jun, i was just stating a fact. No need to get serious here." Jiang Cheng said as he tried to pry away Lan Xichen's hands. Keyword:Tried.

Lan Xichen pushed Jiang Cheng on a nearby tree as he continued to hold him on the shoulder.

"It is not a fact. It is an insult. An insult about you." Lan Xichen stated as he held down a struggling Jiang Cheng who was trying his best ti get out of Lan Xichen's grasp, but we all know the strength of Lan sect members.

"So what if it is an insult about me. It doesn't matter." Jiang Cheng insisted.

"And also, sect leader Lan. Let go of me." Jiang Cheng tried to pry his hands of but it was only stuck on it's position.

"It does matter! Wanyin, I love you! Of it  course matters!" Lan Xichen said, almost yelling.

"No!" Jiang Cheng suddenly stopped struggling as he yelled.

"No, you don't love me! You just feel pity for me! Yeah! That's it!" Jiang Cheng yelled as he looked at Lan Xichen's eyes. The Lan was in utter shock when he saw his beloved's face. Tears falling down like waterfalld from his eyes. Lips formed into something that shouts help. A face that's tired already. And he really is. Jiang Cheng is tired. Of all of this. Of all of the things he had to go through.

"Don't you understand?! Heaven hates me! My father hates me! He only thinks of that Wei Wuxian all the time! My mother hates me! She doesn't care anything except my title and the clan! She always wants me to on the top when she knew that i can't! My sister hates me! I wasn't able to save her when she died all i can do is watch her life slip away! She only thinks of Wei Wuxian! It's always Wei Wuxian in the family! Jin Ling hates me! I'm always mad at him! I always yell at him! Always scold him, threatens him, scare him, and drive him away! I am a bad person Lan Xichen!" Jiang Cheng yelled as his voice broke and more tears came out. He can't handle it. Not anymore. The pai  is too much for him to handle.

"I'm tired of all of this. I'm tired. No one always notices me! It's always Wei Wuxian! I am a person that lives in his shadows! No one will notice me! No one had! Even my father likes him more!" Jiany Cheng faced Lan Xichen, his face painted with tears. His nose red from crying. His foreheaf sweaty.

"Now, tell me! Tell me which part of me did you like! Which part of me?!" Jiang Cheng yelled ss he continued to cry. His heart throbbed from all the pain.

"All your perfect imperfections. I like you because you're Jiang Cheng, Jiang Wanyin. I love you because you are you." Lan Xichen stated calmly, as if hoping that by doing this the other would calm down as well.

Jiang Cheng was about to retort something when he felt soft lips pressed on his own wet ones.

His eyes widened at the sight of a certain white clothed man kissing him.

He tried to look away to break the kiss but Lan Xichen held his face and kissed him deeper and Jiang Cheng moaned.

In the end, Jiang Cheng thought.

'Why? Why can't i force myself to believe him? I have always done that. I always forced to believe that i'm worth something. That i am worthy of someone's love. But why can't i now?' Jiang Cheng thought and closed his eyes as he fell on the kiss.

'One month. One month is enough for him to prove to me that he really loves me.'

A/N: I am really sorry that this took so long. I was busy with damned school and stuffs. I really apologize. I am touched that someone likes my story since i always believe that this is trash work, hehe. But anyways, i hope you liked it honeys.♡♡♡

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