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Note:After this, i am going to make a new Xicheng fic.

This is the last chapter everyone! Thank you for your outmost support and unending effort on reading this story! I really appreciate it. And also to my friends AlexTCa vkookforever1212 and Alluring_SM (i didn't forgot anybody in the gang aye?) Let's go and make the other story or our new group chat. XD ahaha!

Song 1:Brother
Song 2:Light to call home
Artist:Jullia Brennan

To the last part of this story we go!


It was late at night yet the Jiang is still awake and sitting in a pavillion, sipping tea.

His hair was down from it's usual bun and was replaced with him tying his hair with a purple ribbon. His hair fluttered and danced with the wind as the moon shone on his delicate features.

"Madam Jiang." Jiang Yue called out and Jiang Cheng frowned at that.

"What is it?" He replied, irritation laced his voice.

"Master Lan is about to return, Madam Jiang." Jiang Cheng hummed at this.

Years went by smoothly since that night. Jiang Cheng introduced Lan Xichen to the twins. Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen became lovers again. Nie Huaisang returned to his normal self (The usual head shaker) though he would throw occassional glares to the Lan. And wanna know why Jiang Cheng is called 'Madam Jiang' instead of 'Sect leader Jiang'? Easy!

Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen is now married!

They have been married for four years now and everything is going smooth, though there are some occassional fights here and there but there are no perfect relationship.

Jiang sect and the Lan sect is now a joint sects and is being handled by Lan Xichen. Though ,of course, with Jiang Cheng doing most of of the work for the Jiang sect matters. Jin sect was also being handled by the two married couple and no one can really complain, Jin Ling is still so young i mean.

Jiang Cheng heard footsteps disappearing behind him but was immediately replaced by approaching footsteps.

"Wanyin." He felt a hand wrapped around him and hugged him from the behind.

"What are you doing here? It's already late." Jiang Cheng scoffed at his husband.

"Yeah i know. And so, why did you just return now? I thought you Lan have a curfew until 9? You're no longer following it since you spend most of your time in Lotus Pier?" Jiang Cheng turned his head and was meeted by Lan Xichen's gentle and loving eyes staring at him with a bright smile.

Lan Xichen laughed lightly at his wife and replied, "I'm sorry, i met trouble on the way." Lan Xichen sat at the chair next to Jiang Cheng and hugged him. Jiang Cheng rested on Lan Xichen's broad chest and felt comfortable and he smiled. "I see."

"Welcome home, love."

"I'm home."


"A-niang! A-die!" A loud enthusiastic voice can be heard as two children on their age of 8 ran to their parents who were sitting in a pavillion. Well more on like Lan Xichen is sitting in a chair in the pavillion and Jiang Cheng is seated on his lap.

"A-xuan, don't run. You'll trip!" Lan Ruon warned his younger twin brother but the warning was ignored as the child dressed in Jiang's uniform continued to run.

The Gentle cloud and the Grumpy Lotus-LXC x JCWhere stories live. Discover now