Chapter 6

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"Uuuhhh." Jiang Cheng chanted when he saw what his disciples brought him.

He stared at it with irritation and looked at the three disciples that brought it.

"What the hell is this?" Jiang Cheng asked his three disciples as the trio yelped when they heard their sect leader's voice. 

"U-umm. It is a delivery from Sect Leader Lan, Sect Leader." The Jiang disciple trembled as he answered Jiang Cheng's question.

"Do you know why he sent it?"

"No Sect Leader. But there is a letter attached to it, said that it is a letter from Zewu-Jun." The other disciple answered.

Jiang Cheng was about to speak when he heard a yell from someone he loves but kinda don't wanna see him right now.

"Uncle!" Jin Ling bursted the door open, nit minding if his uncle yell at him.

"Uncle!" He yelled again and Jiang Cheng snapped.

"What?! And where's your manners Jin Rulan! You dare to burst open my door and yell at me!" Jin Ling grimaced to the address of his courtesy name and felt fear creep on his skin when his uncle yelled at him but let it go when he remembered his subject of going here. He took out a big bag and poured everything inside it to reveal to his uncle. The three disciples went out, well knowing that they should not interfere here.

"I apologize Uncle. But what is this!" He pointed his finger to the objects that escaped the big bag that he was carrying. Gifts such as sweets, brushes and dog materials (probably for fairy) were there.

"And this!" He showed his uncle a letter that reads

'Young Master Jin, i hope you accept my gifts as a request of rooting your Uncle.
     -Zewu Jun.           '

"No!" Jin Ling threw the piece of paper on the ground and stomped at it saying 'No' over and over again.

"I will not let him root you!" Now that's the scary part. The reason that Jiang Cheng is still single is not because the young maidens presented to him doesn't meet his requirements but because every time he is to root a maiden, Jin Ling throws a fit and won't allow his uncle to continue it and bullies the maiden. No wonder he gets blacklistes a lot.

"No! Never! No one will marry uncle!!" Jin Ling jumped at Jiang Cheng and crushed him with a hug as his legs tangeld itself on Jiang Cheng's.

"Hey! Stop it!" Jiang Cheng said as he tried to push Jin Ling away.

"Jiang Cheng!!" And he heard another annoying voice as his door burst open again and revealed Wei Wuxian.

"What is the meaning of this?! Zewu-Jun is rooting you! Why do i not know of this earlier! I have every rights to know as your elder brother!" Wei Wuxian yelled and approached Jiang Cheng.

Blah blah blah. Jiang Cheng standing trying to cover his ears. Jin Ling tangling hiself to his uncle while saying 'No' over and over again and Wei Wuxian whining why he doesn't know about the rooting of Zewu-Jun.


Jiang Cheng sighed as he sat on his bed. He stroked Jin Ling's hair who was also laying on his bed. Wei Wuxian eventually calmed down and was picked up by Lan Wangji, but Jin Ling stayed the way he is and Jiang Cheng was left with no choice but to continue his works with uJin Ling on his back, hugging him. And finally the day was ready to end and he got Jin Ling to shut his mouth and sleep.

He looked at his desk where the delivery from Zewu-Jun is placed. He looked at Jin Ling who was sleeping peacefully and decided to read the letter.

The Gentle cloud and the Grumpy Lotus-LXC x JCWhere stories live. Discover now