He Looks Familiar

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Hye Su' POV:

I arrived home safe and sound. I stood inside my bedroom door having flashbacks on what I saw tonight.

Hahaha. I laugh out of sarcasm. No it couldn't have. No No NOOooo!
Kaykay now I'm just gone mad.

I already said it myself. Wolves don't exist. I start feeling where it touched me.

"Arghh" I yelled from the pain.

My ar-rm, I ran to the mirror. I lifted up my sleeves and blood came pouring out and found claw marks scraped across it.

Crap I have to clean this up before Halamoni finds out. That stupid dog, how dare he. I'm continuously badmouthing the wolf.

I wrap my arm with a teared stocking to hold it while I take a shower.

After I showered I took off the bandage to treat it.

But it was gone.

It wasn't on my arm anymore. I check my other arm but there was nothing. I pinch, slap and punch my arms to double check I haven't gone completely crazy.

Still there's nothing.......... W- wwait now I'm healing fast.

I seriously don't know what this is, but let's just go with puberty. You know when your body starts to change and develop new things....-<
So now I'm an employee at Family Mart and work here as a part-time worker.

I doesn't really pay much but I just do it to help out Halapoji and Halamoni. But the only thing I hate about this job is greeting and serving customers.

It really bugs me when even though the customer is a prick, I have to smile back as if they're not cursing me or anything.

Aish! I still got two and a half hours left until my shift is over. Why does time take so slow.......zzz

After restocking shelves and helping useless customers, I check the time and FINALLY I just have to endure ten more minutes.

"Hyung! Hyung! Buy me this! Buy me this!" I see a group of sweaty boys walk in so loud and disrespectful.

One loud guy kept mixing up the shelf I just restocked. I eye him out hinting him to stop. This little ......shhhhh

Someone taps my shoulder before I could finish my sentence.

"Shhhhhh.......yes" I reply turning around.

"Um, excuse me do you know where the energy drinks are?" one of the little sh*ts friend asks me.

I stare at him for a while.......I zoom in and our on his eyes and face.

It looked awkward, but it felt like I've seen him before.

Kkgghhmm, he clears his throat then asks the same question again.

Oh! I snap back to my senses. Because he's friend to that loser messing up the shelves I didn't help him.

I check my watch, "Sorry times up, my shifts over" I say with a smirk then run out the door with my backpack.

Those eyes I've seen them before.

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