Wake Up Call

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Hye Su' POV:

3 weeks have already gone past at my new school and I'm starting to get used to the atmosphere here.

I've become very close friends with Lee Sung and Eun Na and not to mention the big clan. (exo boys)

The students are pretty cool apart from getting disgusted faces thrown at me half the day. I seriously don't know what I've done wrong.


I walk into the classroom and Chen greets me with an amazingly handsome smile. I wave at him as I walk to my seat right beside him.

Now the whole class is giving me an ugly smirk. I sit down and chat with Chen until class started.

Having funny conversations with Chen everyday made me feel comfortable and more at ease.

I don't know if they are friendly conversations or flirty ones if you know what I mean.☺️

"Hey watch this," Chen whispers to me during class

I peak over at his desk as he had built a tower out of pencils. He tries adding one more layer of pencils until a gush of wind rushed through the window and hit the pencil tower over.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!," I burst into laughter when I see Chen trying to pile up all the pencils off the floor.

He looked at me giving me the 'be quiet' face expression. While I was too focused on laughing at Chen I totally forgot all about the classwork.

We both pause and turn slowly at the teacher.

"Chen and Hye Su go outside now," teacher yells

With no explanation whatsoever we kneeled outside the classroom door with our arms in the air for the rest of the lesson.

"Why did you have to laugh so loud for, now we're being punished," Chen says trying to keep a straight face

I nudge him with my elbow in the air causing the both of us to laugh quietly this time.


"Where is everyone," I ask Lee Sung

"You mean Chen, well he's with the others attending a quick meeting. Don't worry Chen will be here soon arrasso," Lee Sung mocks me

"Oh whatever," I reply acting like I didn't want that response but I actually did

"My shoulders are killing me," I say to Lee Sung while we're both walking to our table holding my lunch tray

"Why?," She asks

"Chen and I got punished in class"

"I've got cream that helps recover pain really fast if you want, I use it at volleyball tournaments," Lee Sung suggests

"Can I put some on before P.E class"

"It's in my locker, kk be right back," Lee Sung runs out the cafeteria

"Hhhuuuuuhhhh guess it's me for now," I continue walking to the table

"Well if it isn't the old school trash," someone pushes me from behind causing me to fall to the ground with my lunch tray spilling all over my uniform

"Ahh jinjja," I get up to find out it was Bong Cha

"I forgot you were here," I say giving her a dirty look

"You won't be now," she pushes me back to the ground whilst forming an audience around us

"I don't know what Chen and our oppas see in you, you low class dirt" she grabs onto my hair making the audience growl louder

So now I know why everyones been hating me, It's because I'm friends with Chen and the rest.(exo)

I didn't fight back since I made an oath with Halapoji that I'll never use my fist to settle things.

I endured about 10 punches to the face and I was getting exhausted. No one to call out to but a crowd that hated my guts

I don't know what I did wrong to make all these people hate me so much

"Chen is mine," Bong Cha yells and everyone cheers her on

Just when Bong Cha was about to take another swing someone grabbed her fist

I look up and Chen pushed Bong Cha off of me

"Oppa what're you doing," Bong Cha says so innocent

"I'm not your oppa," Chen replies

"But she's not worth being next to you or the others," Bong Cha tries convincing Chen and the rest (exo)

"Your not even worth being near us," Suho says back at Bong Cha

With the rest of my strength gone I couldn't handle the pain stirring up in my chest

"Hye Su, Hye Su gwenchana?!," Chen tries helping me up

"M-medicine.......l-locker,"was all I could get out

"Kris get her medications in her locker quick!," Chen yelled out

"Hye Su stay with us," I hear Chen repeating over and over whilst holding me tight

I knew that from here on I can't be next to them(exo) or anyone it'll just cause the pain in my chest to hurt 10times more than usual and god knows what'll happen to me.


I wake up and see Lee Sung, Eun Na and the boys surrounding me in the infirmary.

"Hye Su gwenchanayeo?," Chen ran beside me gripping onto my hand as if i was a teddy bear

"Uh de," I give the strongest reply I could and quickly got out of Chen's hand

"Are you sick?," Lee Sung questions holding up my medications

At that moment everything flashed back at me like lightning. Why am I around these people acting like everything is fine when its not.

A bunch of questions dropped on me like a bomb. Trying to be happy when at the end of the day I'm a sinful monster.

I don't reply and just put my head down whilst hugging my knees, showing I didn't want to tell them.

"It's alright we don't need to know," Chen replies

I knew Chen was trying to comfort me but I didn't want them to petty me.

I stayed quiet for the whole 30 mins until they left the room. By the looks on their faces it seemed as if they really worried about me and thats not what I wanted.

Now I'm in the room by myself trying to hold myself together so that I wouldn't breakdown and cry from reminiscing about the past. At times like this I've always needed a shoulder to cry on but I know there is no one really there for me.

I think it's about time I've gone back to reality...

Author Note/:
Sorry late update...
FOLLOW ME PLEASE ✌️peace owt

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