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Chapter #5:

Hye Su' POV:

So that's why Bong Cha wanted to beat me up. Huh, how pathetic.

But if that school accepts only special students, why did Bong Cha get accepted.

I mean there's nothing special about her. Wait, why am I even thinking about that wench. I don't care... at least she's gone.


"Come down for dinner" halapoji called out.

Somehow I got at the dinner table really fast.

"Whats up with you getting to places so fast" halapoji asked scrunching his eyebrows.

They stared at me waiting for an answer.

"I seriously don't know, I'm even more curious as you's are"

The table turned into an awkward silence. They looked at each other with shocked faces.

"Why are you's so shocked?" I asked.

"Huh, o-oh nothing" halamoni replied


Halamoni's POV:

Just a minute ago halapoji called out to Hye Su who was upstairs to come down for dinner. And she came to the dinner table in less than 20 seconds.

"Whats up with you getting to places so fast"

Before I could even ask halapoji already beat me to it.

We looked at each other with curious faces.

"I seriously don't know, I'm even more curious as you's are" she said confused.


After dinner I walked over to the living room with halapoji, leaving the dishes to Hye Su.

"I think Hye Su needs help" I panicked to halapoji

"I know"

"Remember yesterday when she smelt the Tteokboki stand that was down road" I asked

"Yes, and when she heard our whispering conversation"

"Her speed as well!" we both said at the same time with shock.

Now we where both thinking the same thing.

"Should we call them? They should know that she's somehow picked up the symptoms" I asked looking for a solution.

"Yeah we should call before anything gets worse"

I grabbed the paper out of an old antique box I hid under my bed. On that piece of paper it had Hye Su' parents number on it for emergencies.

I gave the paper to halapoji to call.



"Hello is Mrs or Mr Do their please?" halapoji asked the assistant.

"Yes, I'll just send the call through"

"Hello this is Mr Do how can I help you"

"A-ah Mr Do it's Eun Gee's father"

"Oh Mr Kang how are you? Long time no see"

"I'm doing fine"

" Hows my little angel?"

"Um about that"

"Is there something wrong?"

"W-well we think she's picking up the symptoms"

"What do you mean? Her blood was clean. She couldn't have"

"That's what we were thinking, but she has good hearing, smelling and she's getting faster"

" So you think she's becoming a WOLF!"

Author note/:

Late update. It's almost coming to the climax.

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