Partial Alliance

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I really wanted to give you guys another chapter ♥︎ thank you so much for your support, and if you like the chapter, don't forget to leave a vote ;)

Christmas was over and the seasonal cold ended with it, ice was melting steadily and students couldn't see their breath like a mist in the air.

The crack of a student's pencil was heard, and the rest of the class stared eerily at them, as if they could shut them up permanently with their eyes.

"I-I'm sorry..." The poor boy stumbled, feeling under pressure from the rest in class from when he was 'put in his place.' Callum scratched his cheek, as a certain dark haired male hollered, causing the rest of them to snicker to themselves, to impress Hardin. His confidence was completely lost because of this boy. The cut on his face reopened, and he sunk into his chair as he lifted his shaking hand.

"Miss, may I plea... p-please go t-t-to the infirm-infirmary?" He cursed at himself for stuttering.

The English teacher took one look at him and scoffed. "Yeah sure."

Hardin made sure to trip Callum out his way out, earning a round of silent applause and respect from the boys, and pure adoration from the girls.

Serves him right... he never should've gotten close to her, gotten close to what's mine, or even dare to challenge me.

Callum was going to cry. He never cried. The tears welled and he fought the urge to press his hands to his face, lest getting blood on his already battered features.

Half those of people in there had been his friends. His friends. They laughed at other people, not him. They smirked at Hardin behind his back, not rally with him...

Was Y/N really worth losing everything?

He gulped, soft tears sliding down his soft cheeks.
Yeah, goddamn right, she is.

He sucked it in for the rest of his journey to the infirmary, and carefully pushed open the door. What was in there surprised him.

There was that new boy, scowling at the nurse dabbing a cotton bowl ball on his cheek, whose wound was identical to his.

"Hello," he said curiously. The groans stopped as the other male turned his face to his, eyes meeting eyes, then sliding to the cheek.

"How cute, we match," he greeted lamely, hand raised in recognition. The nurse beckoned him to the bed opposite the boy, leaving them to their conversation.

"Hardin?" The boy's nod said it all. "When was yours?" Callum was generally interested.

"At Hardin's Christmas party. In front of all the chicks. Though it just opened up 'cause I accidentally bumped my face into a pole."

The nurse left and left behind an absence that provoked silence.

"What's your name?" Questioned Callum. He had nothing else to ask.

"I'm Justin. How 'bout yourself?"

"C-Callum." He thought for a second, debating whether to tell Justin his story or not. He decided yes. "They ambushed me. Hardin and my whole class got together right before school. I spent the last week before school in hospital, and I got a head trauma. Can't remember any specific moments before Christmas."

Justin had a flash of sympathy in his eyes.
"That bastard needs to be knocked down a peg. There's no way in hell he would ever deserve that girl."

"What girl?" He knew there were multiple but he never guessed just one.


It all made sense now.

"Sh-she shouldn't be with him! I-I-I gotta he-help her! She's in trouble! He's no good."

Justin looked at him with suspicious, jealous eyes. "What? You like her or something?" Then it hit him. He recorded Callum and Y/N kissing. The acting would have to be crucial, exact, enough to fool the boy whose lips graced Y/N's. He forgot that. Callum forgot that he kissed Y/N. He could laugh.

"Nope... we're... friends. Odd friends I guess." Justin inwardly scoffed at Callum's words, but made it seem he was relieved by this information.

Callum saw Justin visually relaxed. The silence was awkward and Callum was desperate for conversation. This boy hated Hardin too! He could have friends. He could— They could take... help

"Wanna be friends?" Callum flushes in embarrassment. It was as if this Justin could read his mind. He would have asked himself if he wasn't so nervous (If it wasn't for that bastard) about meeting new people now.

"What?" He had to act nonchalant, nonchalant, nonchalant...

"I mean, you and me, we could team up against that bastard and save Y/N. She could be our friend, ours alone, we'll prevent him from touching her and—"

That facade crumbled!

"I-I was thinking that! That's amazing. Be-besides Y/N deserves better than that scum. Like you!"

"Ya think!" Justin was lapping that up like a dog in heaven.

Callum smiled. He was going to get his friends back, and with this partial alliance, maybe even more than partial—friends!—he would win back everything. A sick grin... no it was a happy grin, a happy grin, crossed his face. For some reason, a memory came to the surface, a kiss shared with someone. I wonder who that was with.

Justin smirked. This partial alliance would be too easy. Another pawn to do the handy work, another item to throw under the bus. And when it was his time, a quick disposal.

He yawned as they shook hands, surprised at Callum's enthusiasm, and tight grip on Justin's hand. They exchanged smiles as the nurse arrived back with more ice packs.

He glanced at the boy opposite him. First, he would have to do something about that name. Callum was a disgusting name.

Y/N sneezed so much she was sure she caught a cold.

"Oh you waited! Good girl!" Hardin pet the top of the E/C eyed girl's head. It was like Y/N was his prized pet. Throughout the day he had gone out of his way to blatantly ignore her. She sat alone at lunch because she couldn't find Callum and she basically had no other friends. (She was a sad boi.)

"We kinda live together now."

"Anddddd you love me."

She shrugged without answer until Hardin gripped her tightly. She was scared bruises might appear, wounds might reopen, so Y/N settled on an answer she would neither have to answer or have to make it seem real. She couldn't, because she didn't. Love him, that is.

"I guess I do."

He laughed, glancing over his shoulder to check no one else was looking. He kissed her head and dragged her with him.

Two pairs of eyes glared at his back. This partial alliance would not allow this to happen!

In debt (Yandere Golden Boys x reader) UNDERGOING REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now