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Hi! Quick note for the people trying to message me— I physically cannot respond. I'm not trying to ignore u but whenever I try and text back it comes up with this thingy that says "cannot send messages, verify email" and IM TRYING. Can anyone help me?

The two were silent as Hardin noisily twisted his key into the lock. The sun was rapidly setting as their mode of transportation to his house was delayed. The whole journey, he didn't look at her, though he glared at anyone else who did. He had been chatting up a twenty old or so year old woman, who would occasionally find any excuse to touch him.

Once he found himself and Y/N in the comfort of his house, he broke the silence, dragging Y/N forcefully by wrist as she exclaimed in pain, until they reached the dining table.

"Hardin! Stop!"

He ignored her comment, but let go of her wrist. They sat as Y/N glared, whimpering at her bruised wrist.

"I want to thank you for not going near anybody today." Hardin reached his hand across the desk to grab Y/N's, as if his anger mere seconds ago had vanished.

Y/N inwardly rolled her eyes but stayed silent.

"Because it means you've finally accepted who you belong to."

She nodded, because that was the only response that came to mind. Making him mad seemed a bad option at this point. Hardin kept talking, not caring whether she would respond.

"But... I've put a lot of thought into it.... and..." He pondered, before continuing. "I've decided I want to make you suffer. Make you feel the loneliness I did when you were unappreciative of anything, everything, I did for you."

"Huh?? What the hell are you talk—!"

The boy turned around to face her, blood coating his normally luscious locks, eyes crazed and an unhinged smile plastered on his face.

"Now, who should I kill first?"

Y/N woke with a start, clutching her heart beneath her pyjama top. It was racing like crazy, a egnimatic car chase that wouldn't stop.

Hardin was sound asleep beside her, yet somehow she felt the boy was always awake. Always watching her.

Never mind that... what did that dream mean?

Y/N brought her knees into her chest. It would be so easy to run, run, run and never come back. Never look back at him, or Justin, or, or just anyone, for that matter. However, fear kept her rooted. If she were picked, she would die.

Out of the corner her eye, she saw something moving. The sight made her quiver.

The silhouette of middle aged man grasped a knife, perverse stance as he stared, stared at the children, stared at her—

The H/C haired girl held her head as she slowly rocked back and forth. She was going mad.

She was going mad.

Expressionless, Y/N laid down like a dog when Hardin tugged at her clothes. She remained so for the rest of the time the sun slept, allowing the darkness of a sky reign.

But, for the first night ever, Y/N stared at him. Wasn't Hardin her saviour?

The familiar bang of her locker was quite relieving. Only, a sight she wasn't expecting was the overly excited face of a used to wanna -be, try-hard, roadman.

"Morning Y/N!"

"Geez... Callum. Why's wrong? You seem...?"

He was still blinking at her.

"Never mind."

She proceeded her descent down the corridor. Something was definitely wrong with Callum. He used to be so... confident.

"I'd like to introduce you to my new friend!" Callum said, so fake and oversweetsy it was as if he'd rehearsed. Yet, Y/N rubbed her head. What was she missing here?

"Dude, you have tons of friends, what are you talking about?"

On the other hand, Callum looked taken aback at the statement.

"Did you hit your head? You're my only friend." She blinked, but gradually pushed the thoughts racing through her head out of the way.

"Anyways," he paused to glance at her face (he was going to protect her and be her only friend!), "come with me."

Y/N was extremely tentative after her dream last night, but proceeded to follow Callum wherever he was leading her.

Hardin was confused. Y/N was supposed to stay in his range so he could protect her. Keep her away from anybody but himself. Of course, he couldn't been seen with her, that was disgraceful in the whole manner of ways— he had a reputation to uphold.

One day, he'd reward her for waiting. She'd love it.

He smiled even as those pests around him tugged are his clothes, trying to pry his attention from one another.

How cute. If only Y/N was cooperative enough to be an obedient dog like this.

Hardin's gaze hardened. He'd waited thirty seconds and yet she didn't return or even enter his line of vision. He owned this school, so he owned her.

His jaw popped satisfyingly. It was time things were stirred around a bit. He found a school without bloodshed or dictatorship so very, very boring.

They walked in silence, a broken pipe leaking an annoying tune they stepped in time to. Once they reached their destination, Y/N was surprised. It was five minutes to homeroom yet there was no one in sight.

Callum carefully pushed open the door to Y/N's homeroom.

Only then did she see the figure turn, an over exaggerated smile plastered on his delicate features. There was something sinister looming about him, despite the stream of sunlight that illuminated the boy like an angel.

"Hello there, Y/N."

If you're wondering why Callum seems really different character-wise, well he was betrayed and beaten up by his friends, as well as psychologically tormented by Hardin and his friends. He's trying to "repress" it by pretending he's didn't have any friends but Y/N. Right now, he's unstable, maybe almost yandere if you'd like that.

In debt (Yandere Golden Boys x reader) UNDERGOING REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now