Chapter 12

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Chapter 12-


We walked into the doctor’s office and I was incredibly nervous. Calum refused to tell me anything and I was terrified.

“Hi, how are you two?” Doctor Freeman asked, she was old but she seemed kind. Apparently she knows what’s wrong with me but Calum needed her to tell me because apparently I won’t believe him.

“Okay Delilah, I’m here to inform you that you are-“ She started before Calum cut her off.

“You’re pregnant, Delilah.” Calum interrupted.

My head started spinning with questions, similar to when I first woke up from the accident. How could I be pregnant? Who was the father? Was the baby safe? Why did I only get told now?

“I’ll leave you two to sort it out, I’ll be back soon.” Doctor Freeman said as she left the room.

“I know it’s a massive shock but please don’t be mad, I was going to tell you at the hospital but I wasn’t allowed, it could cause distress. Please, I just want what’s best for you” Calum pleaded as his eyes stared into mine.

I stared at him, shocked. I couldn’t find any words to say. I was speechless.

“Say something, anything.”

“Is the baby safe?” I spoke.

“Yeah. Healthy and a fighter is what the baby is.” Calum said with a smile.

“That’s good. What does the baby have to do with me getting into the car crash?” I asked, still unsure by what Calum meant the night before.

“Oh, well..”

I walked into the kitchen to see Del sitting on the bench, her legs crossed and her head in her hands.

“Is everything okay?” What’s wrong babe?” I asked as I rushed over to her.

“Calum, I know that you want to be a dad.” She started talking as another tear streamed down her face.

“Yeah?” I questioned.

“I’m pregnant. Calum I have a baby in my stomach, it’s our baby.” She said.

Everything around me stopped, I felt so happy. I was finally going to be a dad and to the most perfect girl in the world. This wouldn’t only just start one new chapter but it would also mean that I could finally propose to her, the love of my life.

“Oh my god. We’re going to be parents!” I cheered as I engulfed her into a large hug.

I noticed her face drop with guilt. “What’s wrong?” I asked as I pushed her hair behind her ears and held her face in my hands, my thumb wiping off her fresh tears.

“I-I don’t want to be a mum, I’m not ready. I have just started in the office, I’m finally not the assistant anymore. You have just started the tiling business.” She said as she cried.

“I don’t want to not be there for my child like my parents never were for me.” She added.

“We can make this work, I promise. It’s a beautiful baby. It’s our baby, Del.” I replied.

“Please don’t cry Calum.” She warned even though I could already feel the warm tears stinging my eyes.

“So are you saying that you want to put it up for adoption or that you want to have an abortion?” I asked, wanting her to clarify exactly what she wanted.

“I don’t know yet.” She replied.

“Well, if you don’t want the baby and you’re thinking about putting it up for adoption I’ll just look after it.” I said, angry that she was even considering it.

“Calum, please. I just need time to think.” She pleaded.

“No, you’re not going to kill it. It’s my baby too.” I said just below a shout.

“I’m going for a drive, I need to think about this.” She said as she grabbed the keys off the bench and walked towards the door.

“Just please, don’t forget about me when you make this decision.”

“How ironic.” Del said after I told her the story.

“What’s ironic?” I asked her, surprised that she wasn’t mad with me.

“The fact that you told me to not forget about you, yet that night I woke up with amnesia.”

Soooo thoughts on this chapter? Any surprises? Anything you liked or disliked?

Question of the chapter- What do you like about Delilah?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2014 ⏰

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