Chapter 7

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"How did we end up here?" Del asked as she sipped on her coffee, we were now sitting in the hospitals cafe.

"Here?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah, how did we end up talking in the first place? Why you?" She asked. As hard as the question would be, especially since I never exactly knew why she decided to let me stay with her I still had a fair idea.

"We'll get to that later." I said with a smirk, knowing that she wasn't a very patient person.

“What’s your idea?” She asked as she got off the couch and gave her dog, Oreo a pat.

“Well I didn’t really have a perfect idea to be honest I just wanted to seem like I was good with ideas, which I’m not.” I said with a laugh, realising how stupid I am.

“You’re an idiot Cal.” She said as she shook her head, laughing.

“Cal?” I asked, no one ever called me ‘Cal’ it was always just boring old ‘Calum’.

“Yeah, Cal. That’s my name for you.” She said with a grin.

“But what if I don’t like Cal?” I asked, even though I liked the name, I just wanted to stir her up.

“Well that’s bad luck because that’s my name for you.” She replied.

“Fine, then I’m going to call you.. Del.” I said, Cal and Del... I like it.

“Fine by me.” She replied as she got off the couch.

“Where are we going?” I asked as I followed her out the door.

“I don’t know, I’m bored. Let’s see where the night takes us.” She said with a smile, her two front crooked teeth showing; as weird as it was they suited her. I was never into ‘perfect’ girls anyway. Delilah was her own kind of perfect; she didn’t need straight, pearly white teeth.

“I like your Cobain shirt by the way.” She said as we walked down the street, heading to nowhere really.

“Thanks.” I said as I looked down at my shirt, which was in fact a Kurt Cobain shirt.

“Are you into Nirvana?” I asked.

“Yeah, they’re amazing. I really wish that all those twelvies who don’t even know that they’re a band wore their shirts though.. It’s kind of a disgrace to music.” She said.

“Are you calling me a twelvie?” I asked in mock defence.

“Yes, Cal. I sure am.” She said with a giggle, her giggles were so cute.

“So if you had to choose your all-time favourite song what would it be?” I asked, I felt as if it was awkward if the two of us weren’t talking and I also felt that the only thing that we had in common was our music taste.

“As lame as it sounds, living on a prayer by Bon Jovi.” She said as she looked away, ashamed to look at me.

“Why?” I asked, before she never mentioned anything about Bon Jovi, I really wasn’t expecting that song.

“When I was younger I used to listen to that song, a lot because my parents did too. The song has a lot of meaning behind it and overall it’s just a really amazing song.” She said with a large grin.

“What would you say if I told you that I never heard of it before.” I said, I have heard of some Bon Jovi songs but never that one, at least I was pretty sure I hadn’t heard it.

She looked shocked; she stopped walking and just stood in the middle of the road with the most disgusted face. “Cal.. Are you lying to me? It is the most amazing song of all time!” She screeched. I hoped that she didn’t wake anyone who was sleeping.

“I’m not lying..” I trailed as I tried to hold in my laugh at how cute she looked when she was talking about something she was so passionate about.

“Well. Then we are going to have to post pone our little adventure, tonight we are going back to my house and I’m going to spend all night giving you some musication.” She said as she turned around and started walking the opposite direction, towards her house.

“What’s musication?” I asked as I followed her.

“Music education, from what you told me earlier on it seems as if you have a good music taste, but unfortunately not good enough.” She said with a grin.

(Sorry that I haven't updated this in ageees it's just that I have been really busy trying to finish the new girl. Thanks if you haven't deleted this from your library, I know I wouldv'e aha xx)

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