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Okay, sorry if I didn't update,
But here it is now!
This is for all the
I would write Jin's name as
SeokJin, because I'm more used
To it..sorry!
You'll have the feels in here
Not sure, but I hope you do 🤡🤡
Love you! (Sorry for the cringey story
"Partners in crime" it's so cringey
I'm so sorry :( )
And I added a video of Seokjin, you have to watch it
He's so cute, handsome, sweet, and basically perfect.
In the video I put
My uwus all came out 🥺🥺

I'm a big fan of Bangtan,
Especially Seokjin. He's pretty much 6 Years older than me
Since I'm only 21 and he's 27 ( that's his international age same to y/n)
But still, I don't care. Some of my friends say that I should have a bias
That has an age near to my age. I don't really agree with them since,
It's my choice, and Seokjin deserves someone to have him as their bias, he's talented. He's handsome, how can you not have him as your bias? RiGhT?
Since I'm a big fan of their group and Seokjin, i decided, why don't I go to their fan sign? They already had a concert held here in Seoul, and they're gonna have a fan sign too.
I was hesitant at first, since I might say something to them that I shouldn't say
Since I was a nervous wreck. And I'm gonna go broke.
But luckily my mother told me that I could go. Since she was the one
Who paid the tickets, and she said my grades were pretty decent.
And, it's a once in a life time experience
Where you can talk to Bangtan, hold their hands, laugh with them
Make them sign your album or any official merch..
(You can't make them sign something if it isn't official, in a fan sign)
And especially to Seokjin! I admit, I have a huge crush on him
I would do anything just to talk to him..well I won't go and stalk or follow them
So let's stick to fan signs, right?
"Oh my gosh! I'm so excited, Yuri!" I say as I squeal excitedly,
Holding my best friend's hand. Jumping up and down, like a little kid.
She rolls her eyes, sarcastically "Aish..why are you so excited? It's just a fan
sign!" She says waving her hand exaggeratedly, while have a kinda disgusted look.
I scoff, annoyed, by her reaction "Duh, who wouldn't? You'll be able to see your favourite group! And your long time crush! And your bias! Talk to them, hold their hands. Make them sign your official merch or album. Laugh with them, give them gifts. Or even m-" Yuri cuts me off mid sentence. Covering my mouth.
She sighs deeply, nodding her head, with her eyes shut. Clearly understanding what I was saying. "Okay, Y/n I get it! You love them! Love them with all your heart..especially Seokjin, even though he's literally 6 years older than you..yuck.." she says, but whispering at the part of where she talks about Seokjin. I roll my eyes at her, crossing my arms together by my chest.
"You bitch, I don't care if he's older than me by six years. At least I know how to pick someone to crush on. Unlike you who would just crush on someone without knowing their back story..that's why your always broken hearted."
I say in a annoyed kind of tone, while tilting my head to the side. Looking at her, her eyes widen a little by my sentence. But she chuckles dryly
"Aigo. I know you didn't mean that, Y/n...fine! I'm sorry, okay? I get you love him too much, but I still stick to One Direction..." she says with her bright smile, talking about One Direction. I chuckle a little with her statement, and pat her shoulders. "Okay, Yuri. I gotta leave.." I say heading to the door by my room to go downstairs, but Yuri Stops me "Your gifts Y/n!" She says handing me a bag of gifts for Bangtan.
She helped me wrap the gifts, especially for Seokjin, she helped me make it special even though it was pretty simple. It was just a Alpaca plushy. And a little necklace saying 'worldwide handsome' I know it might be cringey. But I know he would like it, or might! Like it..
"Thank you, Yuri-Ah.. even though you don't like Bangtan you still help me with these shit I do.." I say as I laugh a little, she does the same too..
I leave the room with her, meeting my mother downstairs with a tray of
Cookies with her, she looks at me, smiling with her signature sweet smile.
"Mama! Hello, I have to leave..thank you for buying the ticket for me.."
I say as I hug her tightly. "No worries sweetie, and! Before you leave. Give these cookies to Bangtan, okay?" Mama says putting the cookies in different bags, with each members' names. I smile at her nice gesture, but my smile fades by the thought that came to my mind "Sure mama, but I'm not sure..if..they would accept it.." she frowns, her eyebrows knitting together
"Why? I thought they were nic-" she says coming towards me, still with the frown on her face. I chuckle by her statement "Yes they are mama, but it's their manager, I'm not sure if their manager would let them take the cookies,
Bangtan would gladly take it though.." I tell my confused mother, she smiles
Widely "Of course they would, dear! Now go! Shoo!" She says pushing me excitedly towards the door, giving me the bags of cookies for each members
I nervously walk where the fan sign was being held.
Once I enter the venue, I see people excitedly seated on their seats.
I give the guard ( idk ) the ticket, and she smiles at me
Courting me to my seat.
I kindly thank her with her kind gesture.
The guys (if I say guys I mean by Bangtan) haven't come out yet.
Some fans were shouting the members' names. Or sometimes saying
"I love you!" Or "where are you guys?" (Just pretend they're speaking in korean...pls?)
I patiently, excitedly, and nervously wait for them
Swaying the gifts for each member.
Suddenly I hear shouting, excited shouting actually.
And I hear some people say
"Omg Bangtan!" I look up the stage seeing my most favourite idols.
And especially Seokjin!
They wave to fans, while smiling sweetly.
The fan sign wasn't gonna start yet so they're probably gonna talk to some fans.
My eyes were on all of the members at first, but when I saw Seokjin
My attention was averted to him only. I never knew he was so tall..
Well all of them actually.. since I'm only
The members gather their seats and talk to some fans who were asking
Random questions.
The fan sign was starting already. And I was on the line
I wasn't last or first, I was at the middle.
And luckily the setting of the members' seats were according to their
Fan chant. (You know it already)
When it was my turn, I excitedly went in front of Namjoon
Greeting him politely, he does the same
"What's your name?" He asks, curiously. "Y/ name is Y/n.."
I smile at him, while saying my name he nods while smiling warmly
His dimples showing when he smiles.
He signs my album.
And before I forget I hand him my gift
And the bag of cookies mama baked for them
"My mother baked those cookies for you guys, she said that I should all give you guys each cookies.." I hand him a pack of cookies, and he gladly accepts it.
When I went to Seokjin, I was literally so nervous. More nervous than when I
Went to Namjoon...
I nervously smile at him. Kneeling down to his gaze.
He smiles at me widely, suddenly holding my hands.
I was very shocked by his action, but I just go with it.
"Hello..young lady, what's your name?" He asks, a small smirk forming in his
Thick lips "U-uh..Y-Y/n.." I stutter saying the words, a blush creeping out my cheeks. He chuckles a little by my gesture and suddenly sways my hands intertwined with his. "Aww, Don't be nervous. It's just me, Mr. Worldwide Handsome," He says sarcastically, winking after.
I look down. Making sure not to show my blush.
I hand him the album, and the gifts.
"Aww! Thank you for these.." He says sweetly
"My mother baked those cookies.." I say nicely to him.
He suddenly opens the pack of cookies trying one of them.
His eyes lit up, he smiles widely his eyes are closing a little
"Omg! So good!" He says with his eyes close, smiling while chewing the cookies. I chuckle
"There you go! You aren't nervous! But seriously, these are so good!" 
He says signing the album while looking at me time by time, while he was speaking.
"I'm glad you liked the cookies.." I say bowing to him
"Your also my bias.." I say nervously. He chuckles, interwinding our hands again "Thank you, your my Bias too.." I arch one of my eyebrows,
Confusion written all over my face, I tilt my head "What?" I say out of the blue
"Your a different kind of fan..your one of the simplest yet cutest fan I've seen.."
He says smiling.
A blush creeps out my cheeks, until I mumble a "thank you.."
He nods while still smiling, until their manager made me move Yoongi.
I bid a goodbye to him, he does the same
Yoongi was also very sweet and nice, but I would sometimes see
Seokjin looking at me, when I catch him though
He would sometimes wink or suddenly look away.
A faint blush on his cheeks
The fan sign went on, and the other members were all so great!
But I would always notice Seokjin looking at me, and he still does the same
Winking or looking away suddenly.
And with those actions I blush so much
They were having a break by signing the fans' albums or merch.
So they decided to talk to fans
Suddenly Taehyung speaks, "Even though I'm pretty far away from Seokjin Hyung, I notice him being very distracted. I think he's crushing in one of the fans.." Taehyung says wiggling his eyebrows teasingly.
Seokjin blushes, and everyone notices, making fans shout out if excitement
"N-no I'm not! Taehyung-Ah..." He says pouting making everyone even more excited, but Taehyung just laughs it off "Hyung is stuttering! Even blushing! Oooo!" He says jumping around, suddenly Seokjin looks directly at my eyes.
Making me blush, he smiles at me, and the members look at his direction.
Checking where he's looking but he looks always all of a sudden
The fan sign was done, and I went home happily.
I tell my mother how it went and she was very happy they liked the cookies
Especially Seokjin
And I can't get out if my mind how he was actually the nicest from all of them.
Even though they were all so nice, maybe because he's my crush and my bias.
I went to my room to check the album they signed.
But I first went to where Seokjin signed the album.
And I noticed a piece of paper,
I look at it in confusion, tilting my head a little
"What's this?" I whisper to myself getting the paper and unfolding it.
Once I did that I see a message saying

"xxx-xxx-xxx..this is my number..don't give it to anyone else, okay?
Your very pretty Y/n, not just cute. I really liked you..
Thanks for the cookies, call me if you wanna meet up next time
-Seokjin, worldwide handsome"
I look at it in shock
"Oh my gosh.." I whisper with wide eyes, covering my mouth.
I squeal pit of excitement, but enough for me to only hear.
He really gave me his number? He thought I was very pretty!
This was certainly the best day ever..
I decided to message him just to make sure, and so that he gets my number too.

Hello! Thank you for
This hehe, and I
Won't give it to anyone!

Oh! Y/n!
Great, you replied.
Tell me if wanna meet up
Next time..
Your very nice
Just bring a mask if you wanna
So that people, won't
Know who you are..

OMG, you
Okay let's meet up.
is tomorrow
Too soon?

No! Sure let's meet up at
xxxxx cafe
It's my treat :)

Okie, good night!
🥺thank you again

Sure, sure!
Good night, beautiful 🥺

I blush at Seokjin's gesture. And smile to myself
Suddenly my phone starts to blow up with notifications
I open up one tab and see
"Seokjin Of BTS has a crush on a fan? Who could it be?"
I chuckle at the news, while showering to myself
"Who could that lucky girl be..."

Okay I guess this was pretty
Long! But I wanna do a part two,
Tell me if I should do a part two
( tell me in the comments only )
And I really enjoyed this one, it made me
Requests are open! And request on
The comments only, pwease..
Love you!

BTS IMAGINES [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now