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Hellooo! I'm not yet
Sure if this is gonna be a sad
Or happy ending, so..
I can't really tell you. :(
"Shit..I'm out of bullets.." Yoongi says, irritated.
Looking around for zombies.
You sigh. Giving him more bullets. "Here..Yoongi..don't stress yourself so much. Okay?" You say, with a worried look. He smiles warmly.
"I won't, I'm just scared something might happen to you. I have to protect you, you're my best friend.." He says, smiling at you warmly. Making you chuckle.
"Thanks, Yoongi..we have to go. Those shit eaters would get to us, c'mon."
You, tug on his arm. Leading the way, making Yoongi roll his eyes.
"It's just annoying this apocalypse had to happen" He says running with you.
His hand still intertwined with you, making you hum in agreement.
Yoongi is your best friend, you both met 4 months ago.
(4 months ago)
You were resting, all alone. A zombie apocalypse started for about
3 weeks. Your family is safe, thankfully. You were able to keep them safe.
You had to stay in a very small, and hidden shelter. You were all alone.
You didn't even know how to use a gun. But you had managed to learn even though it was a short period of time of learning.
You always had food. But it was a struggle to get food. Those pests—or zombies, if you say. Would always follow around. Ready to eat you alive, not knowing what they're doing, they only know is that.
They want to eat you. And they would.
You were refilling your gun with new bullets. Getting other stuff ready in your small bag, while eating chips. Until you heard loud thuds.
And groaning. You scamper your gun out, grasping on it, as if your life depended on it.
Aiming at where the sound was, you were ready to shoot.
But before you could, a black haired guy enters, his pale skin evident.
A pained reaction on his face. His eyes widen at your reaction. Raising both his hands up in the air. Not moving a single bit.
"Don't! Don't kill me! I'm human, I was finding a shelter or a human to help me, then I got here-" you directly cut him off, sassing your way to speak to him. "Shut it, what's your name?" You ask, irritated of what was happening.
You honestly wanted to rest, and not deal with this.
"Yoongi." The so called Yoongi, says coldly, rolling his eyes at your
Bitchy attitude. You let out a scoff. "Okay, you aren't bitten are you?" You say,  nearing your way to him. Lowering you gun. Checking him.
"You sure you're checking for any bites? Or you're just really checking me out?"  He asks sassily. Making you blush. But you were soon back to your real attitude—bitchy, attitude. "Sorry, kitty, I'm not.." He looks at you
With an irritated glare "Did you just call me 'kitty'?" He asks, putting his
Hands down. Going near you.
He was only a few inches taller than you, but you were for sure shocked of his looks, and his sudden low toned kind of voice.
"Yeah, now. Tell me, what do you want?" You ask, looking around. Not sure of what to do, since he was very very near you. "I want..you..okay just kidding, my foot is sprained. Help me." He says, suddenly moving back.
Pleading eyes looking at yours. Making you nod. "Okay, let's get to work"
And that's how you both met. He started to live with you.
And you helped each other, he helped you so much. Like a lot.
"Y/n! No! You don't have to get chocolates! Just get some chips, vegetables canned goods! C'mon.." he groans, tugging on you.
Pulling you to the other aisles. "Yoongi, what's the rush?" You say, pulling him back to the aisle of chocolates, but he glares at you. Making you gulp a little.
"So we can relax at home, and those pests might get to us. Now, scurry up, dumbass." Yoongi continues to walk. Getting everything, and putting it by his echo bag.
"We're also lucky everything is free" you say, smiling. Yoongi hums.
Soon you both went out of the store. Zombies following.
More like running. You were both shooting. Yoongi was faster than you. But he slowed down his pace. "Yoongi! Are you out yet?" You shout, shooting zombies surrounding you. He shooks his head. Making you nod.
Still, running. 
Yoongi was still running, and you felt pain by your wrist, but you didn't mind.
So you continued to run. Not knowing where the pain came from.
Both of you were soon back to your 'shelter'. Cleaning up.
You always did this, whenever you come out of the house, you would both take a bath.
"Yoongi, I'll go first.." you say, heading to the small bathroom.
He nods, playing with his gun.
You were taking a bath, when you felt so much pain coming from your wrist.
When you looked at it, it looks like a bitten mark. It was bleeding.
Your eyes widen out of shock. Tears brimming on your eyes.
"I-I'm bitten.." You whisper out of unison. Your tears falling down.
Meaning, you can't stay with Yoongi. You would rather kill yourself.
Or eat humans, and you could also be able to eat Yoongi. Which you don't want to.
You wipe your tears away continuing on taking a bath. Trying to calm yourself down.. "This is gonna be fine..but I have to tell him.." you whisper to yourself, eyes closed.
You were done taking a bath. You were still scared to tell Yoongi.
You don't wanna die and leave Yoongi. But it's the best for him.
"Y-Yoongi.." you say coming near him. Covering the bitten part of your wrist.
He shoots his head up. Looking at you with a small smile.
Making your heart melt. Tears threatening to fall.
"Hmm? Are you okay? You look shaken up, what happened?" He asks, rubbing your back up and down. You shook your head.
"I-I'm okay..but, I have to tell you something.." you say letting go of your bitten wrist. He still doesn't notice. "What is it?" Yoongi asks, hugging you now.
You show your bitten wrist, making him cover his mouth out of shock.
Tears brimming on his eyes. "You're bitten, you didn't tell me!" He was now crying. For the first time, you saw him cry. And you were too.
"I didn't know..I only noticed when I was taking a bath."
"We can get this fixed up, the virus doesn't spread too fast, so we can fix you..I don't want you to leave me..please.." Yoongi goes nesrnyou, cupping your cheeks. Making you blush all of a sudden.
He leans in kissing your lips. Deeply, passionately.
You tangle your hands on his fluffy hair. Playing with it.
He pushes you near him, making both of you deepen the kiss even more.
He lets go, his tear stained cheek visible. "We'll fix this, I promise.."
He says, Making you nod hesitantly.
It was night and you weren't turned yet. But you felt much more different
You don't feel your self anymore. Yoongi was sleeping beside you.
Hugging you.
You couldn't help but cry, you had to die if you don't want to kill him.
And you're going to do it tonight.
You slowly wiggle out of Yoongi's grip. Kissing his cheek.
"I love you.." you whisper, tears falling down.
You take your gone, walking out of the house.
You didn't know. Yoongi was awake.
He followed you, worried of what you might do.
He sees you, your gun aimed on your head. He was shocked.
Making him run to you, you were about to shoot. But Yoongi takes your gun.
Making him shoot his self. He stumbles back down. His chest bleeding.
"Y-Yoongi!" You say, crying. Running to him.
He smiles warmly, still looking pained. "Y-Y/n-ah.." He says weakly. Cupping your cheeks. "Thank you f-for everything..d-don't be sad..you have to l-leave me.." He says, tears threatening to fall. You shook your head.
"N-no! I'm so sorry, I'll fix this. I promise, wait here." You say standing up.
But he grips your hand. Pulling you back. "No! Yoongi, I'll get you fixed up." You say getting out of his grip. "Y/n, s-stay..I w-want to feel your warmth before I d-die.." He says weakly. "Please.." He says, making you nod hesitantly.
"Y/n, I like y-you..do you k-know that?" He asks. Making your eyes widen.
"I-I like you too, please Yoongi! We have to fix you!" You say crying. But he shooks his head. His grip slowly loosening. "N-no..but, I-I wanna tell you..that.." he pauses for a while, coughing a little. "I-I love you.." He says—rather, whisper. Until he closes his eyes. His grip on you loosing.
Making your eyes widen. "Yoongi! Don't leave me, please!" You say shaking him. But nothing works.
He's gone..the guy you love, the guy who took care of you.
Your best friend, your family..he's gone..Forever..
The guy who loves you so much..is never coming back..
Oof, I'm sorry! I tried my best to make it sad.
Huhu, another sad one-shot..I'm so sorry!
Don't worry, I'll be making happier imagines for Yoongi, just like Hoseok's
I'll make things happier. Hehe.
Yay! Double update..!
Thank you for reading I love you~

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