Break Up~ Jimin

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                              I'm continuing my other
Chapter, and I can't tell you about it.
But I wanna update, and this came on my mind
So let's do it!
I'm not gonna tell you wants gonna happen though
Sorry, ehehueheu
Uwu🥺 this is my favourite emoji omg
And I added 'let go'
I couldn't think of any other songs to put
You walk out of the living room bringing ice cream with you, a happy
And excited smile curving out your lips.
Ice cream was your favourite dessert, especially if Jimin wasn't home or is still at work. But the smile you had on your face was different from eating your favourite dessert, when it comes to Jimin. It was a passionate, and loving smile.
You were the happiest with him, and he was the happiest with you.
You both changed mentally and emotionally when you met.
You were both sad, depressed, and anxious back then.
But you both helped each other to overcome those, and you soon both dated.
You were best friends, but became inti lovers. But that 'best friend' status with each other was still there, you were still best friends. But had a romantic relationship with each both needed, wanted, loved,each other.
While you were eating your ice cream, you were scrolling through your
Phone, searching things up.
While you saw a video saying
'Break up prank on, Girlfriend', at first I thought "Why though?" That was the phrase that went to my mind while watching the video.
But at the end You burst out laughing.
Thinking for a while, I thought to myself "why don't I do this to Jimin?"
You know I would feel bad afterwards, but You were sure he'll forgive you..
So..why not?
It was the most boring, nervous, and exciting moment of waiting.
But while You were waiting, and scrolling through your phone, You hear the door bell ring. Meaning someone's outside.
You squeal a little from excitement, opening the door.
You see Jimin smiling at me a little, but warmly. He worked out. So he was pretty tired. He still looked cute, hot, and handsome though.
You did your best not to laugh about thinking what to do.
But to be honest You really did this, because You want Jimin it tell me why he was pretty distant, and quiet with me by the days. He wasn't that cuddly.
I look at him, a little 'sad'
"Hey, doll.." he says a little quiet. Smiling at you a little, hugging him quickly.
Kissing your cheeks real quick before You could even answer.
"Hey, babe" You say hugging him, a little. Quickly letting go. Not even kissing him or pecking him.
He looks at me weirdly " there a problem?" He asks, You shook my head lightly. "N-no..nothing, babe." He nods. Going to your shared bedroom.
"I'll just shower!" He says shouting from the room.
You nod my head as if he could hear me, but You soon mumble a "Ok"
Pretending to be sad, or 'not like myself'
You don't even know if he notices. Because he's also like that.
But You also think he does.
He gets out of the shower, hair a little wet, him wearing a black hoodie.
With jeans.. "Um..what do you wanna do?" He asks, looking a little awkward.
Looking around.
It was very weird for him to be like this. He was always sweet, and cuddly.
But he has been like this for the last 2 weeks..You just didn't say anything.
You didn't wanna look paranoid, and he was very busy, very tired, and very stressed from work. Maybe that's why?
He still tries his best to be with me, so that's good. And You should just be a good girlfriend, instead of doing this prank..
But who cares, you were there already, he might think Your  bipolar if you suddenly become happy ( nothings wrong with being bipolar )
"U-uh..what do you wanna do?" You ask, still pretending to be kinda distant.
"Hm..maybe let's watch a movie..?" He says looking at you, a bright little smile on his face.
This was the first time you saw him smile this much, but not as much as how he smiles when he was with you back then..
You nod your head, "Sure, sure.." you say heading to your shared room..
Getting the blankets, and pillows ready.
You were pretty excited, and you also felt bad for him. He was so tired, and this is what's gonna happen to him..
He enters the room, with his hood above his head. Snacks ready, and even drinks.
He smiles a little "Here.." he quietly says, handing you the drinks and the snacks. He doesn't even look at your eyes.
It was worrying you..he was never even like this. But you still tried not to ask him about it
"Why are we sharing snacks toda- I-I mind.." you say shrugging. He just nods, getting the movies ready.
The movie started and it was a romantic movie, you missed these days with him
But it was a different one, quiet. No cuddles, kisses, sweet words..
But you continued the so called prank, trying to be distant.
Jimin was gonna put his hand over your shoulder, you moved it the side,
Sighing deeply, getting ready on what you wanna say. He was being sweet but now you were rejecting felt bad
"Jimin.." you say quietly, ditching his touch.
He nods, quickly moving his hands away.
Your eyes widen a little, he would always argue on why you would do that, but now he felt relaxed and relieved about it..
You decided, it was time. You would do the prank..
You pause the movie, making Jimin look at you..
You stare at him, trying to hold your laugh.
"Jimin..." you pause for a while.. "Lets break up..I'm sorry..I don't love you anymo-" he cuts you off.. "It's okay.." He says, not even bothered a little.
You tilt your head a little, in confusion.
He was about to go out if the room. But you stopped him, you chuckle a little
He looks at you weirdly "Why?" He says, sternly.. your chuckle stops by his sudden tine of voice.. but you smile at him..
"It's a prank baby..I'm sorry.." you pout, his eyes widen a hug him, but he gets your grip out of him, shocking you.
"Y/n..I was real.." You shook your head "No..I told's a prank, I would never do that!" You say hitting him playfully, chuckling.
He looks down, with saddened eyes, worrying you..
You didn't notice, but Jimin's eyes were brimming in tears. Hurt of what he was gonna tell you "I really wanna break up with's not a prank though, that's why I was distant..because I don't wanna love you anymore.." He says looking up tears falling... "W-What? This can't be, it's a joke!" He shakes his head "No it's isn't.." he says tears falling more "Is it someone else?" You ask, wiping your tears away, saying it in a Colder tone.
He nods, his tears threatening to fall again.
Your heart stops, hurting you..once again. You were nothing without him. Back then, and he'll leave you, and you'll be nothing...once again..
"Get out..." you say pointing to your door..mad, but sad you have to let him go.
You didn't wanna believe it, you knew it wasn't true, but he won't tell you.
So you have to stay with it, weather it is or it's not. Wishing it's all a bad dream or even a nightmare. He nods, going out, closing the door shut.
You bawl your eyes out once he got out. Crying out in so much pain.
You thought you would be with him forever, happily..but he did this..
But he never told the truth, he was forced to do this.
He didn't want to, but he needed to..
He loved you, you loved wanted each other, both of you needed
Loved and wanted each other for the rest of your lives.
It both hurt you to death, but he was forced in doing this because of he's scared you'll get hurt with him. Since his fans even didn't know about your relationship. He was also hurt, crying. And not being himself. He wanted to take everything back he did, but he was scared for you, not him. If his career was gonna get ruined, it was fine for him. If it was for you, but he knew people wouldn't like that, and they might hurt you. So he had to leave you.
With everything he said was a lie.
Im sorry! This was rushed.
Just updated, because I thought of it.
I'm sorry if it was pretty shitty..
But I guess..thanks!
But I'm continuing another
Chapter I might update today
Or tomorrow

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