Soft Hours~Taehyung

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Okie, our exams are done!
I'm sorry if I didn't update for almost a week!
I'm so so sorry, I wish I didn't upset you guys :(
And I want to update immediately.
I swear! I really do!
I missed you all so much..uwu🥺❤️
Most people would say that
Once your title is 'soft hours'
It would always be a relationship between
Both characters. But I wanna do something
Different. Not all the soft hours I'll be doing
Is about two character being in a relationship,
Having sweet cuddles. Lol.
They could be siblings, best friends.
Y'know what I mean :)
But right now this soft hours
With Taehyung, is gonna be
A li'l different.
I hope I don't disappoint you guys..
(Btw Taehyung is like 2 years older than you. Your 22 he's 24. Just like Jeongguk's age gap with him)
You walk out of your small office,tired,from work. But very excited to see your best friend, and your long time crush.
Kim Taehyung. The person you hated once. But both of you were now sure, that you were both crushing on each other. Even just the tiniest bit.
He has been your friend for years and years. Both your families
Know each other. Causing both of you to get close.
You both met at high school. And you hated each other. hated him. Taehyung didn't.
But your mean and annoying attitude caused him to dislike you too.
But it all worked out in the end, when Taehyung helped you all the time.
At first you hated it, you felt guilt whenever he helped you, and you returned that nice gesture with a "Fucking leave me alone" or even
"Taehyung, shut up. I don't need your help" you needed his help sometimes, and you were sure you loved it whenever he was with you. But guilt just ate all the courage you built up to be friends with him. And it sure did upset him.
It saddened him, a lot. But he kept up with it. He wanted to change you and be friends with you. Since your parents told his family that, you were always a loner at school. Causing you to be very cold towards new people you meet.
Your family is an average kind of family, complete opposite with Taehyungs. Even though they are rich. They're just as simple and sweet as your parents. They own their own strawberry farm, and sometimes Taehyung would feed you strawberries and force you on eating them even though you hate it. But you would give in, because he would go all pouty if you don't.

And if he would buy strawberries at a market when he's far from his hometown. He would say "Maybe this is form our farm" making you chuckle.
(A/N: I actually want to have my own strawberry farm, it looks so cool and cute, but I hate strawberries:( )
Your parents got ready for a fancy dinner with their old friends.
You had no say on it. Free food? Fancy place? Sure, why not?
It just pissed you off you had to dress into a fancy dress. You weren't a fan of those kinds of dresses. But you had to if you want food, and not cook ramyeon on your own apartment.
Your family weren't rich or poor. Just an average family. You would go on fancy diners pretty rarely. Only on some special occasions. But you and your family is doing great, and is very Simple. If you would buy expensive stuff, it would also be gifts for you or your parents. You and your parents were never the type to buy such expensive stuff.
Good house. Good food. Comfy place.
You lived alone on your apartment. Your parents helps you pay the rent.
But you insisted you could just have a small job at any café, and you were okay with providing your own money, food, and furniture. They would just help you a little with other financial stuff, if needed. And they agreed.
You were ready. A black silk dress, with a simple, and light makeup.
Heels included. Your hair flowing by your back. A simple clip, clipping some part of your hair, gracefully, and a small Chanel bag, hanging by your forearm. You were looking fabulous. Gracefully dressed. Everyone would want. Even girls would.
Walking out of your room. You notice your parents. Waiting for you excitedly.
"Dear, Y/n! You look wonderfully wonderful!" Your mom says, engulfing you in a large and warm hug. Making both you and your dad chuckled at her gestures.
"Mom..thank you, both of you also look great!"  You say doing a little
Thumbs up sign. "But, are you comfortable with those things all over you?" Your father asks, eyeing you worriedly. Head to toe. His hand over your shoulder. You give a small smile. A dry chuckle leaving your lips.
"I'm fine, papa..don't worry, but..yeah it is a little's okay though. I get free food anyways." He nods slowly. A small smile soon curving up your fathers lips. "You really haven't changed, Nana.." he uses the old nickname he calls you, making you chuckle.
"Dad, I'm not a kid I'm 17 now." (This was 6 years ago) Hitting him playfully, he nods.
"Okay! Let's go." Your mother says, pulling you both out of the door.
You soon were at the restaurant—entrance of the restaurant..
"Hello, ma'am and sir! Good evening. Do you already have a reservation?" The person in front of the entrance asks your parents, a warm, welcoming smile on her lips. Telling you that her smile was genuine, your heart melts by her nice attitude towards customers.
"Ah, we're with Mr. And Mrs. Kim.." your mother says. Making you all bubbly and excited all of a sudden.
Mr. And Mrs. Kim was a very nice friend and elder to you and your parents. They also helped your family.
There were one time you needed something for school. And your parents had problems financially. And they were the ones who helped you.
But luckily, they didn't need to help you anymore. Since you don't have any financial problems.
"Mom, why didn't you tell me! I should've made them cookies.." you pout a little. Fiddling with your fingers. Looking down on your feet. She chuckles. Patting your left shoulder.
"Dear, Y/n..that's okay..they won't be upset if you don't bake them those wonderful cookies of your, for one time.." she says smiling.
You walk inside the destined seat the lady told you to seat on where Mr. And Mrs. Kim are in. They see you and your family, and they wave at you guys. Soon they hug each one of you.
"Ah! You finally have son will be here soon.." Mrs. Kim said, surprise you a little. "You have a son?" You said, a little shocked.
She chuckles. Taking a sip of her ice cold water.
"Yes, honey..I do, I'm sorry. I never mentioned you. But you'll go together well.."
And before she could finish her sentence a handsome, yet cute guy walks over the table, kissing Mrs. Kim's cheeks. "Ah! Taehyung, this is Y/n. Y/n, meet Taehyung. My wonderful son!" Mrs. Kim says. Making you smile.
The dinner started. At first you were okay, but Taehyung got so clingy and kinds noisy. Annoying you. You weren't the type of person to like those kinds of people who would be so noisy and clingy even though
They just met for the first time..
And that's where your friendship started...well, first was hatred.
Then soon, friendship.
Dialling Taehyung's phone number. You fumble with the numbers on your oh, so new phone that Taehyung gave as a gift. Since he said that.
"You bought me a camera, even though I didn't tell you, so I bought you this phone! The phone you've been wanting. I bought this already. Planning on giving it to you for some time, then you suddenly gave me a camera. I was planning on buying you something else as another thank you then giving you this phone. So, here's a necklace as a thank you, and this phone! happy birthday to my beautiful best friend.."
A small smile curves by your lips, remembering the sweet memory with your best friend—or crush? For sure, both of you has a crush on each other.
But soon, your thoughts were cut off, gaining your attention to your phone to the number you forgot to save, knowing you had a problem with your memory.
"Ugh, why didn't I save Taehyung's number? I can't call him, or did he change his number? I swear, this is the right one!" You say, irritated. Still annoyed at the fact that you didn't save his phone number, or that he just changed his number without telling you.
Both of you promised to meet today, and hang out. Shop, and go anywhere.
Just enjoying each other's presence. It was the best days for the both of you.
It always felt like it was the first time to happen whenever the both
Of you would cuddle or hold each other's hands. Or even just have fun, eating, laughing. Your parents insists on both of you dating, even Taehyung's parents. But both of you are too shy to confess.
"I hope he doesn't get mad at m-" your thoughts were soon cut off by
Someone back hugging you from behind.
The warmth and scent you were used to smell and feel were all there.
His smile was evident from behind you. Making you chuckle.
"Taehyung..I'm sorry, I just forgot your number and I didn't save it-" you turn around, speaking. But Taehyung cuts you off by putting his index finger on you lips. Shushing you. "I know, Child, that's why I'm here." He says, a cute grin on his face. Rolling your eyes, you playfully slap his hand away.
"Taehyung-Ah! Stop calling me a child, you're only 2 years older than me.."
you pout, looking down your feet. Taehyung lowers his face your level.
Smiling at you a little
"Well, That still counts. Now let's go!" He suddenly shouts excitedly.
Making you flinch, capturing the attention of some people.
You sigh deeply from his change of attitude.
"Hmph..fine, let's go!" You intertwine your hand with his. Making both of you blush, Taehyung noticing a faint blush on your cheeks. He smirks.
Putting his arm around your shoulder, pulling you tighter and nearer him.
His heart was pounding ten times faster. He sure loved getting you all flustered. But he never knew he would also get so affected by his actions.
"Ooo, someone's blushing!" Taehyung points to your pink tinted cheeks, now going to a unhealthy red. Mix of embarrassment and blushing by his shocking kind of gesture. He laughs, shooking his head.
"Really? Or me!" He says, smiling widely.
This idea of his was Just one way to know if you would confess, or tell him you actually like him.. "No! Eww! Never! Pshh, let's g- Taehyung watch out!" Your words were cut off when a car suddenly passes by the mud, soaking both of you with was a rainy day. Causing the streets and roads to be full of mud. Your hang out day was ruined...
You were wide eyed, shocked from the happening. Taehyung was also soaked. But you were more soaked. He chuckles a little. Making you roll your eyes. "Ugh! Taehyung, how can we hang out! We're all dirty!" You say, irritated. Stomping your feet. He thinks for a while. A sudden idea popping out of his head. "Ah! I know, let's hang out at my place! It's the nearest, it's nearer than your house..we can just walk!" Taehyung smiles. Grasping your hands, running without any care, even if people were staring at two people running like children. Full of mud.
You just nod, running with Taehyung. Both of your hearts thumping. As if it's was gonna jump off your chest.
You were both running, but you can't help but blush seeing both your hands intertwined with each other.
You were inside Taehyungs house, you were still in awe by the wonderful house. It was beautiful. Of course, they're rich..
"Close your mouth, a fly might get in." Taehyung says, closing your mouth.
"Your house jut looks so great!" You say looking around. He sighs. Closing his eyes. "You've been here multiple times..Aish.." he scratches his head. Heading to his room. You following behind.
"You can shower first. I'll get you clothes, wait a sec.." Taehyung goes to his huge closet full of clothes. He rummages through the clothes.
Letting out 'tsks' when he doesn't like the clothing. But soon he hand you a pair of sweatpants, and a white hoodie.. he smiles at you.
"You look cute on my clothes, I don't bother if you wear any of my sweatpants or hoodies. I love seeing you looking so fluffy." He chuckles, pinching your cheeks. "Taehyung, I'm gonna shower. Just wait here." You get out of his grip. Heading to the bathroom
You were soon done showering. The clothes Taehyung gave you was worn.
You get out of the bathroom. A sleeping Taehyung being seen.
Chuckling to yourself, you shake him up. "Tae, wake up. You're still dirty from all the mud." You say pulling him off the bed. "Ow!- Wah! So cute!" He suddenly stands up. Pinching your cheeks, jumping up and down.
"Okay, okay...take a shower! Calm down!" You push him off slightly.
He pouts, but shrugs it off anyway. Heading to shower.
"What do you wanna do?" You ask, sitting on his bed. He smiles sweetly
"Let's cuddle all day! Please?" He gives you irresistible puppy eyes. Pleading you. As if a spell was casted to you. You just let out a quiet but audible
"Fine" he claps his hands. Plopping down the bed. Pulling you with him.
His warmth was the best thing you always felt, and it's the same for him.
He loves hugging you. He loves you, not only likes.
He hugs you tighter..he inhales your scent. Smiling to himself.
He hums, contented.
You were blushing, but you soon melt u to his embrace. Just letting him hug you. "Y/n.." Taehyung suddenly says. His low and relaxing voice, vibrating through his chest. You let out a 'hm?' And he takes a deep breath. Getting ready of what to say.
"Y/n..d-do m-" You cut him off. Sitting up. Looking to his eyes.
He also sits up. Now holding your hands. "I like you—no, you." You say nervously, fiddling with your fingers. He smiles. Making you confused.
"Why?" You ask. "It's mutual..that's why I asked you if you like me, dumbass" he says. Suddenly, pulling you near him.
He kisses your lips passionately. Hugging your waist, making your body push unto him more. He hums on the kiss. His smile evident. You were shocked..very shocked. But you soon kiss back. Realising what was
Happening, not wanting to miss it out.
He breaks the kiss. Looking at you, a warm smile on his lips.
You were blushing. And he was practically proud of what he did.
"S-so, a-are we officially together..?" You say, rather loudly. Than to yourself. Shocking you. "Oh sorry! That wasn't meant to be said.!" He laughs.
"The kiss explains it all.." he kisses your cheek. "How do we tell your parents?" You ask, making him look at you. Confusion written in his face.
"What do you mean? Both our families want us to be together anyways.." he lays back down. Patting a spot for you to lay down on.
You just nod. Hugging him. He hugs back.
Laying with your hair. He smiles. "Thanks for accepting me.." Taehyung, looks at your eyes. "You're welcome..thank you also..for everything.."
You kiss his cheek, soon both of you were huddled up on the bed cuddling each other.
I'm so sorry if this took so long! I missed you all so much!
It's finally done! Yay! I'm so excited to update and show you other things I did! I hope you guys liked this, I'm very contented with my work..
Thank you all so much!
Idk of you guys think I'm overreacting or something.
But thank you for 200+ reads! Hehehe.
I love you guys!

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