Heart break~Hobi

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I hope you guys enjoy this
Even though no one is reading
It that much,
I have a lot of ideas
Please give me suggestions in the
Comments too!
I'm sorry if One of the characters
Would get hurt..like a heartbreak
Or even both of them
And this is a sad ending just so y'know..
And this is 3RD person POV
Love you..I added spring day btw, just thought
That since it was sad, it might match the story🥺

It would be pretty hard for you if you reject someone
You don't want to reject.. especially if it's someone who had been there
For you for the longest times..when you were lonely, sad, angry, depressed and anxious.
It's hard if you say something to them you don't wanna tell them.
If you fake something you don't wanna do, and if you cover up something
You want to show but you can't, because you're too scared.
Scared that they won't accept you, love you
And you're scared that one day you have to separate and leave each other
And you're scared that you aren't really meant to be.
If you're meant to get broken and love someone else..
Hoseok has been your best friend for such a long time.
He was always there for you when you needed him.
Even if you didn't. He was still there, waiting for you..
Being best friends turned into both of you developing feelings for each other.
Both of you wanting each other.
But him only the one trying to be with you.
While you try to erase all the feelings for him. While you try to not get jealous
Whenever he's with another girl.
Laughing because of another girl.
But you were scared to love and be a relationship with him.
You were scared both of you wouldn't last long..
So you just ditched your feelings for him, but it still comes back
No matter what you do. Nothing changes..
You still love him, want him, and need him.
You need him, and you want him to be with you until the last day you last
Here in earth. And he wants the same.
But you're too scared to show those feelings.
Your scared to lose him too easily if you do a mistake.
He waits for you to say "Yes" to him
And you don't like seeing him getting broken whenever you reject him
You don't like seeing him leaving with a smile
But it shows that he's broken and sad.
He says that "it's fine" but you know to yourself he isn't
You know that he cries every time you say
"Sorry Hoseok..I'm not ready" or you would say
"Hobi-Ah.. I can't.."
It hurts him to the core, but never shows you
But you still notice it.
You're too scared to show another kind of love for him
Because you think you won't last a long time
You think your friendship with each other would fade if you both separate
Because both of you really aren't meant to be..
You think love isn't real..but you still want him.
You were always heart broken
That's why you always ditch your feelings for him
You were too scared that every heart break might happened to you again.
But you don't know that what's breaking you is not accepting him
It breaks the both of you..
Not only you, but both of you...
"Aish! So hard.." Hoseok says scratching his head, with a scrunched face.
Both of you were partners for a Math Project.
But the both of you had different kind of papers, different questions
Meaning different answers.
Both of you would copy the answers if it was the same.
But no, your stupid Math teacher said that
"I'm doing this so that you guys can help each other, teach each other. For team work!"
Your Math teacher was nice and all, she was very sweet and very nice.
But the problem is, your projects were always like this.
Saying it was for 'team work'
But both you and Hoseok struggled to do Math.
Especially that it was different questions.
Your teacher said to teach each other the questions, but resulting to the fact
That both of you were struggling and both of you were stressed you both couldn't help each other, because you were too stressed with the questions,
Thinking that one of you or both of you might suddenly explode if you help each other because you were too stressed.
"I know, Hobi..Mrs. Lee didn't need to do this to us..Aish.." you said whispering full of irritation covering your voice. Hoseok nods in agreement.
Knowing that both of you were lazy to speak.
"Y/n~ let's get snacks...please..." Hoseok says whining like a little kid
You sigh deeply, nodding. Knowing that you also needed a break.
Or else both of you might faint.
"Sure, sure.." you say tiredly. "This shit is also killing me, just so y'know Hobi." You say patting his shoulder, then holding his hand dragging him
Out of your room.
Soon both of you got the snacks. But you needed to get out of the house,
Even if you didn't want to. Even if it was out of you will.
Because you both needed extra snacks and drinks, since you were both so tired from all the 'hard work' you guys do.
You were both at your room still doing the shitty project
It was 10 PM already, you got home from school by 4 (KST).
Both of you weren't done yet, it was too many. And the due date was by tomorrow. It was too much to do, so you wondered why it needed to be passed by tomorrow.
Hoseok was dozing off, and you were too.
"Hoseok-Ah.." You said softly, tapping him on the shoulder. You were also
Sleepy so you didn't have the guts to shout at him, like you always used to do,
Whenever you were partnered in projects, or when he sleeps in your house for the night, or when he just dozes off in class.
The sleepy Hoseok flutters his eyes open and looks at you in confusion.
Head tilting a little. "Huh? W-what time is it?" He says scratching his eyes,
Looking for the clock.
You chuckle a little by his actions, and check your clock for him.
"Hm..10:27 pm, it's pretty late, isn't it.." you say with a small smile
Crept on you lips. He nods in unison, but his eyes widen all of a sudden.
Shock evident, his mouth becomes into a '0' kind of shape.
"10:27?! O-oh no! Mom's gonna kill me!" Hoseok says standing up,
Packing his stuff again. Making some things fall.
You sigh, standing up. Putting a hand on his left shoulder.
"Hey, calm down..just tell your mom your gonna stay for the night here." You say calmly with a reassuring smile. He nods in agreement
"Okay..I'm tired anyways..I'm gonna call her later" Hoseok says going to your desk again to finish the unfinished project.
"Ah! Finally done!" You say stretching happily,
But Hoseok pouts, causing your smile to drop, confusion and worry
Exchanging. "Why are you sad, Hoseok?" He chuckles dryly at your statement. Looking back at his paper, picking up his pencil, playing with it.
"It's literally 12:45 am. And I still have one left..I've been working on this for an hour.." he sighs, stressed.
Your eyes widen, you look at his paper, finding the last question Hoseok was struggling with.
You nod in agreement seeing the question. It was hard, harder than the questions you answered, you thought that was hard. "I-I'll Help..I guess?"
You said not sure by your statement.
Hoseok chuckles, knowing how you also had a hard time on your project.
He shakes his hands, disagreeing with you,
"No, no..you already had enough stress today..I'll just do this real quick. Whatever answer I get, that's fine.." Hoseok says going back to his desk, sighing deeply. You frown, knitting your eyebrows together "What do you mean? It's fine! You need help, so I'll help you..since your my b-best friend.."
You say looking down a little, whispering the part of 'best friend', stuttering a little. It hurts you saying that both of you were only best friends. And Hoseok is too..
"Yeah..best friends.." He says in a whisper kind of tone, you nod. Smiling a little, trying to cheer up the atmosphere.
"Thank god, I can finally sleep.." Hoseok says plopping down your
It wasn't too small or too big, but it can fit maybe three people.
Since both you and Hoseok could fit the bed, he would always sleep in your room.
Some people might say "it's weird", but it isn't. Because he's your best friend anyways. But the fact the you both like each other a lot, makes it weird sometimes.
When you would both wake up, hugging each other. It wasn't weird for you when you didn't develop feelings for each other yet, but it became awkward and weird when you did.
You would both freak out all of a sudden or suddenly shout.
"Yup..thank god.." you say whispering a little plopping beside him, hugging the pillows beside you. Hoseok chuckles, making you look at him in confusion.
"Why? What's so funny?" You ask all of a sudden, he shooks his head.
"Nothing, your just like a kid. It's cute." He says tucking some strands of
Your hair beside your ear.
You blush by his gesture but try your best to hide it.
So that it wouldn't affect the both of you so much.
"Hoseok.." you look at him sternly, directly on his brown eyes.
His smile drops, he nods at you intently.
"Sorry..asshole move..I'll sleep now.." Hoseok says in a lower tone, but it shows that he got hurt by your actions.
He moves to the other side, his back facing you.
You do the same.
You were also hurt, you liked him hugging you and doing cute gestures for you.
But you always made him stop, because you were scared your feelings for
Him would grow bigger and bigger, until you can't hold it anymore.
And in the end, you'll get hurt.
You'll both get hurt..
"Y/n! We did great on the project! We got a 90%.!" Hoseok says excitedly,
Showing you the project you both worked hard on.
Your teacher said that "You both helped each other well.."
You smiled at his excitement, and nod in agreement.
"Yup! And for that...let's go to the carnival later!" You say smiling widely, jumping up and down.
"My treat!" You both said in unison, making you both burst into laughter.
"Fine..your treat, since I guess..I'll get free food and free rides.."
you say in defeat, knowing that Hoseok wouldn't stop if you argue with him.
But soon winking on him, because everything would be free.
But Hoseok..Hoseok's heart was fluttering, every move and every gesture you do made his heart flutter.
It did hurt him whenever you rejected him, he didn't know why you did though..and it made him cry for sure..
But he never gave up, he knew he would know the reason why, and he will keep on trying to make you say "yes" to him.
"Okay, So I'll be the one who's gonna go to your house. Since it's your treat after all. And let's use my car. Maybe by 5? Is that okay?"
You say, while both of you head home.
"Sure..and make sure to look pretty! You'll see mom and dad!"
He says interwinding his arms with you. "Okay..Oh! We're here!" You say getting out of his soft grip, you unlock your door.
Soon, bidding him a 'goodbye' and he does the same.
You ring the door bell, calmly.
Since you were seeing Hoseok's parents.
You hear soft foot steps, knowing who it was already.
Hoseok's mom open the door with a bright smile on her lips, and soon she
Engulfs you in a huge and warm hug, and you do the same.
Then you see Hoseok coming down from his room, looking handsome as always, but even more stunning. Your heart beats a second faster, but you controlled it, enough for you not to blush.
"Hello, Mrs. Jung! Me and Hoseok are gonna go to the carnival today..and here are some muffins! I baked them.." You say handing him a bag of freshly baked cookies. She says a "thank you"
"Aigoo! Why don't you guys date? You look so good together!" Suddenly
Hoseok's dad comes out of nowhere, putting a hand on Hoseok's shoulder.
You both blush by his statement, but soon enough you also both compose yourself.
You were used to these types of phrases, or statements by his parents, but you still can't stop blushing because of it.
"Dad..we're gonna go.." Hoseok says, embarrassed.
Soon, the both of you got to the carnival.
You rode trilling rides, knowing the Hoseok are afraid of those
Kinds of rides, but still rode it with you because he wanted to see you smile.
Then you went to places where Hoseok wanted to go to, because you wanted to see him smile also.
The both of you loves seeing each other smile, though knowing both of you weren't gonna be the reason for each other's smiles..
You bought food, drinks, snacks and a lot of stuff
Took pictures, laughed as if it's your last.
You both had the best time of your lives, as if there wasn't tomorrow.
You guys decided to have the last ride, the Ferris wheel.
Both of you thought that the view was very relaxing, and you just wanted to
Enjoy each other's presence. It's the perfect end of the time.
While you were both riding the Ferris wheel, Hoseok sees a couple holding each other's hands while hugging.
He smiles, but is hurt in the inside, wishing bit of you could be like that.
He points the couple to you, you smile at the view, but in the inside you also wished to be like that.
"I wish we could be like that..why can't we, Y/n?" Hoseok says, sadness filling
Inside him.
Your gaze softens, the inside of you also filling with sadness.
But you still tried you best not to look sad, you looked at him directly in the eye.
"Hoseok..we talked about thi-" Hoseok cuts you off..
Looking directly at you, holding your shoulder
"Y/n, why can't we be like the others? Why? Tell me, why?" He says his eyes brimming in tears. Your eyes were getting covered in thick tears too.
Soon one of them falls. "Hoseok.." you say looking down "Y/n, tell me.." He says sternly "I'm scared we aren't meant to be, I'm scared that we would separate" you look at him, tears falling down. "But what if we are? What if we won't separate-" "What if we aren't? I'm also hurt, Hoseok. I'm scared to lose you, my best friend. So I'd rather have you just as My best fiend than Getting hurt on the end" You say cupping his tear stained cheek. "You won't, I promise..I'm so broken when you reject me, but I try my best not to cry in front of you. But right now I really can't, I love you, and you know that, please.." Hoseok says his tears falling more.
It hurts you seeing him for the first time like this, but you dont want him more hurt if he loses you. Especially that you were hiding something from him.
That's why you were scared that in the end he'll be left all alone
"Hoseok..we cant.." You say sniffing, trying not to stutter. "Why?! Why can't we?!" He say getting out if your grip, raising his voice a little.
"I'm ill, okay?! I'm scared that one day I'll leave you! If I die.." you say breaking down..putting your hands on his hand, holding them.
His eyes widen "S-since when?" He asks, shocked "A year Hoseok..and I only have 3 months to live..I'm sorry..if I didn't tell you.." you say tears falling more
He hugs you tightly, bawling on your shoulders, you do the same
"W-Why didn't you tell me?.." you chuckle dryly "I wanted to live my happiest life without you worrying, and me worrying..I wanted to be with you till my last breath, but not in a relationship way..I don't want you hurt.." you say rubbing circles on his back. He breaks the hug
"Y/n, you don't know..you would last longer! I know! We can be in a relationship. We're gonna love each other until you can..please..I want you with a happy life.." He says with pleading eyes
"No Hoseok, I'd rather not..just be with me until my last day..okay?" You say raising your pinky finger, he wraps it around your pinky finger, still crying.
Every day you got weaker..and Hoseok was always there for you.
He was hurt, but he accepted it.
You had to stay at the hospital, basically at the ICU. He visited you before and after school. Or even stays with you at night.
But now he can't, because you were getting more ill, and you needed to be more relaxed without other people.
You knew you had a few days left.. your doctor told you, but you begged her not to tell your family or others.. especially Hoseok..
"H-Hobi-Ah." You say holding his hand weakly, stuttering.
He answered with a "Hm..?"
All you could hear right now was your heart monitor, and it got slower and slower.
It worried all of you, especially Hoseok.
But you told them that it was destiny,
"Hoseok..promise me.." you say holding your pinky finger up for him to wrap around his fingers.. "Promise what?" He asks, confused.
"That..y-you'll love someone else..until you die. Treat her well. Love her, and be nice to her." His eyes widen, he shooks his head "I can't..Y/n." He says his eyes brimming in tears again. You look at him sternly
"Promise me.." you say with all your strength, saying it sternly
"Fine..I promise.." he looks down, you smile at him.
"Cheer up, Hobi. I want to see you smile, I have a short Time left. Show me a smile, please?" He smiles at you warmly.
Soon hugging you, breaking into tears "I-I don't wanna l-lose y-you, Y/n.."
Your eyes gets filled in tears, soon one of them falls one by one
"I'm scared to leave you Hobi..but, I promise..I'll always be Looking at you, from above. And I'll always be here.." you say pointing at his heart. Trying to break a small, but weak smile from your lips.
"I'm sorry I can't love you back the way you love me.." you say whispering sadly
Your parents begged the doctor to give you another operation, just to give you more time to live. They said it was dangerous. But still agreed
You had the operation, and they had to revive you from one time
You remembered all the times you were with him..with Hoseok
All the sad, good, happy, and fun times with him.
A tear escaped your eye. Knowing it's your last day.
But you saw him in the park you both went in all the time, playing with flowers, you run to him
Hugging him,but he soon whines. Pain evident
"Why? What happened?" You say looking at him, he holds a part in his left waist. You see a patch of blood, you point at it. He shooks his head, smiling.
"It nothing..just a wound.." you nod your head, confused. He gives you a big hug, smiling widely. Just like before..
"I'm sorry.." he says with sad eyes. You tilt your head. Breaking the hug
"W-What?" You say confused "It isn't your day yet, Y/n..and always remember..I'm always here.." he points at your heart, just like what you did.
"And promise me to Love someone else, treat him well, love him, and take care of him.." he tells you raising his pinky finger.
You were confused in what he was doing "What? Why?" He looks at you, smiling a little "Promise me?" You nod your head slowly mumbling a "fine.."
After that, he made you lie on his lap. While he was playing with your hair, softly, you hear him whisper "I love you.I'm sorry.." then humming a lullaby
Making you sleepy.
Soon you wake up, seeing your parents, with tear stained cheeks.
Their eyes widen, you also see Hoseok's parents. They all engulf you in a big hug. You soon break it, looking for him. Looking for Hoseok
They notice it, and soon Hoseok's parents look down
"W-where's Hoseok?" You ask, confused. No answer "Where is he?" Still, no answer. You were irritated "Where is he?!" You raise your voice, trying to stand up.
But your parents try to make you sit "Mom! Where is he?!" You say letting go of their grip. "Sweetie clam down.." your mom says, looking sad.
A doctor comes inside your room "Ms Calm down.." he says calmly
"Where's Hoseok? Mom?! Where?!" You look at all of them, the doctor looks at your parents.
The doctor looks down "Follow me.." he says making you stand up.
You look back at you parents and Hoseok's parents, confused.
The doctor goes to one room, and you soon see a body laying down covered in a sheet.. you couldn't believe your eyes.
You were tearing up already "No.." you whispered. Pain evident
The doctor took the sheet off, showing your best friend. And the love of your life. You saw his lifeless body, laying there "He got stabbed by left his waist, 5 times earlier..he didn't survive the operation. You were also having your operation that time...I'm sorry for your lost, I'll be heading out now.." the doctor says leaving you alone. You fall on your knees.
Crying, hugging him.
"Hobi..come back..I'm here now! Please.." you say sobbing..
Soon you realise, it all makes sense now..
Why he had a wound by his waist, he lied. Saying it's just a wound. But it was a stab. Why he got hurt when you hugged him. Why he made you promise those things you also made him promise when you thought you would die. and why he whispered a "I love you, I'm sorry.."
One had to leave, and one has to stay..

OMG how was it. Was it bad? I'm so sorry!
But I feel like I did well!
I was listening to spring day on loop so that's why I put it also here
It mixes pretty well, I guess?
And I was actually inspired to do this! Next is Namjoon! But it's a different story,
And then I'll be doing other members soon!
Love you!
And I'm sorry if you think,it's cringey : (


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