Breakup pt.2~Jimin

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istanhobiandbts27, you requested a
Part 2, so I'll do it! A happy ending,
Just for you..and I also promised to
Do happier imagines for Hobi, and yes!
I'll do it.
I'm actually doing another imagine, and
It's also for Jimin lmao, but I decided to do this
One first, I don't want you to wait. I love you~
And wait, am I being flirty? Omg.. I'm straight.
I swear. I'm straight as a pencil!
But that pencil can bend if you want me to.
Hehe, jk jk.🥺🥺🥺
I'm really straight I'm just joking!

2 years of being without Jimin was one of the most painful
And depressing 2 years of your life. And it was also like that for him.
2 years of not having him on your birthday, and 2 years of not having you for his birthday. 2 long years..
It was both so painful for you, but you try to hide it, and you try to be happy.
You both did get a little happier than the first times.
Your friends would console you, and the members would console Jimin.
But it never worked. Fans noticed the change between Jimin. They say that Jimin got thinner and he smiled a little. And on concerts people would notice he would suddenly cry with no reason.
But Jimin would brush it off, saying he's happy. Just a little stressed.
And for you, you would hide everything. You would still eat normally in front of your parents and friends. But when you're alone, you barely ate.
You always cried, and had puffy eyes. So you would always need to use ice for your eyes. You never showed your friends you were sad, but when you did. It was when you would have a breakdown. It was rare though,
You mostly cried to yourself when people aren't around.
You became thinner, and weaker.
More depressed, and anxious. Same to Jimin.
He couldn't show it though, he was an idol who people looked up to.
So he wants to reach people's standards, but it only made it worst.
You both needed each other so much, you both depended on each other.
"Uh, Yeah..I'm great!" You say, plastering a fake smile on your lips.
You were having a family dinner with your parents, you weren't rich or poor. were pretty wealthy, who wouldn't be, when their parents owns their own business? Your parents started your family business a year after you and Jimin broke up. You were pretty lucky they didn't go and blame everything on Jimin. Since you knew he couldn't do what he's saying—well..that's what you believed. You didn't want to believe he cheated on you.
It was painful.
"He was crying when he broke up with me, how could he be cheating?"
This is what was always running through your thoughts, whenever you remember that painful day for the both of you.
Jimin, wouldn't breakup with you, he didn't want to. But he was forced to.
(Back to dinner, whoosh!)
Your mother nods in agreement, smiling at you. "That's good, sweetie, how about your life here in your home? Is it comfy?" She asks, eating the dinner you cooked, carefully. You hum a little, thinking of what to say. A frown on your face. Unsure of what to say.
Your father looks at you with a weirded out look. "She really changed, its because of the breakup..well, it's both their fault." You father says, whispering to your mother. Achieving a nod from her.
You frown. " know that isn't tru-" your father cuts you off.
"You know it is, can't lie to me. Now, now. Let's continue our dinner, where were we?" He says smiling a little to you. You just sigh, which your mother notices. "Tears.." She says, pointing to your, now tear stained cheek. Your father notices, sighing. Your eyes widen, you wipe the tears falling from your eyes quickly. "Y/n, you really aren't well." Your father says, wiping his mouth with a napkin, glancing at your worriedly.
"Just talk to Jimin, he's a good guy. We all know that, maybe your just both at fault, or maybe he has a deep reason for it, I'm sure he really didn't cheat." Your father says calmly, earning a nudge from your mother. Your mother sighs. Looking at you with a Worried look. "Perhaps..your father is right. He's a good guy, and! Besides, I've seen him change..he got.." She says pausing a little, glancing at your father. "Thinner, that's the word, and he looks sadder than ever." Your dad says, continuing the unfinished sentence of your mother.
"Please, let's not talk about unnecessary stuff, let's just continue.." you say pointing to their food.
You were thinking about the idea, you were hesitant. But just remembering that day, makes your heart shatter. It feels like you can't go to him anymore.
You longed for him, and he also did for you.
"Just get back with Jimin, sweetie." Your dad says. Making your tears fall completely. You were angry in how they could easily say that, as if they knew what really happened between the both of you. You try to compose yourself, not showing the tears to them. Standing up, you slightly bow to them.
"I'm going to my room, I don't have any energy to eat, just put the dishes by the sink, I'll wash it tomorrow. Please leave, I'm still busy. Thanks for visiting me." You say, flatly. Hugging them. Trying your best not to make your voice crack. They look at you. "Sweetie, dinner isn't done yet." Your mother says, standing up. "Yes it is, just please leave. Now.." you say, looking at them.
Earning a nod from them. Once they left, you go to your room.
Crying your eyes out, you were just too sad and depressed.
You were actually thinking about what to do, you want him back. You need him back..
You didn't even notice you fell asleep, you cried and cried until you fell asleep. You look around, looking for your clock "8:45 am" You whisper to didn't have work today, so you could just relax.
You go to your bathroom, noticing how puffy your eyes looked. "Damn ugly"
You say washing your face.
You decided to eat some breakfast today, since you haven't eaten well last night. While you were eating, you noticed that Jimin went live.
But you were hesitant to check first, Since you knew you could t handle to see
Him smile, and be happy. Since you were sad without him.
But you were actually co fused to why you still watched their live- even Jimin's.
But you still checked it.
While in the middle of his live you notice how fans were saying
"Jimin has been sad and different for some time"
But Jimin would say, he's just kinda stressed.
But it really hit you when someone said
"Is it because of a girl?"
And he went and answered a "maybe.."
you knew to yourself he was sad, and he didn't cheat. So it was clear to you
That it was from a different reason.
"Ah! Hoseok-Ah, how are you?" You say across from the phone.
You could clearly see Hoseok was shocked, but you still had all their contacts, except for Jimin though. "Ah, I'm great, everyone is great..even Jimin." He says quietly. You nod, as if he could see you. "Mm, Okay. H-how's Jimin?" You ask, nervously. "He's.." He says, his voice disappearing "He's changed, since you both broke up. He never to,d us to why you both broke up though." Hoseok says. "Does he have a new g-girlfriend?" You ask, biting your nails out of nervousness. ", he barely come out of his room, barely ate, and barely smiled. Y/n, he needs you." Hoseok says, clearly worried. "I need him too..Hoseok, I'm coming to the dorm. Don't tell him yet, please?" You say getting your coat, and your car keys. Heading out of your door. "W-What? Yeah, yeah sure..thank you.." He says, his smile evident across the phone.
"No problem, bye." You say, a nervous smile spread across your face.
You were at their dorm—well, inside their dorm. The members were shocked.
But they were happy to see you
"Where's Jimin?" You ask, curiously. "At his room, he hasn't come out there for a long time. He needs you, Y/n..he never even told us why you both broke up." SeokJin says, pointing to his room. You nod, a small smile crept on your face. "I'm gonna talk to him.." you say heading to his room.
Once you got to the door of his room, you were nervous.
You knocked no answer, you knocked again no answer.
And by this time, you were worried. But you still tried it compose yourself
So you just knocked "Leave me alone, Hyung!" Jimin says, his voice raspy.
And weak.. "I-it's me.." you say quietly, but enough for him to hear.
You hear muffled foot steps, and in a swift moment the door was open.
Revealing Jimin, with puffy eyes. Dark circles under his eyes, he git thinner. And he looked weaker. "Jimin..I'm so sorry.." you say in a whispered kind of tone. Tears threatening to fall to see him in that state. He suddenly engulfs you in a huge hug, crying in your shoulders. "I missed you so much, I'm so sorry.." He says, rather, muffled. "I missed you too.." you say, tears falling one by one. "Y/n, I didn't cheat..I was forced to break up with you.." He says, breaking the hug, looking down at feet. Your eyes widen. "Your what?!" You say, shocked, and angry. "I was force to break up with you by my manager, or else my career will falter, and you can get hurt if people will know. I'm okay to be with you, even if it mean my career will end. But I'm scared you'll get hurt." He says, cupping your cheeks. Making you blush a little.
Without any hesitation. You kiss his lips, and he kisses back immediately.
Snaking your arms around his neck, and he pushed you nearer him, causing your lips to both crash unto each other more.
Soon you both hear squealing behind you, causing you to break the kiss.
"Aww, Jimin's back!" Taehyung says jumping a little. Causing you to both chuckle.
You were both cuddled on his bed, watching a movie.
"I missed this so much.." Jimin says, playing with strands of your hair.
"Me too, but Jimin-Ah..this will affect your career.." you say playing with his cheeks. "I don't care, I want to be with you, and no one can stop that..I promise." He says, his eyes squinting, because of his wide smile.
Making you blush. "I love you.." you say looking at his eyes.
"I love you more and forever.." He says kissing you on your lips passionately
Hugging your tighter, cupping your cheeks. His smile evident from the kiss
I'm so sorry if this sucks!
I tried my best..uwu..
I was thinking of writing some thing better than this.
I never knew it would be this bad, I expected something else from what I'll write, actually.. I'm sorry :(
But I still hope you enjoyed!
I'm worried you wouldn't like it.
istanhobiandbts27 .. yay, I did your request already, I'm sorry if this wasn't what you were expecting. I'm sorry if I brought your expectations Lower. I'll do my best on the next ones I'll do, I promise! And I'll do happier imagines for Hoseokie :) I love you🥺🥺🥺~~~~~~~

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