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This is just like Namjoon's
But I'll change it, I'll make one
For each members, and remember
I might do a smut again, not sure.
But seriously, things are gonna get
Spicy in here, so ya'll get ready.
Hwhsbehwheh idk but I'm pretty excited
To do this. Eueheuheu.
I added 'Singularity' cuz Taehyung's
Voice in that song literally kills me,
And even a picture of him so that you'll be
On the feels lmao. Btw I love StressedoutHarlo
So much! I just want to tell you uwu.
She got me inspired on doing this
Imagines book. She's the best author
You should read her books!

Taehyung is your best friend.
You both met on 8th grade, you needed a tutor, but the teachers couldn't find
A tutor for you, and the teachers were too busy.
But Taehyung came in, and you were new so no one really spoke to you
That much, but he was nice enough to speak to you, and help you on your studies. He wasn't only there for tutoring you, he was always there for you. When you were sad and happy, and you were there for him too.
You both basically became best friends.
But soon turned out on both of you liking each other so much.
No one confessed from the both of you, you were both scared enough to confess. But both of you gave hints, and it was pretty noticeable, you being extra sweet and caring. Taehyung being extra clingy and flirty, and even sweeter. You both liked it, but never confessed.
But you were both happy with your life, and Taehyung is still tutoring you, for
Already 7 years, yes you were in college.
You both begged your principal to give you the same schedule, you both made sure that you had same classes and the same school. You loved each other very much, and wanted that relationship with the both of you to expand.
A romantic and loving relationship.
"Taehyung~ Help me with this!" You say going to Taehyung,
Shoving him the paper.
You were both out from school, by the café. Doing your assignments, you were shocked you were at college, but still doing assignments. You both thought they were only projects.
Taehyung rolls his eyes playfully, taking a bite out of his sugar glazed doughnut. "Y/n~ wait a second!" He says mimicking your voice
"But Tae! We have to distribute this tomorrow!" You say shaking your hands, gripping on his arm, shaking him. "Y/n, I told you. We're gonna do it together later at your place, remember?" He says, giving you a piece of his glazed doughnut. Which you accept happily, and Taehyung giving you his boxy smile, and you blushing.
You were both used to these kinds of actions towards each other, but it still made both of your hearts flutter. "Sure, thank you Tae..for..being always there for me.." you say ruffling his hair "Well..your welcome, and thank you also because you love me for who I am!" He says patting your back, making you
Both chuckle. It wasn't new for the both of you to thank each other, it both made your heart flutter.
But this time it felt different, like something special would happen.
This day felt different and special for the both of you.
"Taehyung-Ah~" You say tapping his shoulders, he looks at you.
Arching one of his brows, which you thought was hot as fuck.
And it made you blush so much. "Yes, baby?"
What the fuck..You both give each other nicknames, to where other people thinks you're in a relationship, and it even confuses you both sometimes.
"Aish..back with those nicknames again.." You shook your head, looking back at your phone. You see Taehyung's smirk even if you weren't looking.
"But you like it, right, baby?" He says with his low and husky voice, making you blush.
"Why are you so flirty, huh?" You say nearing your face to him, making both of you blush, his eyes widen a little. Making you smirk.
"Hm? Baby..?" You say seductively. "I-I don't know.." Taehyung says nervously. Making you chuckle.
"Okay, let's stop this shit, and let go to my place." He sighs full of relief.
"Sure..lets go!" Taehyung grasps your hand, leading you to the exit of the café.
You soon both arrive at your place, tired.
You both head to your room, soon Taehyung makes himself comfy, plopping down on your bed. Making you roll your eyes playfully.
You go to the sleepy guy, ruffling his hair. "Taehyung~" You say in a sing-song voice, making him groan, pouting cutely. "Y/n..I'm sleepy.."
he says on his low and husky kind of voice. "Taehyung get up, we have a project to do." You says sternly, crossing your arms by your chest.
"What if I don't want to? What will you do, baby?" Taehyung opens his eyes, looking at you with a smug smirk. You were for sure gonna faint, but you composed your self. "I'll kick your ass, and never let you come here. And never talk to your ass agai-" "Sure, sure! Why so serious? I was just kidding.." He pouts, standing up. Getting his stuff, soon plopping by the bed again.
You both start your separate assignments, but Taehyung helping you
Since you were struggling. "Y/n~ it's not how you do it..." He says getting your ball pen, correcting it. "Taehyung! I'm struggling, okay?" You say, a little irritated. "Hmph, Fine..but I'll punish you if you have another mistake.."
He says with a smirk, leaning near your face. His husky and low voice sending shivers down your spine.
"T-Taehyung..I- Aish! What are you doing to me! Why do you make me feel this way.." your words slip out your mouth, making your eyes widen soon.
"Shit, that wasn't meant to be said-" you say biting your bottom lip a little, but soon getting cut off by Taehyung pressing his lips to yours, you were shocked at first.
But you soon snake your arms around his neck, and him putting both his hands on your waist. The kiss gets deeper, both of you melting and wanting more every second.
Taehyung breaks the kiss, both of you panting heavily. A blush crept on both your cheeks.
"T-that was..amazing.." you say shyly, soon Taehyung smirks. Making you tilt your head in confusion. "Why?" You ask.
He leans in front of you, his smirk still on his lips. "I want more.." He says whispering in his low toned voice.
You lean in, kissing him again. But he breaks it.
"I want more, but more than a kiss. I want something else..I've been wanting to kiss you for so long, Y/n. I know you feel the same, but when I kissed you. I wanted something else.." he tells you, not ashamed of the confession he made. Your eyes widen. S-something else?" You ask, nervously. He nods, looking at you with lust and hunger. "Like..u-uhm, you wanna make out with m-me?" You says stuttering, unsure of what you were saying. He shakes his head, your eyes widen. Knowing what he's talking about. "You know what I mean, baby.." he says smirking, "T-Taehyung, stop being so flirty.." you say pushing him a little. "You know what I mean, Y/n, and I'm just turned on right now..but I feel like I should ask you something first" he says moving away a little with a boxy smile you loved seeing. " be may girlfriend?" He asks shyly, making you nod only, since you couldn't say anything.
"What do you think? Your my girlfriend, it wouldn't hurt..but you don't have to agree.." you look at him, biting your bottom lip nervously.
"U-uh..I-I.." you say stuttering. "It's fine, Y/n. Don't be pressur-" You cut off Taehyung's phrase "Fuck it. I want you more than you want me, Tae." You say kissing him deeply. You feel his smirk through the kiss.
You trail pepper kisses on his cheek, until his collar bone. Giving him reddish hickeys. You hear him moan, his voice vibrating on his chest. "I should be the one doing that.." He tells you lowly. You stop, looking at him.
"Do it.." You say sternly, going nearer to him.
He bites his bottom lip, smirking at you.
"Needy Huh?" He kisses your lips passionately, you roll your eyes.
"Says the one who asked to have sex with me?" You whisper at his ear, making him chuckle a little. "Do it, Taehyung.." you look at him sternly, he leans by your jawline, giving wet kisses. Soon, trailing down to your collarbone, going back to your neck. He gives you multiple hickeys.
Soon he attacks you in a rough but passionate kiss, he Bites your bottom lip. Making you groan a little. You break the kiss, going to his collarbone giving him hickeys, which makes him moan a little.
He started to unbutton your shirt, still kissing you on the lips.
You were soon both naked, he suddenly enters you with no warning, making you yelp a little. "Oh, fuck!" You say digging your nails on his shoulder.
"Y-your a virgin?" He asks shyly. You blush by his question.
"Yeah.." "you didn't tell me, I'm sorry.." he pulls out, but soon his soft and tender look, gone. He pushes you to your bed. Hovering over you.
He attacks you with another kiss.
He slowly enters you, not hurting you.
Soon you were both moaning each other's names'. "Fuck!" He says from all the pleasure.
You both had it clean up later. You both went inside the bathroom, cleaning your mess.
You both clean up the bed, and soon cuddling into each other's embrace
"Thanks for today, baby...and..thanks for saying yes." Taehyung says putting his head on the crook of your neck, spooning you on your bed.
"I should be the one thanking you..well, besides from all the hickeys you gave me. Thank you also.." you says kissing him on the lips.
He stops you from breaking the kiss, he deepens it. His smile evident even while kissing you.
"I enjoyed tonight.." you say, slowly falling asleep.
Soon both of you were asleep with each other's embrace.
"Taehyung! Wake up!" You say shaking him vigorously.
He slowly opens his eyes, to be honest, you didn't wanna wake him up.
He looked so peaceful, his hair on his face, making

(This baby is so cute omg)him look cute, but still hot at the same time

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(This baby is so cute omg)
him look cute, but still hot at the same time. His chubby cheeks even more evident.
"Baby..I don't want to.." He says sleepily, you chuckle a little. Pecking him on the lips. "Baby, we have school.." He groans a little, pouting.
"Please, I don't want to..let's just cuddle, I know you want it too.." He says opening his eyes, smirking.
You sigh, defeated. "Fine...what about our assignments?" You ask.
"We can do it later, pass it tomorrow!" Taehyung says smiling a little.
You nod. Going to him again, plopping on the bed. Cuddling with him.
Taehyung opens his eyes, soon giving you kisses all over your face, making you giggle.
He hugs you, giggling cutely, making you giggle too.
"I love you Taehyungie..who knew, my best friend would be my love if my life.." you say kissing him by the cheek. he smiles "Yeah..who knew.." he says pecking your lips.
"I love you, forever more.." Taehyung smiles at you, hugging you tighter.
I don't know why I'm so soft after making a very bad smut.
But I just feel so soft right now uwu.
And I'm sorry if this is bad. :(
But if you see me do more Taehyung one shots. I hope you guys know
Now that I'm Taehyung biased. And it's not only because of his looks!
But I'm getting biased wrecked by Seokjin, and Jimin like omg
I love you uwu🥺

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