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Hello! Sorry for four days of
No update. Lol, and I'm sorry if
This is only my second Seokjin imagine,
It's just that I accidentally deleted the other one.
I was so upset. Lol
But I hope you guys enjoy this!
I'm really excited
Please request on the comments only!
Thank you! (And I'm sorry if I use a Korean word
In this imagine, I just felt like it hehe. I promise
I won't do it again..🥺)
Please request on the comments only!
Thank you!

"Mom, why do we have to move out again?" You stomp your feet,
Irritatedly scratching your head. She sighs. Holding your hand, caressing it.
"Dear, please..we have to.." Your mother looks at you, full of plead.
You hated seeing her plead to you. Even though you were hesitant. You gave your best and sweetest smile you could ever give. Nodding to her.
"I understand, mom.." you say quietly, a deep sigh coming out of your lips after. She hugs you. Her smile evident even if she was hugging you.
"Thank you, Y/n.." she breaks the hug, smiling at you.
You nod. "But please..don't forbid me to not talk to my friends. Don't be scared that I'll go and run away from you. I won't ever do that..I promised that, remember?" You look at her, saddened by the situation that happened to both of you back then.
Your father passed 6 years ago. And ever since, your mother was scared
You might leave her too. So you promised to never do that.
It was a scary decision, you could never move out without her. And you always moved out because of your grandparents.
They always hated the houses you had, or they would also move out.
And they would want you to both be near them, not knowing why.
Your mother simply looks down, her hands falling to her lap.
Her shoulders slumped, sad, that she remembers your father. But she inhales deeply. Nodding. "I promised your father that I would only cry for a few days, then after that. I have to remember happy thoughts.." she says, giving you a small smile. "Fighting!" You give her a thumbs up. Making the atmosphere happier. Your mother chuckles, patting your left shoulder.
"Okay, Dear..pack your clothes, we'll leave tomorrow morning.." she tells you
Heading to the kitchen. You nod. "I'll cook dinner. I'll call you when I'm done" she says getting stuff she needs
"Okay.." you head to your room. Still saddened by the situation.
You let out a deep sigh. A sudden call interrupts your deep thoughts.
You check the caller ID, not surprised at all seeing it was your grandmother.
It was always like this when you would move out, they would call. Or even one of them. You answer the call. "Dear, Y/n! Glad you called!" She says on the other line, confusing you. You let out a small chuckle. "Halmeoni-Ah, you're the one who called.." you say, a small smile curving up your lips.
She laughs through the line. "Ah, mianhe, mianhe..But, I'm excited to see you at Gwacheon!" Her smile was evident from the screen. But you, you were extremely shocked. "Gwacheon?! Mom didn't tell me! Aish. I wouldn't be so sad about it, because my favourite café is there!" You scratch your head. Scrunching your nose. You here your grandmother gasp a little, worrying you. "Halmeoni! Yah, gwaenchana?" You ask, nibbling your bottom lip.
"Ah, mianhe. I was just shocked! Because it takes about 1 hour and 25 minutes to get there from Incheon to Gwacheon!" She says, clearly exaggerating—well, for you, she was. "Ahh, Halmeoni-Ah! Don't worry, I can handle. I'm 24, I have a good job. And I can handle myself anyways.." you tell her, so that she won't worry. She gives you a small laugh. "Okay Dear, thank you for answering. See you tomorrow at Gwacheon! Bye Y/n-ssi!"
The call ends, a smile crept on your lips.
You continue your night, packing everything. Seeing pictures of your friends.
Especially that one guy. You forgot his name, but you were for sure. You had a huge crush on him.
You sigh, shaking off the thoughts, you put away the pictures. In one little box.
"Hmm, where could my childhood crush be?" You ask to yourself.
Shrugging, you continue your work.
"Y/n! Come eat up!" Your mother yells from downstairs. Making you stand up
By the wonderful cooking of you mother, you were excited.
Running downstairs you smell kimchi.
"Ah, mom! Is that kimchi fried rice?" You excitedly say, sitting on the living room. She nods with a smile.
"Wait a second dear, I also cooked some ddeokbeokki." Your eyes widen.
"Wah! Those two are my favourite!" You get your utensils, scooping the served meal. Your mother gets the ddeokbeokki, serving it to you.
The spicy aroma of the food, making you want to drool.
After dinner, you head to your room, happily.
Tying not to get sad by moving out, and leaving your friends.
"Who knows, maybe my crush is actually my neighbour right now, and I don't know. Now I can't meet him anymore! Aish!" You scratch the back of your head. Stressing too much. "Why am I thinking about this?" You thought to yourself. "Ah, let's just sleep.." you head to your wonderland. Forgetting the thoughts you had that day.
"Yah! Y/n! Wake up, c'mon!" Your mother says, hitting you slightly with a pillow. "Ah, five more minutes.." you huskily, and groggily say, making her hit you harder with pillows. "No! Wake up, we have to move out!" you sigh.
Standing up, wobbling while walking to the bathroom.
(Lol I have a groggy and husky voice when I wake up, but my speaking voice, It's kinda low and kinda high. You get me?)
"Are you excited, dear?" Your mother says, driving. Followed by the truck, full of your stuff.
You hesitantly nod your head. Your mother notices your troubled and sad face. She slightly caresses your shoulder, using her right hand.
You smile at her. "Don't worry, I can manage mom." You say, looking at the window. She nods, continuing to drive.
After an hour of driving, you finally arrived at Gwacheon.
You stretch your arms, looking at your new house.
It was really big, and beside it was a bigger house. You walk towards the house, taking the house keys from your mom.
You check the surroundings of the place, a smile curving up your lips.
Pleased by the new house.
You and your mother were done unpacking, fixing all the stuff.
Taking half of your time. It was already noon, both of you were tired
"Ah, Dear, go rest. I'll cook dinner." Your mother tells you, a tired smile appearing. You shook your head "I'll help, mom" you say, walking towards her. She stops you "Rest, go on." She beckons you to go upstairs.
You sigh from the stubborn attitude of your mother.
You rest, slowly falling asleep.
Soon you wake up, your mother poking your cheeks. "Y/n, get ready, our neighbour invited us to have dinner, I was gonna cook, but they said we should have dinner there! C'mon, I also baked muffins!" She excitedly says
Opening your room lights, pulling you. You look at the time
'6:30' You slept for an hour and a half..
You smile at her. "I'll get ready. Wait for me, thanks" you
Say heading to the bathroom. She just nods, going out of your room.
You take a fast shower, getting your oversized t-shirt, partnered with shorts,
And a slip on slipper. Putting your hair in a high pony, and no makeup.
You didn't need to put makeup, it was just dinner at a house. Nothing fancy.
"I'm ready, mom!" You run to your mother, she smiles at you.
You nervously walk to your neighbours house, not knowing it was the really big house you were gonna go to. Yeah, your house is huge, but theirs is literally huge, huge!
Your mother rings the doorbell. A tall, handsome, and a broad shouldered guy opening it. "He looks so familiar" you thought. His eyes widen a little.
"Y/n?" He quietly says, audible for you to hear. "Huh? Me?" You point to yourself. He shooks his head. "N-nothing, you just look like my childhood friend" He says, making you nod slowly. "You look really familiar too.." you suddenly say. Making him awkwardly smile.
You get inside the house, greeted by his parents. The house was really pretty.
Your mother puts the muffins on the table. And all of you start to eat. Until his mom speaks up. "Ah, what a pretty lady! You look like his childhood crush!" His mom says, pointing to you. You let out an awkward laugh. "Ah.." you say.
"I'm Seokjin, Kim Seokjin.." He was sitting beside you. So you could hear when he whispers. You nod. "Lee Y/n"  (just for this imagine, your name is Lee y/n) His eyes widen. "A-Ah, okay.." He says, looking like he wants to say something. But he doesn't
The dinner ends, both families resting.
For a week, your life was great. Until Seokjin suddenly knocked on your door.
"Yeah?" You ask, confused. "Hm, nothing. I just wanted you to see my handsome face. You might need it, since you're always home alone. Your mom's always at work. Let's hang out?" He tells you, completely flirting with you, you give him a disgusted look. But he surely was drop dead gorgeous. So he was right, he also was like you childhood friend. But you hesitate, so You just shook your head, declining his offer.
"No" you say closing the door. Your heart thumping.
For the next days he was always like this, always flirting with you.
You didn't hate it, you didn't like it either, you were for sure getting irritated by his actions. You hear another knock knowing who it was.
"What?" Your say, irritated by his presence. He pouts. "Hmph, what's your problem? I just wanna hang out!" He tells you, looking really upset.
Making you feel kinda guilty, but you still roll your eyes.
As if the emotion you really wanted to show didn't wanna come out.
So it came out all fake. "Seokjin, stop! Please?! Your continuous flirting is so irritating! And I hate it! It reminds me of my childhood crush! You don't know how much you look like him! I even feel like your names are the same! Aish! It's so annoying, only if he was here. I would've dated him! Aigoo! I'm so annoyed! I've liked him for so long, and those feeling would never fade! He would always be my pink princess! No one would replace that! and if he was here, I would tell him I like him. No one else, I know. I just know he's there! I don't wanna like someone else. I wanna have a chance with you get it?" You say, your outburst shocking him. His eyes widen a little, a small blush creeping out his cheeks. Your eyes widen by your actions, you start to sweat.
SeokJin's shocked attitude soon fades. Going back to his flirty attitude.
"Then tell him you like him, right now.." he says going near you.
Going inside your house. Confusing you. "What?" You say, confused.
"Tell him, you like him. Why won't you? I'm sure, he likes you too. You just don't know. He liked you for so long. He wanted to meet you, ever since the dinner you had with his family, his feelings kept coming back, he knew it was you. That's why he always flirted with you, just so you would remember it was him. He liked you for so long, I'm sure he wants to ask you out. He's just a chicken. He wants to kiss you too, you know that? So tell him, right now! He's in front of you. Why won't you do it? Are you chickening out? Huh, Y/n? Your feelings towards each other is mutual..why don't you get it?" He asks, putting his hands on your shoulders. Looking at you. "What are you saying? Stop with that bullshit!" You say, soon it all hit you. He was your childhood crush, until now. You just confessed to him. You said everything. As in everything, and he also did. You were just so stupid not to know.
Your eyes widen. "S-Seokjin! It's y-you! Holy shit, this is so embarrassing. I'm so so so sorry! Aish!" You say turning away. Your cheeks tintend a dark shade of very very pink.
He chuckles, soon he pulls you. Your lips crash together, you were shocked, both of you were blushing furiously. Soon he breaks it.
"Yeah, you are dumb, and didn't I tell you to not swear? You little rascal! You never obey your elders!" He says, flicking your forehead. You were still shocked. But the pain in your forehead makes your nervousness subside.
"Ow! What was that for?! And, I'm an adult! Your just 3 years older than me!" You say, walking away. "Still, I'm still older. wanna ask you, will you go on a date with me?" He asks, with puppy eyes. Making you look at him. "Yeah, I will.." you say, blushing. He leaves you with a quick peck.
"Thanks, see you at 6. My treat, my car. Okay? Dress good for me, babe" He tells you, with a wink. Leaving you there, all flustered.
"What the fuck just happened?" You say rather loudly. You hear a faint shout. "Don't swear, child!" Seokjin says shouting at you from outside. Making you chuckle. "He never has pink princess"
Ah thank you for reading!
Those hours, and minutes I said. Just like the
"It takes about 1 hour and 25 minutes to get there from Incheon to Gwacheon" I searched those up. Lol, it takes that long only if you ride the subway. I think? And the cheapest ride is if you take a subway and it costs about ₩3,100 to ₩3,400. I wanted it to be a little bit more realistic.
That's why I searched it.
And I actually searched "where is Kim Seokjin from" and it said
'Gwacheon' that's why I put it up. Idk where they all came from. But correct me if I'm wrong..
But I mostly knew that Jeongguk is from Busan, and Taehyung is from Daegu? But sorry for so much explaining! But thank you again!
Bye bye! (I'm sorry if you cringed..)
And btw Jinyoung (got7) is from Jinhae. Hehe (just saying
Cuz I love my peach. Lol, if you aren't a fan. You won't know that
Some people call Jinyoung 'Peach')
And if you would go to Jinhae from Incheon? I know it costs
₩80,000 or ₩85,000? It would take 4 hours to get to
Jinhae, right? Lol
And this imagine is the first time I got tired the most. Lol
Part 2?
Please request on the comments only!

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